
Elections , Newsline

Harris’s Illegal Immigration Extremism Haunts Presidential Campaign

Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Following Kamala Harris’s ascension to the top of the Democrat ticket, her glaring failures on the border crisis as President Biden’s “border czar” have been thrust back into the spotlight. But the vice president’s record of radicalism on immigration extends far beyond the White House and back to her early days as San Francisco District Attorney.

Harris was San Francisco’s top cop from 2004 to 2011, and then California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017 before moving to the Senate. During that time, she developed a reputation for soft-on-crime policies – particularly when it came to enforcing federal immigration laws.

Harris was notably an avid proponent of so-called “sanctuary cities.” She once described San Francisco as “a sanctuary city, a city of refuge,” further claiming that “we always will be.”

A sanctuary city, broadly speaking, is a municipality whose political leaders openly refuse to comply with federal immigration laws and authorities. In practice, this can amount to anything from denying federal authorities access to crime statistics and data to refusing to deport illegal immigrants and, in some cases, even refusing to prosecute illegal immigrants found guilty of “low-level” crimes.

Harris has asserted throughout her career that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” San Francisco, under her prosecutorial leadership, consistently refused to refer illegal immigrants accused of crimes to federal authorities specifically to protect them from deportation.

In so doing, Harris hobbled the federal government’s ability to identify and track known criminals, gang leaders, murderers, rapists, and cartel members hiding in the United States. Immigration and Customs Enforcement maintains lists of known criminals who have escaped justice in Central and South America by fleeing north. By failing to relay this information to authorities, Harris ensured that it would be significantly more difficult to identify these criminals and bring them to justice.

A recent New York Post expose detailed just a few of the horrific acts committed by violent criminals who benefitted from Harris’s policies as San Francisco DA. One of the most notorious was Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien from El Salvador who committed a grisly triple murder in 2008.

Before killing three people, Ramos had been arrested multiple times for gang-related assaults. But Harris’s policy of not questioning the immigration status of juveniles meant he was never reported to federal immigration authorities. In the national outrage that followed the story, then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom changed that policy.

Notably, however, Harris still refused to seek the death penalty against Ramos.

Harris’s policies also allowed Rony Aguilera, an illegal alien from Honduras, to walk free after being found guilty of assault. A year later, Aguilera was involved in a gruesome gang murder and was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Harris also allowed illegal aliens convicted of drug crimes to enter San Francisco’s “Back on Track” program, which provided job training and expunged criminal records. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, in 2008 DA Harris knowingly let roughly half a dozen illegal immigrants charged as first-time drug offenders “clear their records by going through a jobs training program.”

Harris defended this at the time by claiming that these individuals were unaware that they were illegal when they entered the program, and so it would be unfair to not allow them to participate or to report them to federal authorities. However, she still “let several graduates go free even after learning of their status.” When questioned why, she stated, “Enforcing federal immigration law is not the job of local authorities.”

One of the program’s participants was Alexander Izaguirre, an illegal immigrant from Honduras. While he was in the program, Izaguirre robbed San Francisco resident Amanda Kiefer by stealing her purse. He then jumped into his car and tried to kill Kiefer by running her down. Though she survived, she suffered significant trauma, including a skull fracture. When told of the incident, Harris dismissed it as a “huge kind of pimple” on an otherwise supposedly good program.

With four months to go until Election Day, these could be just the start of the shocking revelations about Harris’s radical tenure in California. Last week, America First Legal announced seven separate investigations into Harris’s record as attorney general. Most notably, they plan to investigate her “failure to enforce federal immigration laws,” which could become a major problem for Harris’s nascent presidential campaign as voters continue to rank the border crisis among their top concerns. 

Harris’s DA record is littered with instances of her picking and choosing which laws to enforce. By refusing to work with federal authorities on tracking illegal aliens, she knowingly made San Francisco less safe. Should she win in November, Americans can only expect more of the chaos and tragedy they’ve already seen over the past four years.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
7 months ago

Only immigration extremism? Giggles is so far left she makes Bernie Sanders look like a conservative. Any honest review of Kamala’s “public service” performance record and her preferred policies both from the past and for the future show her clearly as the anti-American, anti-freedom, hard core Communist that she is.

