
Elections , Newsline

Harris Voters – Dangerously Gullible

Posted on Thursday, October 17, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Many Harris voters are just gullible. If you are not a sworn liberation theologist, Marxist, or Trump hater by default, how gullible must you be to vote for Harris? Signs up, I wonder. She claims to be everything to everyone, speaks in many tongues, and plays a wizard and fool, but is a deceiver by nature. Everything from her words to her body language say so, betray her.

A chameleon turns different colors to match its surroundings. Sadly, some politicians do that. They modify a core message to fit their crowd. That’s bad, but what about no message?

How many Harris voters fail to ask themselves basic questions – yet imagine what they think is what she thinks? That is the rub, the problem, the danger, the feint.

Many Democrat voters want to think the best of our electoral system and their candidates, but critical thinking is what elections require, what our Founders thought we would always apply.

Pouring hopes, imagined outcomes, and personal preferences into an empty vessel – no plans, no achievements, and markers of deceit, laziness, hostility to liberty, and prejudice – is not just naïve. It is dangerous. Harris voters accept her non-speak, populate her nothing, and should not.

In C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, the white witch cleverly, deceitfully, happily invites a child to eat her “Turkish Delight.”  The child does, loses right from wrong, and betrays others. Once we choose to ask no questions, trust the untrustworthy, imagine, and not think, we are in danger.

We are there. As a nation, we must see this race more clearly. If you are a Harris supporter or undecided, consider what you are seeing. Pretend Trump does not exist, no personal battles involving pride, just observe the candidate, largely unvetted. What are you voting for?

At best, a continuation of Biden, who caused a terrible slide in every American’s fortunes at home and abroad. But the real answer – once you ask the question – turns out to be more unnerving, unsettling to a critical thinker, serious about the options.

Who is Harris? Politically ambitious, not grounded, daughter of legal immigrants, someone who should appreciate American values, but does she? Her parents did not find America hospitable, and strongly protested against it, a point she makes a virtue. She lived in Canada until age 18.

What about religion? Is there one, or is she agnostic – or atheist? Liberation theologists – her parents’ identity – are, by definition. Whatever she believes about God – or does not – is her view firmly held? Is it serious or a giggle?

Is that too harsh? When she declines to attend events honoring those of religious conviction, seems anti-Catholic, and her cheerleaders – like Governor Whitmer in Michigan, who grossly mocked Christians who receive communion – demean those of faith, the “deplorables,” who is she? History teaches that godless leaders are bad leaders, whatever their motives.

Is it too much to ask a future president, that faith be honored, especially for a Nation with 240 million Christians? Even many illegals think of themselves as Christian, law-breaking aside.

So, what is Harris’ faith? She claims everything from Hinduism to liberation theology, Christian branches to endorsements from Muslim leaders, and has a Jewish husband but fails Israel and Jews suffering antisemitism here. So what is she?

Truth is, like much of her stone-skipping biography, there is less than meets the eye. She was vice president in what historians may one day describe as the most corrupt, ineffectual, damaging administration in modern American history.

She has been untruthful and ineffective, allowing violent criminals, and drug and human traffickers free reign. What would change? She was “in the room” when they got shipped to all 50 states. She spent trillions on senseless programs no one wanted, mandates, and subsidies for everything.

If there is a handbook for undermining America – from Afghanistan, Ukraine, China, and the Mideast to opening the border, defunding police, favoring illegals over veterans, disempowering parents, and remaking schools as activist centers – Harris has followed it.

On top of these fails, she tried to cancel and prosecute her critics, pushed reduced 1st and 2nd Amendment protections, and undermined the Supreme Court, personal and national security.

