
Elections , Newsline

House GOP Acts to Stop Illegal Aliens from Voting

Posted on Friday, May 10, 2024
by Shane Harris


The US Capitol building in Washington D.C. The US House of Representatives and the Capitol building dome in Washington D.C.

In a long-awaited move, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Texas Rep. Chip Roy, and Utah Senator Mike Lee earlier this week introduced a bill establishing crucial protections to guard against the threat of non-citizens voting in American elections. Amid the worst border crisis in the nation’s history, the legislation would fix glaring weaknesses in existing federal and state election laws.

The bill, entitled the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, would institute new policies to better ensure that illegal aliens and other individuals who are ineligible to vote cannot register to vote or access the ballot box.

Specifically, the legislation amends the 1993 National Voter Registration Act to “require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity – in person – when registering an individual to vote in a federal election.” Under the current law, an individual merely has to sign a form claiming that they are a U.S. citizen who is eligible to vote with no verification. This system undermines state-level election security measures and creates ample opportunity for fraud.

The SAVE Act would also require states to take steps to remove non-citizens from their voter rolls, primarily by providing no-cost access to Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration databases. While federal agencies are currently allowed to provide such information to states, they are not compelled to do so – thereby giving the president the power to hamper state-level efforts to clean up their voter rolls.

If local election officials fail to uphold their sworn duty to enforce election laws and protect the integrity of the ballot box, the SAVE Act empowers citizens to bring civil suits against them. This provision installs a crucial check against the threat of partisan election officials allowing non-citizens to vote.

Importantly, state officials would be required to implement changes to comply with the SAVE Act within 10 days after the bill’s passage. This would ensure that these new provisions would be in place in time for November’s election.

While elected Democrats and the corporate media have insisted that non-citizens voting is just a right-wing fantasy, the reality is that the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border has seriously jeopardized the integrity of American elections. In April, photos surfaced on social media of flyers being distributed to U.S.-bound migrants in Mexico urging them to vote for Joe Biden – underscoring just how serious the threat is.

Although federal law does prohibit non-citizens from voting in federal elections, there are few mechanisms in place for actually identifying and punishing individuals who violate those laws.

To make matters worse, Biden has actively undermined the security of American elections under the guise of “equity” and “expanding access” to the ballot box. Under the provisions of a 2021 Biden Executive Order, for instance, U.S. Marshals are now required to provide everyone in their custody voter registration information – including illegal aliens.

Moreover, Democrat states and even some swing states have also removed barriers to illegals voting, highlighting the urgent need for federal action.

In addition to requiring no form of ID to register to vote, 14 states also don’t require a photo ID to actually cast a ballot. 28 states, including Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, allow voters to use a student ID – which does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. At least 19 other states and the District of Columbia have also passed bills allowing non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses, which again do not say whether someone is a citizen or an eligible voter. Some cities, including Washington D.C., now even allow illegal aliens to vote in local elections.

During a press event on the steps of the Capitol introducing the SAVE Act, Johnson warned that “we now have so many non-citizens in the country that if only one out of 100 of those voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes… This is a dangerously high number, and it’s a great concern to millions and millions of Americans. It could obviously change the outcome of our elections, and this is not an empty threat or concern.”

Former Trump White House aide Stephen Miller, who currently leads the legal advocacy group America First Legal, also emphasized the importance of the bill and securing American elections.

“You are inviting grand foreign interference in our elections on an unprecedented scale for the sole purpose of helping Joe Biden and the Democrat Party,” Miller said. “When this bill comes to a vote, it will be the most important vote that most members of Congress take in their entire careers. If Hakeem Jeffries and his Democrat members try to kill this bill, they will be declaring to the whole country that they want Joe Biden’s illegals to vote in this election.”

Although Johnson has not committed to a specific timetable for bringing the bill to the floor for a vote, he has said it will be “soon.” With Election Day less than six months away, there is no time to waste.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Joyce E Carey
Joyce E Carey
9 months ago

I am 100% in favor of this bill. I would also suggest that the college students who attend colleges and universities in other states and are not their home addresses be stopped from voting in both states. If said students vote twice, then their scholarships and federal grants should become null void. This is happening in states throughout America.

