
Elections , Newsline

How Arizona’s 218,000 Voters Who Can’t Prove Citizenship Could Affect Election

Posted on Friday, October 4, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Arizona admitted a massive error in its voter rolls, but the state’s top election official still hasn’t shared with localities  the list of 218,000 registered voters who lack proof of U.S. citizenship.

The number of voters who can’t prove citizenship amounts to 5% of Arizona’s registered voters, but will affect who may vote in state and local elections that include referendums on abortion and illegal immigration. 

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, said Monday that the number of misclassified voters—initially thought to be 98,000—is more than twice as many: 218,000.

A spokesperson for the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office, which oversees elections in the state’s most populous county, said local governments are still waiting for the names of those voters and how many registered in their county. 

“Those numbers would come from the secretary of state’s office,” Taylor Kinnerup told The Daily Signal in an email. “Maricopa County, along with all other counties, are awaiting further direction and clarification from the SOS [secretary of state] on this topic.”

Arizona is a hotly contested battleground state in this year’s presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, which culminates Nov. 5. 

In 2020, Democrat Joe Biden beat Trump, the Republican incumbent, by about 10,400 votes or 0.3% in Arizona. Trump carried the state in 2016 against Democrat Hillary Clinton by about 3%.

As secretary of state, Fontes should provide more information to local election officials and the public, said Merissa Hamilton, founder and chairwoman of the Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, a watchdog group.

“Since the secretary won’t give the list of impacted voters or the databases to the [election] recorders, we cannot know how many more noncitizens could access a ballot,” Hamilton told The Daily Signal

Hamilton has worked for Kari Lake, a Republican candidate in Arizona’s Senate race who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2022. 

“Secretary Fontes should immediately release the complete list of the 218,000 voters to the county recorders and give them access to the databases needed to properly maintain their voter rolls,” Hamilton later added. “The county recorders should make cleaning noncitizens off the voter rolls the top priority to ensure voter confidence in the election.”

The Daily Signal previously reported that Arizona has 611,717 noncitizens of voting age, although it’s not known how many of them are registered. A peer-reviewed 2014 study by professors at Old Dominion University and George Mason University estimated that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in the 2008 national presidential election.

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Sept. 20 that the initially known 98,000 voters who lack proof of U.S. citizenship would remain on the rolls since they weren’t at fault. The secretary of state’s office said the high court’s ruling should apply to the additional 120,000 registered voters who can’t prove citizenship. 

It’s not clear how many of the 218,000 total are noncitizens. But the system error in the state’s Motor Vehicle Division likely doesn’t affect who would vote in the presidential or congressional races. That’s because Arizona may require proof of citizenship only to vote in state and local elections. 

Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, a state can’t impose requirements for federal elections. However, the 218,000 number prompts concerns because federal law prohibits noncitizens from voting or registering to vote. 

The Arizona Department of Transportation, which oversees the Motor Vehicle Division, told The Associated Press that it created the coding system. 

Voters who lack proof of citizenship may sign an oath that they are U.S. citizens under penalty of perjury, allowing them to vote in federal elections. 

Hamilton, of Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona, said local election officials should run the names against databases in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements; the Social Security Administration; and the National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems.

“It’s clear that even a small percentage of these 218,000 voters being noncitizens could sway the outcome of elections in Arizona,” Hamilton said. “This underscores the urgent need for action to address the issue of noncitizen voters and ensure the integrity of our democratic process.” 

Hamilton said a comprehensive solution is needed to ensure no more mistakes by the Arizona Motor Vehicles Division, which signed up the voters. 

“Public records acquired by our organization confirm that the Maricopa County recorder has on record a jury duty questionnaire that states the voter is a citizen of France,” Hamilton said. “Yet, he can access a full ballot after the Motor Vehicle Division generated a voter registration application in 2023 and Maricopa County processed it without seemingly further review.”

She added:

Another voter we submitted a public records request on is registered to vote at a house he doesn’t live at per the current and previous homeowners and was issued a Federal Only voter registration status this year without what looks like having any additional research done in the federal databases to confirm his identity.

Arizona enacted its proof-of-citizenship law in 1996; the law went into effect in 2004. Driver’s licenses issued after 1996 are considered legitimate forms of citizenship verification to vote in federal, state, and local elections. However, a network system error marked a large batch of voters with pre-1996 driver’s licenses. This is where most of the 218,000 were flagged. 

The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office didn’t respond before publication to The Daily Signal’s question about whether it shared information with local election officials. 