Ask yourself, what do you know? What do her actions, power consolidation, ducking the media, reversing herself, harassing parents, police, energy producers, small businesses, Christians, Jews, churchgoers, those who speak out, gun owners, and those who want limited government … tell you? Bottom line: Be aware, thoughtful, and not be gullible, Harris is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a feint.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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4 months ago


You write “Many Harris voters are just gullible. If you are not a sworn liberation theologist, Marxist, or Trump hater by default, how gullible must you be to vote for Harris?” I just want to make one correction to make it accurate. The start of your article should read “Many Harris voters are just stupid. If you are not a sworn liberation theologist, Marxist, or Trump hater by default, how stupid must you be to vote for Harris?” You may quibble that I should have used ignorant instead of stupid as the descriptor, but ignorance would have implied that the Harris voters simply lacked some information in order to reach a more proper decision. If Harris voters remain committed to voting for Harris after living through 3 1/2 years of the most regressive, anti-American administration in U.S. history, that isn’t ignorance nor gullibility. That is simply outright stupidity. Which is an inability to learn despite repeatedly being exposed to day-to-day reality.

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
4 months ago

If Trump-Haters would just ignore him and enjoy the fruits of his administration, their blood pressure would lower by 50 points and their TDS finally might be cured.

4 months ago

Did everyone see that interview with Bret Baer on Fox yesterday? Anyone who hasn’t seen it, go find it and watch it.
She knew it would last only one half hour, so she filibustered (this woman who can’t wait to end the filibuster in congress). She lied, she projected, she was insufferable and rude. She MUST NEVER get her hands on power in this wonderful country.
The panelists of Fox were much too kind to her. She was utterly unlikable,
Liberals hate Trump, but at least he listens to the questions, gives substantial answers, and never lies, despite what liberals think.
Harris now has a new name to me – hideous Harris.I wish I could say hopeless Harris.
G-d where are you? Save us, please.
Trump 2024! and Republicans, good or bad, down ticket because Trump needs the numbers to get his agenda passed.

4 months ago

RBC, what more is there to comment on? Your piece today is on the money.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

I used to be a Democrat during JFK’s time but after his murder I started researching politics. I listened to Congressional & Senatorial hearings, only to find out I was with the wrong party. I found that Democrats are cohesive & vote everything their party dictates, no matter how bad it is for our country. They never vote for any BILL presented by Republicans, good example is the SAVE ACT, requiring VOTER ID to protect the integrity of our elections. Republicans who fights for us & our country, but because Democrats holds the majority in the Senate, it is always thrown out. I suggest to all voters to try and listen to the sessions of Congress & Senate & there you will hear and see who truly are for us & our country. No propaganda can change your mind because you will have the truth. That’s what converted me to vote for Donald J. Trump, a victim of political assassinations. He did not have to enter politics, but God gave him a mandate, to save our country from evil and to protect WORLD PEACE. . May God bless you all with wisdom to see the truth. Amen.

4 months ago

We can ask “would Harris have been nominated if she competed with other democrats?” But it is too late to ask. We can wish she would go away, but the wolf is at the door.

Jeff Gaynor
Jeff Gaynor
4 months ago

Quoting Joe Stalin: “Useful Idiots.”

4 months ago

If last night interview with Bret Baier on Fox was not an eye opener about Harris I don’t know what is. Like Bret said at the end I hope you got your Trump bashing in. That was not an interview. He asked the questions and she smeared Trump at every turn, never answering the question. She would not say how many invaders she let in. Just because the immigration and citizenship act didn’t pass congress she could have closed the border. But they wanted 1.8 million invaders to come in every year and amnesty to all to instantly become citizens. Only she never explained that part of the bill. She explained nothing. Just talked over the questions because she didn’t answer any of them. It just showed the hatred she had for the citizens that have a different point of view. It was not democratic it was not humane and once she becomes president all those who voted against her will be frozen out of her plans. She will dictate, deal with our adversaries in secret. A continuation of Biden Harris regime of the past 4 years. She never saw any decline in Biden but she definitely knows Trump is unstable. She debated him and had an earpiece in to repeat her campaign slogans. She has no words of her own. Showing up 15 minutes late for the interview All to show she is the boss. Biden Harris with their mandates have imprisoned more people, ruined more people’s lives and will continue destroying America in the next 4 years if not forever if she is elected. This article just confirmed what we saw on Fox last night. VOTE TRUMP VANCE save America.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
4 months ago

RBC, you are spot on! To vote for Kackler one can be amoral and corrupt (the likes of abortionists and Hamas supporters) or “low-information” voters who pull the “D” lever because their parents and grandparents did! Today’s DIMM party has NOTHING in common with a Truman or JFK Democrat, who LOVED our country!!