9 months ago

Too bad the founding fathers didn’t put this idea in as law, because now we have the Democrats whom anyone with common sense knows has not been a “party for the people” for years. They will reject American values and continue to do harm to everything America was built on.

USN Retired
USN Retired
9 months ago

Please contact your Representatives in Congress to support H.R. 8281 and S. 4292, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. Non-citizens should NOT be able to vote. The plan to flood America with illegals, then allow them to votes a clever plan implemented by the Democrats. It undermines our American way of life. I fought for this country, and want it to remain free. Don’t allow our elections to be rigged. Support these bills.

9 months ago

No matter what happens in the House with this legislation, the Senate will sit on it until after the election and will never become reality until reasonable representatives are elected to Congress. With the way that people have believed the propaganda of the adversary, the country’s situation will continue to deteriorate, and strife will continue.

9 months ago

When voting ALWAYS watch the process of the ballots being counted while there. Won’t this mess up obidens plans? If local election officials fail to uphold their sworn duty to enforce election laws and protect the integrity of the ballot box, the SAVE Act empowers citizens to bring civil suits against them. Watch, observe, and help Save American and our Republic.

9 months ago

Those “Democrat” legislators deserve to be dragged out of our Capital Building and housed in jail cells until tried and convicted of treason, which is what the totality of their actions amounts to. Oh, and their feeble mascot, also.

9 months ago

half of the gop are democrats and that’s are problem. that and the fact most politicians are in washington d.c. to get rich.

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
9 months ago

DEI at the ballot box is the epitome of Didn’t Earn It with non-citizen voting. Yet, what of all the blue states that virtually enroll anyone, no vetting, onto the voter rolls when they get a driver’s license? THAT is a huge doorway for ineligible voters to flood the rolls!

9 months ago

And may I ask, how many millions of illegals have already registered to vote when obtaining drivers licenses?

9 months ago

I live in California and I swear that I hear just as much Spanish being spoken as English so don’t be surprised when Lying Jackass Joe Biden the phony Presidential Imposter, tries to make Mexico another State of the Union! Absurd? Absolutely, but don’t be surprised by any actions by these clowns!

9 months ago

Why do we even need legislation for this? Our constitution and rights only apply to U. S. Citizens. Illegals have no rights and shouldn’t be granted any rights or privileges until they become citizens. They do not simply apply to the world! But hey, I lost my mind for a minute, but I’m back now! We must ensure that the left does not replace us with lllegal voters! The left is the ruination of America.

James DeBona
James DeBona
9 months ago

And while your at it, include laws making it illegal to hire or facilitate the hiring of any non-citizens as well as making it illegal to collect any form of welfare or largess. It wont be very long before a large percentage of the millions that came in illegally self-deport back to where they came from. The only reason they’re here in the first place is the generous handouts the Democrats offer! This is the sole reason that they cherry-picked the United States as their destination and not the many Spanish-speaking countries in between that would have gladly taken them in. Persecution in their home countries was never the reason for this mass migration.

Dean C Howerton
Dean C Howerton
9 months ago


John Shipway
John Shipway
9 months ago

So, the total ass clown Speaker Johnson made NO move to keep the aliens from continuing to invade yet now is taking measures to fill gaps in yet another broken system America has regarding voting. Amazing.
Now, how about measures to assure these invaders never receive a dime of entitlements. From what I understand our dessicated, brain dead figurehead President is allowing these creatures to get SSI monies. The Social Security System is insolvent already and yet Brandon is going to let the Julio’s and Achmeds tap into the dwindling funds?
Why arent there literal reenactments of Mussolini’s final day going on across DC right now?

9 months ago

“…these new provisions would be in place in time for November’s election.”
Not going to happen. Xao Bai-Din will veto the bill so the demon-communist-cRATS will still be able to pull off their voter fraud.

9 months ago

Biden & his demoncrat minions doing it right in our faces now. If that Bill gets killed or vetoed, there’s gotta be protests of about a MILLION citizens all there in DC at their front door! And keep in mind ILLEGALS VOTING IS A L R E A D Y AGAINST THE LAW!

9 months ago

Illegal Aliens: Does this cover the ILLEGAL President and vice want-a-be president?