The office’s press release says: “Election officials will contact the affected Arizonans with information regarding their status after the conclusion of this general election if necessary.” 

The release doesn’t specify which election officials, state or local. 

Election officials in Pima County, Arizona’s second-most-populous county, also didn’t respond by publication time. 

The press release from Fontes’ office says the 216,000 it discovered includes about 79,000 Republicans, 61,000 Democrats, and 76,000 who registered with another party. 

“The reality is these registrants have met the same legal standard as every other American who registers to vote: swearing under penalty of perjury that they are U.S. citizens,” Fontes said in a public statement. “We can’t risk denying actual citizens the right to vote due to an error out of their control. This issue is another example of why we need to fund elections, update systems and staff, and carry forward our proven tradition of safe, fair and secure elections.”

Gina Swoboda, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, said Fontes “repeatedly demonstrated a complete inability to execute the core functions of his position” and called for him to “deliver the list of impacted voters to all 15 county recorders.”

“The voters of Arizona have a total loss of confidence in Secretary Fontes,” Swoboda said in a written statement. “The AZGOP will continue to work toward transparency in all of our elections process.” 

Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Fred Lucas

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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5 months ago

You actually believe it’s only 218,000? There are millions of illegals in AZ.

5 months ago

What is so hard about this? This is a NO BRAINER!! You can’t prove it. YOU CANNOT VOTE! You don’t bend the law to fit. WE have a law. Obey it

Dan Klepac
Dan Klepac
5 months ago

More criminal antics by demos

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

How do you get on the voter list without a proof of citizenship? There needs to be a clean up alright. Fire them all for incompetency, and laziness and then clean the rolls.

5 months ago

The Vote count in Arizona should not, under any circumstances or excuses, be certified until every single vote cast in Arizona is PROVEN TO BE CERTIFIED AMERICAN REGISTERED VOTER. No exceptions ALL VOTES! This is totally unacceptable in any State.

Michael J
Michael J
5 months ago

Well that’s inconvenient, how do you certify an election when you can’t prove who’s eligible?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Rerun 2020

5 months ago

This story is actually weeks old already and little has been done to resolve anything.

The same situation exists in a number of other states that have already been identified. The states in question have been intentionally moving at a snail’s pace to address on of this, because the Democrats are counting on those illegal votes to make the difference in a number of must-win states.

5 months ago

This all goes back to the voting scam that the Democratic Party has instilled across the nation. The SoS office in AZ is corrupt and the people that are holding up releasing this information need to be jailed, or at least indicted. We have seen far too much criminality go unpunished from “politicians”, they have become “above the law”. We’ve seen politicians disregard the decisions of our SCOTUS, no repercussions for them either. We were a successful nation when we were a nation of law and order. We are turning into a second world country, rapidly. Our technology and our military is all that is saving us. Wonder why Joke Biden “won” AZ in 2020 by .3%, yet Trump had carried the state by 3% in 2016? This article is a part of the answer. Anyone blocking release of this voting information needs to be arrested immediately.

5 months ago

More data on illegal voters. More illegal voting to come. More statements to come on lack of proof of illegal voting. More stories in 2026, 2028, 2030………No action will be taken. Solution seems simple. SHOW PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP.

fred smith
fred smith
5 months ago

This is absolutely illegal and our very own federal government is cheating just to keep Donald Trump from getting into office and finally firing all of them, if that’s what it takes! The gov really is nothing but criminals if they have allowed murderers, terrorists, rapists and dirtbag criminals in here just so they can cheat the election again! This is on top of the lawfare they are still using to stop Trump from winning this next election. People within gov should be held accountable for this mess the country is in right now and for blowing thru our money on illegals instead of helping Americans who have lost everything in this recent Helene Storm.

5 months ago

American soldiers died for our right to vote, and the Marxist Democrats would let anyone including the devil vote!