John Palmer
John Palmer
4 months ago

How can intelligent and common sense Americans fall for her lies and nonsense? She will further erode the freedoms and personal rights of all Americans!

4 months ago

It scares me to think that I’m driving on the highways of this great nation with Harris supporters. Let that sink in.

4 months ago

Truly terrifies me that in ,addition, to all the dirty tricks these gullible, brainwashed, effectively propagandized voters could elect this dangerous puppet. Some care only for abortion freedom ( available easily, everywhere, 24/7 ). Sick and mindless. I know you cannot reason with nor educate irrational people. I pray fervently every daynthat God will deliver us from such a catastrophic result.

4 months ago

this is what you get with gov schools STUPID people who will do as they are told because they cannot think for themselves this is how you destroy a country

4 months ago

Harris is a stooge being told what to do. She is an empty suit. The lamestream media has done a great job of vilifying Trump and stoking TDS. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of them.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 months ago

The Wolf in Sheeps clothing comparison sounds right . Have not heard that expression in a long time , several years in fact. Reminds me of. a cartoon. I drew in the 1990’s ( never. published ) Three frames – First frame – Two sheep are approaching a store that has ” Sheeps Clothing ” on the store window and they are sort of smiling ,have a calm look on their faces Second frame , the expression on their faces changes to one of deep concern , even worry, Third frame shows why — Two wolves are exiting the store smiling furtively at each other and carrying bags that have the words Sheeps Clothing on them. There are probably far more Democrats who are Wolves in Sheeps clothing than there are actual wolves in the United States at present . The matter of trusting the untrustworthy is sure enough an invitation to dangerous consequences As you wrote in connection with the C.S. Lewis story Robert – questions need to be asked . Good article .

4 months ago

Harris voters are dangerously stupid and demonic

4 months ago

I believe that many if not most Democrats live in a bubble. They vote how they are told to vote by the MSM and their Candidate. They believe whatever they see on TV or read in their daily paper. They are discouraged from researching or even taking the time to understand both Candidates and what they would bring to the Office of President, or any other Political Office. And yet, for as long as I can remember the Democrats have been making promise upon promise, and delivering on none. Then they make the same tired old promise the next run for election, and still do not deliver. But those same Voters will go to the Polls and vote them back into office again. An intelligent Voter would and should want to know everything there is to know, such as what their record of accomplishment is vs their promises made. Voters need to know what their true vision for how they plan to lead and accomplish their stated goals. Harris seems unwilling or unable to make any clear statements regarding what her plans are and how she will achieve her goals. She just gets defensive and blames Trump or makes disparaging remarks about him.
My tale away here is, nobody in this whole Political Arena is a Saint so it is time to cut the Crap and get real.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
4 months ago

BRUCE LEE… coined the phrase in Enter the Dragon “The art of fighting… without fighting”. Kamala has become a black belt in “The art of replying… without replying”. Nice try Brett !!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

In the simplest terms: she’s an overly ambitious woman cursed average intelligence. It’s not too late to pursue that McDonald’s career…

Mike Shea
Mike Shea
4 months ago

While this article is quite true, at least what I have read of it, the problem is those gullible voters number in the multi-millions. The 18-year-olds who are voting for the first time, and probably have been voting since early voting began, all could care less or know less about real issues facing our nation and the world. They want joy, and they’re voting for Harris.
in 2008, a good friend of mine, who is as conservative as possible, had a daughter voting for the first time. She had been taught everything she needed to know by her father to be a good conservative voter. She voted for Barack Obama. When asked why, she stated, “Because he plays basketball and is cool.” Her vote counted the same as mine. And millions of people who could care less about our history or where we are headed are voting this year. They’ve all been educated….uh, indoctrinated in our secular humanist public schools and they just know that Socialism is the way to go. How do we fight that?
I watch the conservative commentators on TV and think to myself, nobody who needs to learn this stuff is listening, because they’ve been trained to trust the mainstream media and no one else. The people who follow AMAC and other such outlets are not the problem. The people who never read these things and are immune to it all, are the ones we need to reach, but how? I’ll bet more than half of them, if they knew and understood the truth, would not be supporting the Communist politicians.

