
Elections , Newsline

Harris-Walz – Crazy Dumb

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What a team, Harris and Walz. Dumb is being fooled twice. Crazy is wanting to be fooled. Crazy dumb is thinking Harris-Walz is a serious ticket. The damage they could do is stunning.

Bottom line up front: Neither Harris nor Walz have the fundamental trait of leadership, integrity. Integrity is not perfection, freedom from self-correction, but honesty, honor, sincerity, compass, and incorruptibility. If a candidate cannot be trusted, all else fails.

Bereft of that element, evidenced by earnestly held positions on public matters, a bond with the public, straight talk, keeping one’s word, and delivering on promises, there is nothing.

Harris has an entire career – and now nomination – built on the opposite, falsehoods, cheating, mischaracterization of herself, compromising integrity to climb, defaulting to pablum, brazen misrepresentations about what she has done, no shame. Zero.

Before being selected as Biden’s backup, touted for race and gender, she was a local prosecutor with an undistinguished record, no hard cases, and lots of press releases. 

Initially, she ran for San Francisco AG claiming she would be “tough on crime,” a schtick she is lofting again. She dropped that to support sanctuary cities, free illegal aliens, infuriate law enforcement, roll back sentences of killers, and dump on ICE and CBP.

She hid evidence of her office’s misconduct, leading to the dismissal of 600 drug cases, discredited whistleblowers, and refused to answer for graft. Supported by Obama and her California clutch, she secured the AG spot for California and boldly abused that power.

Ignoring federal rulings, she refused to release hundreds of prisoners, trampled on religious liberties of multiple faiths, and knowingly misinterpreted non-profit laws to force conservative non-profits to reveal their donors, until rehammered by the courts.

As a civil rights attorney noted, her defense was not credible. “She either had no clue what was happening … or she simply lied and threw her deputies under the bus.” Wrote the Atlantic, her actions were “unworthy of a first-year associate, much less the chief lawyer of our nation’s most populous state.”

So, politicizing a non-partisan legal office, she suppressed constitutional rights, hid evidence the Supreme Court mandated she produce, sought to bankrupt gun manufacturers, and jail marijuana users.

Only in California would a record like that not earn judicial censure, recall, and prosecution for abuse of discretion. Instead, that record – with Obama’s cover – got her a senate seat.

What did she do in her short time as a senator? Well, just as she and sidekick Walz are doing now, she pushed citizenship for illegals, 11 million voters in eight years. Says Walz, if you oppose that, you are “weird.” Indeed.

What else? Harris co-sponsored bills to protect illegals from deportation, mandate “Medicare for all” (socialized medicine), “ban” private health insurance, increase giveaways to illegals, ban fracking and offshore oil drilling, defund state and federal police, called ICE the “KKK,” sought – as “border czar” – to “undo” border security, supported as vice president 94 Biden executive orders opening the border… tried to ban plastic straws.

As Senator, she voted for astronomical spending, debt, and taxes, then as vice president, facilitated record interest rates, and inflation that shot to nine percent in August 2022. Her far-left environmental extremism, with fiscal irresponsibility, threatens to cripple the average family’s spending power, has made housing unaffordable, has no defense.

Notably, under Trump, the nation had high growth, employment, wages, lower taxes, interest, and inflation that was almost unmeasurable it was so low (just over one percent).

Worse than nothing, Harris has done enormous damage already and would do far more, as she presses for open borders, ignores human and drug trafficking, and was complicit in shipping illegals from Maine to Missouri, Virginia to Michigan. She raised money to finance the release of violent illegals on bail, and then called Biden “sharp as a tack.” Right.

Instead of running in her own right, she truncated all others in her party, lied until the primary process was over, and then – we now know – helped Nancy Pelosi remove Biden with threats, internally dethroning her party’s nominee – who had all the delegates.

In the end, Harris is a closet Marxist, the closet door is open. Unapologetically craven, morally corrupt, disrespectful of faith, families, veterans, American history, and law, her best attribute is being inarticulate, permitting others to pour meaning into her jumbled words.

If Harris is unfit, what of Tim Walz? Arrested for driving 100 miles an hour drunk, he ducked the penalty; pushing illegal alien voting with driver licenses, he favors citizenship; guilty of intense COVID lockdowns, bankruptcies, and fraud, he pretends he carried “guns in war,” steals the honor of dead men with a fake rank, quitting when his unit deployed. He is a piece of work.

What a team, Harris-Walz. Crazy dumb … would be voting for crazy dumb.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

As if the reasons in the article weren’t enough Harris also cast the tie breaking votes for the ridiculously named “American Rescue Plan” and the fraudulently named Inflation Reduction Act” bills which did NOT do what the names of these bills said they would.