9 months ago

As far as the Rule of Law is concerned, under the Uniparty, The United States of America is the “Wild West.” This country has plenty of laws but hardly anyone with enough backbone to actually enforce them.

9 months ago

which every democrat will vote against and possibly a few republican traitors. Not to mention the senate and a veto if it ever got to Bidens desk. Nice try but it doesn’t have a chance of seeing daylight. Just being honest.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Damn foot dragging GOP Uniparty

9 months ago

If you are here illegally then you have no business voting. It is already a law! Enforce it!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
9 months ago

Very simple … it’s unconstitutional & must be stopped!

9 months ago

A good idea, but the demoncats have been known to ignore laws and do what they want, with no repercussions.

Charles D Kowalski
Charles D Kowalski
9 months ago

It’s ludicrous that this is even a topic of conversation. AMERICAN CITIZENS determine who gets elected to offices in this country. Proof of citizenship should be universally required.

9 months ago

If election laws had “glaring weaknesses”, why did no one see them? If they saw them and ignored them, why are they not paying the price for not doing their jobs? Thank GOD HE is in control!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
9 months ago

Wasn’t the illegal voting think the scheme of the marxists all the time.If this doesn’t pan out,which it may,they will find another way to cheat.I’m sure that the democ rats have a special committee who’s only task is to invent ways to steel elections.What has happened to”LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE”.We can only hope that common sense prevails,but, that is a very scarce commodity.

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
9 months ago

unfortunately it won’t get through the senate and comrade Joe will veto if it happens to squeak by in senate.

9 months ago


9 months ago

I am in Total Support of this Bill!
Certain States and Politicians have Already Let ILLEGAL Immigrates Vote in Local Elections.
However, I want to Let American Citizens Know LEGAL Immigrates.
Who Went Through the Process to Enter the United States LEGALLY Cannot Vote. So if Politicians are Going to Take Advantage and Let ILLEGAL Immigrates Vote. Then LEGAL Immigrate Should Vote Too!
It is Said The Democrats are Letting ILLEGAL Immigrates into the United States to Get as Many of Their Votes as Possible. So Far 7-11 Million have Entered the Southern Border ILLEGALLY since 2021, depending who You Listen To.

FYI, There are Over 44 Million LEGAL Immigrants in the United States. Who have Worked and Paid Taxes for Years ready to Vote. That’s Four Times More Than Those Who have Entered ILLEGALLY Through The Open Southern Border!
Btw, Even Though LEGAL Immigrants Cannot Vote. They Have been Drafted and Served in the US Military for Years.

9 months ago

Too bad that right here in communist-run N.Y., illegal aliens were not only allowed to vote, but encouraged to do so FOR YEARS. After all “emperor” cuomo as “governor”, forced the DMV workers to issue driver’s licenses for the illegal aliens to use AS voter ID, signed them up to vote ON THE SPOT, and also told the clerks if that they informed ICE, they would be FIRED for doing so……communist dictator, of N.Y. “empress” hochul is doing exactly thee same thing.
These DEMOCOMMUNISTS SPIT in the faces of congress, and the SCOTUS, ignore all “laws” and rulings, then”royally decree “their own” , and get away with doing so.
SO in short, what the hell is another “BILL” from congress going to do when the “law” is openly ignored and the criminal “elites” doing it are also ignored?

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
9 months ago

Some may recall that in Dr Zhivago (the movie) the Reds moved the poor into the homes of the wealthy if there was sufficient space. Better get ready. This is how you take away private property. I live in a neighborhood owned by many Floridians who visit their homes here maybe one month per year. These properties are vacant the other 10-11 months. Huge homes. Now you know the Dims would love to raise hell about this”injustice”. They just haven’t time for it yet while they are raising hell about Israel, DEI, trans athletes, dumbing down curriculum, reparations and other wreck-the-nation causes

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
9 months ago

You know that the democrats are counting on illegal votes.

9 months ago

Even if Johnson miraculously finds a spine and gets this through the House, the Dems in the Senate will pigeonhole it until next year. These Communists have already demonstrated that they want the illegals to vote when they shit down Sen. Bill Hagerty’s (R-TN) bill that would have stopped this. Every single Communist Democrat Senator voted against it, just weeks after Laiken Riley was murdered. The best Johnson can do is get it to the floor tomorrow and get it voted on and no matter what happens, hold the Communists votes against them and/or inaction from now until November. But, I fear Johnson will find himself in another negotiation and given recent results, it won’t end well for our Republic.