7 months ago

Why wait so long to investigate VP Harris dismal record as DA in San Fran and California? This travesty should have brought up long ago. Again, her dismal record as VP and being ignorant of the law should have already landed an impeachment indictment against her. Where are the Federal Marshals? Oh yes, in bed with the rest of DOJ sleeping, allowing criminals to do as they please. THIS IS A MESS THAT NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED THIS NOVEMBER. Let’s not continue to vote in crooks and imbeciles to public office.

7 months ago

Harris says that “undocumented illegal is not a criminal” huh? Isn’t it criminal to enter a country illegally? Oh wait, these people are future Democrats so it’s alright!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

Kackler was promoted by her powerful (married) boyfriend, Willie Brown. He appointed her to a couple of no-show jobs on different boards and when he needed to get the heat off some of his cronies, had her run for DA. She immediately dropped the investigation of Brown’s pals AND the investigation of pedophile priests. She wouldn’t even provide information to victims when they filed a civil suit. So much for helping “the people.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Nothing this cackling windbag is doing, isn’t doing, has done, or isn’t doing is “in the spotlight” because the press is not covering it therefore few will remember or know. All their viewers hear about is how “weird” Trump & Vance is! But then the average Democrat voter won’t care about her record, only the (D) after her name!

7 months ago

Respect for the rule of law helps keep our society civil and our residents safe. Harris and other socialists foment chaos in the streets and in the courts. Why? I don’t know, but it does permit the crazy anarchists to protest and criminals to commit their heinous crimes without impunity.

It’s all part of the deliberate breakdown of our society, where the elites have all the power and all the goodies while the rest of us battle it out for the scraps. Harris has stated, after all, that “we need to reduce our population”.

7 months ago

She is one of the main reasons we no longer go to San Francisco…it isn’t safe. She made a mess out of a beautiful city that we used to like to go to even just for the more. With people like her and Newscum, this once beautiful state has people leaving in droves. If I wasn’t so old, I’d be moving too….and I’ve lived here most all my life. If she were to be elected president (and it would be fraud if she did), this country would be on the ‘do not visit’ list.

Linda Conrey
Linda Conrey
7 months ago

I am a resident of TX and we are being over run with illegal immigrants. We need the border CLOSED, Kam-mule-ah!!!

7 months ago

I’m not sure the brainwashed dem masses care any longer, but just in case, ALL conservative media outlets need to get the data out there so that MAYBE they’ll be upset enough about her being useless on border issues that they’ll vote for Trump or at least NOT for her.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

From what I have seen in the news”cackle kammys”problems didn’t start with her so called vice presidency.If her past was anything like her present,it also was a life full of lies and a total disaster.She couldn’t handle being a meter maid,much less vice president,or president,sorry meter maids.Look at the shape our once great,and I do mean once great country is in.What kammy and joey and comrades have done to AMERICA should be treasonable offenses,but they are democRATS ,different set of rules,none.

7 months ago

Here’s a simple question that needs an honest answer: why isn’t Harris in jail for her gross failure to uphold her oath of office?? As long as we allow politicians and bureaucrats to break their oaths of office with no accountability America will continue it’s downward spiral to destruction.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Dems, RINOs, Never Trumpers seeded this Years ago

7 months ago

Obviously, Harris is continuing the Biden practice of unconditionally allowing illegal immigrants into our US to “remake” the voting majority in favor of her “Democrat” party.
This is an illegal act that neither Biden nor Harris EVER had the right to sponsor or engage in… and EVERY LEGITIMATE CITIZEN has both the right and the obligation to oppose.
Failing to oppose this criminal “leadership” and their illegal immigration plans will drain our financial resources and, ultimately, damage our economy to an extent that we will not be able to recover from.