7 months ago

Well RBC, not much to comment on since your piece is on the mark. It is up to the voters to make a wise decision for the benefit of the nation. Will have to wait for election day to see how many voters aren’t smart in their choice. Then we will have to see how much more nonsense will be drummed up by the Demos.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Integrity and leadership is not on the list of requirements. That is not how she got where she is. Same goes for him. Integrity would only cause them a grief It is the opposite of it that is the required trait.

Michael J
Michael J
7 months ago

Dumb? Nevermind the financial disaster this country is in. There’s a whole gaggle of bobble heads including MSM for no logical reason than to continue this country’s demise under their watch and they don’t care.

7 months ago

Democrats have picked the worst possible ticket and are now pretending they will keep it for the November election. What a bunch of losers!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Saw a video last night on “Gutfeld!” with Minneapolis Police shooting paintballs at homeowners standing on their porches to force them inside during Walz draconian COVID measures. So much for “we mind our damn business”…

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
7 months ago

If they were the only crazy dumb ones in America we wouldn’t be in this stupid mess. Crazy dumb appears to be the majority, since they are seen and heard more than anybody else.

7 months ago

This article needs to be printed and handed out to all voters. The folks who think these two and great, do not either know the facts or don’t care about our country.

7 months ago

Every post in response to this article is on point. What keeps me awake at night is that there are millions of idiots who will vote for this pair of lying liberals

7 months ago

Great article! Thank you!

7 months ago

some people sound dumd; some look dumb; some act dumd, people that off are all three. i’m left of center dem; now i used to be. They’ve fallen off the left side of the universe and are obviously waving goodbye.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
7 months ago

The fact that any real American citizen would support either of these two creatures of the far left for the offices of president and vice president is beyond belief. We are becoming a 3rd world country.

7 months ago

We rejected Trump in the last election. I see no reason to think we are any smarter. I think we are dumber than we were in 2020.

7 months ago

The dims say “give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses ( so far so good) and your criminals, your drugs, your children without parents, your worthless, your ignorant, your murderers. We will pay all of your bills. We will give you an expensive hotel room, health care, free education, cars, credit cards, anything you want. All we demand is your vote. We taxpayers must work harder to pay for these illegals. (By the way I just ordered a shirt labeled “US Idiots for Illegals”) All of this while we just sit

by and take it. The dims know that if were going to doing something about it we would have already. We are the USW (United States of Wussies). We have betrayed

our great forefathers. I’m glad my father is not alive to see this. The best solution is to move to Canada or to another free nation. We are done. Fryed. Is Donald Trump the only person who cares ?

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

Excellent article. Both of them are Losers.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

Really it’s obvious that”cackleberry kammy”has no governmental skills,but,that seems to be a leftist democrat thing.Then there is walz,I was under impression that the clowns from RINGLING BROTHERS AND BARNAM AND BAILEY retired.Maybe this one found a job with”kammy”.This clown does NOT represent the upper Midwest area that I live in or any of the people that I know condone his antics.He appears to me very”squirrely”.

7 months ago

Knowing that truth about all that is written above, people will STILL vote for their Marxist policies. Why? Simple because the hate Donald Trump. Anyone with any intelligence can easily see that the country was better under the Trump administration.
The author of this article is right. The Harris -Walz ticket had no leadership qualities and no sense of human decency. They will do anything, including misrepresenting and manipulating the media, to remain in power. For, power is their deity and deception is their religion.

7 months ago

In paragraph #6, you write about when Kamala ran for “San Francisco AG.” Really ??? Since when does a city have an Attorney General ? States have an Attorney General, not cities. Let’s think that Kamala ran for San Francisco District Attorney. A few years later, she ran for California AG.

7 months ago

Trump says Kamala is not very smart in his opinion & that she could not pass BAR exam.
Did Harris pass or flunk BAR exam, or did she even take this. What is truth on this issue?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

Well well well. Now we can see how many dumb Asses go to the polls Nov. 5 Kyle3 L.

heil biden
heil biden
7 months ago


Real hero’s
Real hero’s
7 months ago

Trumps was right. That medal of freedom he gave to that billionaire was better than the Medal of Honor. What’s some nanny pamby marine saving his friends from a grenade compared to that?

7 months ago

This article is poor at the best. Trump is not gaining any votes at his rallies by saying that Kamala is not very smart & that she is crazy and then he topped that off by his Apprentice training by this: Kamala, you are fired, get out of here.. Trump is acting like a grade school bully & his base likes this attitude?

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