Cleanup this corruption America, and especially Arizona

5 months ago

Biden Harris are not hiding anymore. Invaders are let into this country to vote for the dems. They are saying oops many illegal invaders have registered to vote. We just can’t get them off the voting rolls. Just like the victims of Helene will they be able to vote? They can’t get the ballots to them. While they have the names and addresses of the illegal invaders just not sent them a ballot. Or put a line through their name and delete them from the computers. This is not nuclear science a first grader would know what to do. This whole administration doesn’t give a hoot for its citizen. Invaders invaders. Today ole Joe answered a few questions and none asked him about the disaster hurricane Helene caused. Nor did he volunteer any words about it. He was just smiling and bragging about employment figures. Trump better not talk about it because these are correct figures. When will ole Joe give a correction about the low inflation and low unemployment he inherited. That was correct as well. But no. I was wealthier under Trump and lost more in the past 4 years of my investment than that I made under Trump plus I didn’t need to use my savings to cover my living expenses. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE before we are all living on the street.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

Someone who wants to vote ILLLEGALLY, like someone in our nation ILLEGALLY, certainly won’t mind committing perjury ILLEGALLY. Fontes’ comment is just plain STUPID and CORRUPT!

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

Insane! The demonic rats are truly evil. Arizona may be even worse than Minnesota, as hard as that may be to believe.

5 months ago

This should be simple: if you cannot document your citizenship you do not vote!

5 months ago

It those 98k illegals registered to vote than it is their fault and should be prosecuted!

5 months ago

Who wrote this article because it is so WRONG!! How dare you write Kari Lake ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2022, Kari won but was CHEATED OUT of being GOV by DEM CORRUPTION. 

5 months ago

Didn’t AZ go through this in the last election and then wouldn’t recount the votes. Many of us believe this is how the left got in office. Who the heck is running all this important issue? Illegals do not have the right to vote. Proper ID is required. When many of us joined the military, we had to show proper identification. We had no problem with this. Sounds like the left is trying to corrupt the voting process again. What protection do legal American citizens have when we have no representation? Who are the incompetents running this mess? Fire them now!

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
5 months ago

Three years ago … my son was approached on the street by a person who was registering people to vote for the democrat party. He told them that he was by law not eligible to vote (having had a felony conviction some years before). They told him “I won’t tell if you don’t” ….. since then, he has been given his voting rights back, and will be voting for the first time in 2024 for Trump!

5 months ago

Better call Tom Fitton and Steve Miller ASAP! AFP

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
5 months ago

former secretary of state, Katie Hobbs, who was responsible for certifying the votes for Governor, where she and Kari Lake were running for the office … is the reason that Kari Lake missed out on becoming Governor in 2022. Katie Hobbs should by law not have been able to certify an election where she was running for the office. That is how screwed up Arizona is right now …. I bet 218,000 is a minimal number.

5 months ago

this is pure BS!!! Even if someone lies about their citizenship, they’ll never be charged!!!

5 months ago

This s a part of the gigantic stealing/ rigging by DNC. Extremely disturbing how the judge spoke at Tina Peters’ sentencing in Colorado. Sounds like he was stomping all over the First Amendment right of any citizen to voice or write that an election has been compromised( judge was sending a message). Dems are stealing elections and then threaten punishment for anyone alleging same.

5 months ago

I’m gonna say MOST of them are NOT legal voters ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Jean G
Jean G
5 months ago


5 months ago

The innocent, genuine citizens of our United States are dealing with this election-time menace, because “folks” like the “ever-so-lawless Harris”, who had been posturing as a prosecutor and judge, has NO dilemma with illegally allowing undocumented, illegal immigrants inside of our borders, DESPITE the crime, including murders, rapes, molestations, and surely espionage, that she has gleefully enabled here.
Can you spell “F-I-L-T-H”?

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
5 months ago

The Arizona Supreme Court has just negated my vote. These frauds contine their destruction of liberty and free citizenry, their preferred method of operation since we came to Arizona in 1984. There is no act of tyrannical government that they will not impose upon the public given even the slightest opportunity. Wish we’d never left Texas!

5 months ago

not a citizen? no vote. or let’s let the entire planet mail in their votes for our president. how despicable are the dumb as craps to let non Americas determine who sits in the white house. put a stop to this destruction of my/our country. vote trump and get back on the right track. do it

Herb Casper
Herb Casper
5 months ago

The Review-Journal in Las Vegas published an article in May that over 4500 Resident aliens who had been issued Nevada driver’s licenses voted in the 2020 presidential election. When state officials were called on this they made the excuse that maybe they had become citizens since they got their resident aliens licenses.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
5 months ago

This is the begining of a third world country.

5 months ago

And this is the kind of GARBAGE we, the citizens, have to put up with!

5 months ago

Just reading this gives me a headache. What idiots and imbeciles that allow this to continue with the motor vehicle department running elections . Arizona you get what you deserve..