4 months ago

Great read and spot on. I watched the ‘interview’ (not even sure that was what it was) with Brett Baier and I couldn’t help but think to myself that if any voter watched that and still considers voting for Kackles, what kind of person are they? She offers nothing of substance and only feigned anger, all tinged with the ‘Orange Man Bad’ philosophy of the Communists. The questions were pretty straightforward (albeit a bit long) and the lack of any sense of accountability should terrify any reasonable and prudent person. Great article by RBC.

4 months ago

How in hell did a two-bit California communist whore ever get to the point of running for our presidency?
We should all call the democrats the Communist Party of America.
Harris, biden and a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats should all look forward to many years in jail for treason and lying to American citizens.

SueAnnette Smi
SueAnnette Smi
4 months ago

I want to print this article off and stick it in the mailboxes of every Liberal voter I know. But…why won’t I? Because the Liberals are devious. They’d find out it was me, And they’d hurt me or my loved ones in any way they could! I’m an old lady, and I still need to be careful. ❤️???????????????? Continue to pray for our Beloved Country. We need Jesus so badly! Jesus and Trump/Vance 2024!????????????????

4 months ago

Many young people today have become marxist because of what they’re taught in school, they are all for Kamala Harris being President, She is a deceiver, america will go down if she is elected.

4 months ago

Fake news is a nice way of saying corrupt, fraudulent, treasonous, mind controlling, lies, and propaganda. Allowing fraud news is the downfall of America. Trump is the best president ever, but stupid people, gullible people, have been brain washed with lies and manipulations from the communist owned main stream news – ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, Reuters, MSNBC, etc. These “news” outlets are a conspiracy of mind control frauds with the intent to character assassinate those who are not part of their organized crime cabal.This is visible when voters are asked who they are voting for and they say not Trump for reasons that are the lies repeated from the fraud news they have seen. Fraud news is an prosecuted crime. Even if Trump wins, the media must be forced to tell the truth or America will not be able to enforce the constitution and people’s rights.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Not gullible, just don’t give a fig. Let them fend for themselves and will see how they vote.

4 months ago

I believe that gullibility is a result of inferior education and a closed mind. Teachers are no longer those who question or encourage their students to question, but rather programmers who indoctrinate as they have been. It’s a sad prognosis for humanity.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Low Informed emotional type on Race & Gender only

David Campbell
David Campbell
4 months ago

I don’t think gullibility should be applied to Harris. The gullibility should be applied to Trump. People that believe all the lies about Trump is where the gullibility is. It is the root cause of TDS. And the Democrats entire campaign is built on “Not Trump”. That’s it. Even Senate and House races are basically “Not Republican” and by extension “Not Trump”. That’s all they have. You can talk all you want about how unfit Harris is to be president, but in the minds of gullible people, “Not Trump”, well, trumps that. Those of us with eyes open literally cannot believe that otherwise reasonably intelligent and competant people can believe all the lies about Trump. He was president already, we know how he will govern, and it is clear that everything the left says about Trump is completely made up nonsense. But gulible people believe it, and will vote not for Harris, but for “Not Trump”.

Kathy Krajcik
Kathy Krajcik
4 months ago

Many false prophets will come before Jesus, and people will be fooled. We must stay awake and be ready at all times.

4 months ago

She is very believable to the low information voter, just as BHO is. They are both communists, and will lie until you believe them; it’s what they need to do to win. Very scary. But again, the media and public education system are doing their jobs. The corruption runs very deep.

John G.
John G.
4 months ago

Bravo! This is an article I am comfortable sharing to those I know and care about who have been sucked in to supporting Harris. Calling them stupid and arguing will not convert anyone. The best thing this article does is to get them in a non confrontational way to merely ask themselves questions that they only need provide THEMSELVES with the answers to. I have found it the best way to win them over. Get them to consider the questions, then leave them alone. Trust me, they would rather decide on their own than concede that you or I ‘won’ an argument.