7 months ago

Under Kameltoe we will be fodder for every murderer, rapist, thief, robber, kidnapper, because she will eliminate the police. A way to depopulate the world. She is for less population. That way we will have cleaner environment and living standard. Her words not mine. Watch out for people bringing false promises. She really believes she is doing good or did good as DA. Nothing is ever that black and white. She doesn’t see it let us hope the voters see her for what she is a dictator with no heart for anyone but herself.

7 months ago

This is but one issue with her. However the democrat plan is only to get close enough to make sure the cheat can be obfuscated.

7 months ago

I am all for sending her and her squad to a socialist or communist country, (their choice). But that will be the LAST free choice they have! Just leave, don’t ruin things for everyone else!!

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
7 months ago

She is acting as a:
“Criminal “‘ !!!
Look up the word meaning >
Action speaks LOUDER than- ( Words)!!!!!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

She is only one of many .Product of what our schools became. This is a different specie of American Result of evolution that started some 50 years ago. The old is replaced by a completely different specimen.

7 months ago

“Safe Mobility Office Initiative (SMOI) has worked to fly tens of thousands of people to the U.S. through the refugee resettlement process, despite those people being of nationalities that have rarely qualified for refugee status, according to a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) review, “Who is paying for this rape of American prosperity? You are, your children are, and your grandchildren, as well as your great-grandchildren, will be trying to pay down this debt. America is 35 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. That’s debt, borrowed money our government can’t pay back.Who is responsible for this debt, democrates, all of them. Their blind hatred and self worth liberal eletist mentality, which actually beleives they have to maintain power because they know whats best for you. These democrates actully believe, you don’t know what’s good for you, or your family! These elected democrate politicians would simply destroy America to stay in power regardless of how it affects American lives. Remember, they know whats best for you because you don’t, and Kalama Harris wants to be the leader of this pack!Why is credit card debt at the highest level in history, nearing 2 trillion dollars. Why, because, as I understand it, working people can not buy necessities, food, fuel, and clothing and then pay their rent or insurance. Instead of rent, it might be a morgage payment if they were lucky enough to buy before the democrates drove the housing market out of reach for the American working class!How many people are now filing bankruptcy and / or have asked for credit counseling to develop repayment plans? That’s at an all-time high as well!I don’t want to say that all democrates follow this eletist left leaning ideology, they don’t, but many of them haven’t acknowledged the truth. Many democrates are caught up in unrealated issues that won’t reduce the debt or change the direction America is heading at full blind speed.You can’t pay your rent or eat any better with aboration, nor can you get an education by allowing a government to pay off someone else’s debt. Yes, education is valuable, but without jobs, education, or in todays schools, colleges and universities, indoctrination won’t buy you a meal. Its sad, but this trick, the democrates are using, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”, has many democrates looking at the right hand while the left hand is taking away their rights. These are miss directing lies. Kamala Harris is passing this under your nose, but it doesn’t pass the sniff test, not even close!Pay attention, follow the money, and understand where the money is going and why. The SMOI, which is a SWAMP initiative not passed by congress, has spent more money to fly immigrants into the United States than they have spent to help American’s homeless. Think about that! 35 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt, and we still have homeless. This has got to change!These democrate politicans controlling the government are desperately trying a slite of hand, allowing open borders to bring 20 million illegal immigrants into the United States, and why, to illegally vote in American elections. Illegal voting, by immagrants, is the primary reason additional funding was voted down by the House in congress, on a bill that the Senate, democrates proposed for border security. A lie that this funding, money, would be used to close up the border. It was going to fund more processing of illegals into America so they could be counted on in the 2024 election.This illegal immagration voting is why the Senate hasn’t voted on the bipartisan SAVE bill that confirms only American citizens can vote in any American election. This bill also defines that proof of citizenship has to be established to receive a ballott to vote. These democrates, not all democtates, are the enemies of democracy in our republic and have to be voted out of office in 2024.VOTE NO TO KAMA HARRIS 2024!

7 months ago

How could anyone in their right mind vote for her? Pure insanity.
MAGA. Trump!!!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

I have no respect for Harris she has done nothing for immigration in this country to end all the illegals coming here but all her ads in Wisconsin she said she has done so much to end illegals coming here and so does who ever is backing her with ads here as well all lies but they love bashing President Trump then they get mad if he says something they do not like but if they can tear down President Trump or his family they all have big smiles on there face that includes Harris.