9 months ago

Anyone registering to vote and affirms that he can legally vote in America and is found not to be an eligible voter should be deported plus a fine. No trial needed. Just like a speeding ticket. How much time does it take to verify a voter against the naturalized list at the federal govt. it is just a matter of wanting to. Not a question of time. There are too many federal employees now with nothing to do. And if the employee refuses to do the verifying, prison time should be given to that person. The ultra liberal left have created this anarchy. Only strong measures are needed to bring it back to sensible middle. If the liberal left wants to lock up all the Maga people we need strong rules and leverage to make this country free in speech and in exchange of ideas. That dialogue is necessary and cooperation and working together. Only then will we become a humane, loving, understanding working together for the good of everyone nation. The way people are acting that they are entitled to everything and other people be damned has to stop, or we will have wars forever. And America will be destroyed.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Right. This is nothing more than theater. Johnson gives the Democrats everything that they want and then makes a production about a bill that will have ZERO chance of passing into law because he failed to attach it to anything that would have given the Republicans some leverage.

9 months ago

[Although Johnson has not committed to a specific timetable for bringing the bill to the floor for a vote, he has said it will be “soon.” With Election Day less than six months away, there is no time to waste.]
When was this written. There were 2 roll votes on May 8, 2024 and H.R. 7109 passed 206 Yeas to 202 nays; basically along party lines. Republicans voted “yea” and democrats voted “nay”.
Hopefully the Senate will pass it soon.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
9 months ago

Those in their 80’s ,or the physically handicapped, who show proof of this, should have a chance to fill out who they are voting for from home, but it must be taken to the courthouse, and not sent by mail.
Those who are able must by law be required to vote in person .

Steven Kaspar
Steven Kaspar
9 months ago

This is called the New America under Democrat Marxist control!

9 months ago

Do nothing right republicans know this will never make it through the senate. And if by some miraculous chance it does get passed, O’Biden will never sign it. But the RINOS hope the optics make it appear they are doing something. What a waste of tax dollars.

9 months ago

They are invaders of our country! The election will not count and then we need to take our country back from the Socialist pieces of s**t!
I want the Socialist Democrats to stop wasting our money, they belong in jail!

Brenda G
Brenda G
9 months ago

All I can say is, “Please our God,stand with us to defeat the evil people, actions they are doing to destroy us all”.We all need to help one another, or a neighbor to be sure all is ok.God Bless!????

9 months ago

It is time we take our country, government, and Constitution back! We the People need proper representation and the proper use of our already existing Constitution to remain the strong republic we have been for two centuries!And we don’t need the likes of Marjorie Green to stand in our way!

Jean Gough
Jean Gough
9 months ago

This is insanity that our country is in this mess. But I believe it’s been a well planned way to bring in dem votes. I never would have thought that politicians could be this corrupt. But it’s pretty blatant that this was the plan right along.
Lord help us. I dread the future if dems get the presidency again.

9 months ago

Don’t know why this is even a thing. It’s illegal and a gross violation of the US Constitution for illegal aliens and non-citizens, convicted felons, dead people, people using aliases, voting more than once, semi-truck trailers filled with illegal or incorrect ballets magically turning up in the 11th hour when their brain dead candidate is losing, and all the illegal voting schemes the democrats need to cheat in elections to hold on to power, to vote in an election. But the GOP has to try to push legislation when laws already on the books exist since when? instead of getting in the Marxists’ face and shoving these evils back down their collective throats with a violent “NO, you don’t get to break these laws and there are consequences if you try.” Like that’s ever going to be…

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
9 months ago

What a pathetic joke! The traitor Johnson and his RINOS proudly gave away the only leverage they had!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

I’m sure this has bipartisan support just like an impeachment of Biden for holding weapons hostage in support of Hamas will… right?

9 months ago

Again, As Planned More than 15 Years Ago, But Without a Doubt, That’s When the PLAN Began to Be Implemented…TADA…15 years Later, Here We Are. The R Party Is NOT The R Party, IT IS The Uni-Party, Very Few “Republicans” Left.

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