4 months ago

Harris is as transparent as a misguided, unwary teenager who just got caught drinking from Mom & Dads’ liquor cabinet.
“Gullible” is a good word for Harris supporters, but I think many of them go a good way beyond… to where “clinically brain-dead” may be applicable.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
4 months ago

There is one issue that should subordinate everything else this election cycle: wealth is produced by innovation merging with risk. Only by making most of what we consume instead of buying everything from other countries can everyone’s standard of living be lifted.
We are already the largest and most wealthy market in the world but our wealth and our leverage is deteriorating fast. We are still the richest 350 million people on the planet but our real wealth is slowly evaporating. Trump will negotiate our market’s strength to bring back the millions of jobs we have exported. We have to return to an economy that encourages growth and innovation and admires success. We can only look after the sick and the downtrodden if we first generate the money rather than continue to borrow it
Trump understands that his opposition will borrow money to keep control of more and more of our lives. They will buy votes to stay in power. And afterwards we will trade our Constitutional freedoms nibble by nibble for the handouts the government gives us, taking this borrowed money and buying our silence as we watch our standard of living getting progressively worse.
We have this one opportunity to return our nation to being the engine of the world. Vote right this time or you may not get another chance like it.

4 months ago

I wouldn’t vote for Harris if she were the only one running. She is an immature, cacklin’, ignorant moron.

Keith Hallam
Keith Hallam
4 months ago

Some years ago a very dangerous man said, “It’s a good thing for leaders that people don’t think.” That man was Adolph Hitler. I wonder if he could see into the future and was speaking to the “Harrisites” that are out there? As our elementary school teachers used to say, “Come on class, it’s time to put on our thinking caps.” Maybe the gullible folks have lost theirs!

richard johnson
richard johnson
4 months ago

“If there is a handbook for undermining America – from Afghanistan, Ukraine, China, and the Mideast to opening the border, defunding police, favoring illegals over veterans, disempowering parents, and remaking schools as activist centers – Harris has followed it.”

That book is Reverie for Radicals by Saul Alinski.

Adrian Van Essendelft
Adrian Van Essendelft
4 months ago

There already is handbook for destroying America and the principal is Cloward-Piven. Overwhelmed the system with Dependency and new immigrants etc. they’ve been doing it for you. Also, Alinsky‘s “rules for radicals”

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
4 months ago

Not just Harris voters are that gullible. For some time, Biden has been polling a 43% approval rating. That means that he has been polling at 0% above the 43% of the voters that are hopelessly gullible Democrat (Socialist) voters, no matter who is on the ballot or what that candidate’s policy positions are. That the margin for error in any national election is that thin is stunning and terrifying. Conservatives must vote in every election to preserve this Country.

4 months ago

Harris Voters- the definition of not smart

4 months ago

Seriously confusing gullible with just plain stupid !

4 months ago

for those NOT politically correct, that means you are stupid. fact is you are very stupid.

Doug Weishar
Doug Weishar
4 months ago

She has breasts and a vagina and thats all they need to vote for her.

Joel Sylvia
Joel Sylvia
4 months ago

Ya think?!

4 months ago


4 months ago

Must be a living hell to be stupid…

4 months ago

There are a lot of government dependent people today and they really don’t care what Harris or Trump are going to do,other than which will give them the most stuff.This country is probably beyond saving today.Got money?Got gold?

Jan C
Jan C
4 months ago

I live in a neighborhood that is primarily retirees with degrees. There are Harris/Walz signs everywhere. Sad. You know that Social Security and any other retirement plans (IRAs, 401Ks, Roths, SEPs, 403Bs) are going to be raided sooner or later by Democrats. Hmm, I believe some already have. Anyway, my neighbors are naive to think H/W care about them. TDS is likely what drives some of them; stupidity, overall, is the rest.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Of course they’re gullible. Remember, Communist harris said on ‘Live TV’ that 18-24 year olds are Stupid. That’s why democrats go after them and feed them BS their whole lives from kindergarten through college. To make it worse is that they were never taught to think for themselves or do actual homework/research to make logical common sense decisions by choosing a candidate based on Merit.

4 months ago

Gullible I just wonder, could they are lead to the slaughter of who to vote for

Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
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DOGE closed down more than 200,000 government credit cards
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