7 months ago

She thnks a fast track to citizenship is a good plan?? With four months to go until Election Day, these could be just the start of the shocking revelations about Harris’s radical tenure. We CAN’T allow he into the White House, America will be gone…VOTE her and all the socialists OUT…Save the Children PLEASE!! We have no place for a Hyena lady.

Rosalie Bryan
Rosalie Bryan
7 months ago

Biden and Harris want to turn our country into a communist country.
I believe that our country is being controlled by a criminal element better known as “the mob”. If Trump doesn’t win this election; our country is finished. Think about your children and your grandchildren, is this what you want their future to be? Please vote, vote early; encourage your family and friends to vote. We MUST NOT loose this election.

7 months ago

She is the most radical, leftist, marxist, socialist blabbering idiot to ever run. If she (under the Democrat’s election fraud) wins, we’re doomed. I hope Jesus comes back very soon!

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
7 months ago

Cackles the clown heels up Harris word salad sally the failed border czar has been by far the worst border czar in history. Of course it falls right in line with the fact she has been worst at everything she has ever done.
Despite the democrats and democrat media saying she is black she is not. her family ancestry is form India and Britain. She great great grand daddy was the largest slave owner in Jamaican history.
She is a horrible human.

7 months ago

This coming election really is the “Do Or Die” election, and with the current state of this country, and the lack of education on a majority of the electorate, I am scared as hell!

7 months ago

Anyone that is even considering a vote for the Cackling VP is in dire need of a lobotomy

7 months ago

And if she is elected, this illegal immigration will continue-with giving them more of what should go to US citizens! Neither she or her family have any ties or history to the United States. Her parents were here on student visas from different countries when she was born. Not even sure if they were married. She is a Marxist, Communist anchor baby!

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
7 months ago

The DNC waited until the last minute to install her so they could keep a lid on her despicable record.

Dave C.
Dave C.
7 months ago

She should now and forever more be known as the FAILED BORDER CZAR. Utilize the title, continually through the entire 2024 Presidential Election. Don’t give in . She was given the title and responsibility by Olde Joe , 3 plus years ago. The fake news media agreed with Joe on many occasions, that she was indeed America’s Border Czar. As the FAILED BORDER CZAR she allowed over 10 million illegal aliens into the USA. Because of her blatant inability to do her job, she has placed the future of America in peril.

Irv C
Irv C
7 months ago

So I ask, has this been made common knowledge to the people? I didn’t know this until now. I knew she was pro illegal but I didn’t know how much so. This needs to be put out there.

7 months ago

She is as useless as the day is long

6 months ago

She is the chosen one. The only way to stop her is to monitor ‘drop boxes’ 24/7 and have some one watch voting & voting machines and counting 24/7 until it is done – conservatives do not seem willing to do this.

6 months ago

Can you see Cackles delivering any policies on immigration? She is a giggling fool!

7 months ago


Brenda G
Brenda G
7 months ago

I’m going to state very clearly- ” She is a puppet who will do whatever she is told to do,without any qualms or empathy for victims. She is a person hugely responsible for some of the divided, negative rhetoric being spewed about anyone who dares to have an opinion or just disagrees. Kamala Harris is not in any way improving our country, community members- more like destroying it.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
7 months ago

Cacklin’ kammy harris has done nothing but divide this Country with her lies and BA rhetoric. She is trying to demolish our borders and bankrupt our Country. She’s done absolutely NOTHING to benefit the American Citizens, but she hands the key to the kingdom to ILLEGAL ALIENS, even those jailed for killing and raping our children. How is it she hasn’t been fired and prosecuted for treason and at a minimum, high crimes and misdemeanors? Oh wait…because “no one is above the law!” What a crock of crap!!!!!

Jim R
Jim R
7 months ago

Frigging TRAITOR IMO!!

7 months ago

This women Kamala Harris is so WEIRD? lol lol lol

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