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
5 months ago

Absolutely appalling. Totally criminal.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
5 months ago

VOTER ID NOW!!! This is outrageous and disenfranchises every American Citizen. Any illegal alien or non-resident caught voting should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There should be a HUGE fine as well. Once the a-hole has served his/her prison sentence and paid their fine(s) in full, they, along with their family members should be immediately expelled from our Country. The criminal’s vital statistics, including DNA, should be taken during prison and entered into a database. If they are caught illegally entering the US again, they should be blackballed from ever entering the Country again, including their family members. NO ONE with the individual’s DNA should ever be allowed into the US, legally or otherwise.
Anyone who votes against Voter ID should be thrown out of Congress as they are up to no good and are suborning cheating in US elections.

5 months ago

We know what is happening; IMO this issue should have been addressed long ago and kept current. Why wait until the last hour? Procrastination rarely ends well.

5 months ago

I think the Federal Supreme needs to step up and make proof of citizensip a law!

5 months ago

If Trump wins Arizona, bet the file some kind of court order to overturn the elction, due to the non citizens voting!,

5 months ago

So let me get this straight. The Arizona Supreme Court said that those
“who lack proof of U.S. citizenship would remain on the rolls since they weren’t at fault”.
It’s not an issue of fault. It’s an issue of non-citizens on the voter rolls. They should be removed immediately. And if they can prove citizenship, added back. What the hell’s with this idiotic plan to contact them after the election to see if they should have voted or not.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
5 months ago

Easy solution. Everybody must bring a proof of citizenship to vote. Don’t have one? Can’t vote.

Adam Aberle
Adam Aberle
5 months ago

I generally do not consider myself a “conspiracy theorist; however, I see something developing that if carried out, will be disastrous for our country.
To be clear, I know who I am voting for; however, I am concerned that this candidate won’t win. That said, if they do not win, I already see at least two states (three if Arizona chooses to do the same) refuse to certify election results in their states. Should the margin of win/loss in these states be enough for the winning candidate to be declared a clear winner, trouble is already brewing.
Of course, no one can predict what the outcome of this might be, but if we look at other countries who have done the same thing, well I think it’s pretty damn clear that the U.S. will be heading for civil war come November 6, 2024!
I also don’t mind saying, that should this happen, I can’t say for certain that I am ready for it, because no one knows how that will play out, but GOD HELP US ALL!!!!!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Something and I don’t know what has to be done to make honesty a prime AMERICA,today it is not a prime objective.There is so much corruption in the bottom feeders that are in control of our country that I don’t really know what can be done to fix it.It has roots in kalifornia,but I live in Illinois and we are probably one of the most corrupt states,mostly because of chitcago and left,left.left prickster,pun intended.

Jean G
Jean G
5 months ago

What can we do to stop this?!? This is absolute baloney.

Charles C. Vaughn
Charles C. Vaughn
5 months ago

I wonder if they would move on this if the voters would vote for republicans. Sounds like more democrat shady voting to me. Also I wonder how many other states has this same problem.

Dr. Anthony
Dr. Anthony
5 months ago

If you have non-citizens in your state, they need to be removed as well as this nihilistic government.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
5 months ago

Republican state reps should sue Fontes to release the names of these illegal voters NOW!!!! Our Democrats in state offices and especially Hobbs who was Secy of State in our last election caused Kari Lake to lose. We have to get these Democrats OUT of our state government. They are acting criminally by encouraging illegal immigrants to vote and we conservatives are fed up!! Between our new Dems in our state and the over-active teacher’s union here, our state is becoming a really hell-hole!!!

5 months ago

I see you are quoting Hillary here. Maga has no information? MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. It cannot read or write or talk. Therefore they cannot be deplorable idiots. On the other hand Fred you might qualify for……

5 months ago

No Fred go back and research why we have an America so divided, so full of hatred. Where morals have gone by the wayside. Where love for another is sneered and scoffed at. Hatred is heralded. Religion is mocked. Why is that Fred? Because the dems want total control so they can control all of us. You are a perfect candidate. You are a one sentence crier in the wind. You repeat their slogans like Kameltoe does on the campaign trail. You think you are stirring us up with your two word replies. Only we pity you that you have fallen for their gaslighting, brainwashing propaganda. I wish you well the coming 4 years under Trump Vance.

5 months ago

No Fred the dems lie and are destroying our country and then they blame Trump, who wants to rescue this country from going to communism.

Richard hollingshead
Richard hollingshead
5 months ago

the problem with AZ and other states is when they give them drivers lic. they also register them to vote without proof of citizenship.

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