
Elections , Newsline

Harris on the Border – Shameless

Posted on Friday, October 4, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Nothing plus nothing is nothing. Candidate Kamilla Harris FINALLY visited our border. What audacity, betrayal, shame, disgrace. This woman facilitated 11 million illegals entering America, and shipped them to every state, from Maine to Montana. For illegal voting, she pushed a radical spike in alien felons, terrorists, and drug traffickers – Guatemala, Venezuela, China, Middle East. Shameless.

Call me what you like, but here are incontrovertible facts. Under Biden-Harris, we suffered a doubling of fentanyl deaths, and lost 200 kids a day, even with Narcan. We see a shocking rise in heartbreaking, senseless murders, illegals raping women, burglaries, and assaults. Shameless.

This is not racism or anti-immigrant sentiment. True Americans love legal immigrants. Ask any naturalized American; they love America. Yet thanks to Harris, we have 600,000 new convicted felons roaming the country, 13,000 convicted murderers. Add 2,000 facing homicide charges, 15,811 illegals convicted of sexual assault, and another 4,000 facing rape charges. Shameless.

How in God’s name can this vice president – who allowed this travesty for her gain – stand for president? Ask us to support her? This woman, and the ignominious cabal around Biden, have betrayed our nation. They have betrayed us economically, in foreign policy, at the border.

How else can one read these facts? In Maine, a Democrat governor and legislature – apologists for Harris – want more illegal immigration. They push 75,000 illegals, and give two years of free housing to them, even as Maine citizens struggle to find affordable housing, veterans huddle under bridges.

In short, this vice president is a total disgrace. How else can one say it? How can she arrive in her fancy plane, do a photo-op on the border, and not think we know she is trying to manipulate us? How can she compare border patrol to the KKK, vilify police, and pretend she cares? Shameless.

Today, seeing all this I was – not commonly – at a loss for words.  I watched this phenomenon on television and shuddered. I watched an unaccountable, lackadaisical, self-serving, faithless leader prance at the border and pretend she cared. I shook my head. Belief in a wall?  Hardly.

I thought about it. Trying to be dispassionate, I fumed internally. How do you convey the surreal nature of this manipulative approach to politics, this untruthful, sanctimonious, inauthentic, and ultimately disrespectful and insulting trip? I went to the dictionary. How else to say disgraceful?

The word disgrace means “dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, and infamy.” Let me end with this simple idea. We either believe in truth or we do not. We either stand for something or we stand for nothing. We either vote for people who, while imperfect, care about this country – or we are complicit.

Bottom line: This border visit by a dishonest, manipulative, faithless, and fumbling vice president, one who thinks she deserves power for reasons tied to her liberation theology, and her Marxist-Leninist upbringing, is hardly a cure for what ails us, or what ails her. Truth is: Nothing plus nothing is nothing. Shameless.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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4 months ago

RBC, what is there to say? Besides the illegal criminals that have been allowed to enter this country, the nation is run by “criminals” who have shown TOTAL DISREGARD of the legal laws and continue to do so by the orders of the “hidden secret elites” (although most are known). Lawlessness is the name of the game right now — EVIL vs GOOD. The Adversary will continue to do what they can to deceive the people and to lead the nation towards its downfall. Hopefully, the people will wake from their stupor but after the election, most will return to their sleep.
Bottom line: Everything that is happening, good or bad, is being used by our Father in Heaven to advance his plans for His Creation. Jesus Christ’s return is not that far away.
Question: When will there be a debate with D’Artagnan and the Parrot, with Cats as moderators?
Have a great Maine weekend.

4 months ago

a president Harris would be a DEI president “Didn’t Earn It”. I think the assumption that DEI is a justified hiring tool has already gone over the hill.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

She lives in the secure conclave surrounded be guards at our expense ,blathering about equality. There are many who deliberately keep their eyes closed and brains turned off, refusing to see her hypocrisy and criminality of her acts. They give her a pass. Speaks volumes of what we are dealing with. Shakespeare would be in heaven, so many women characters to choose from and each worse than the other

Nancy Hildebrandt
Nancy Hildebrandt
4 months ago

Candace Owens has assembled a pretty impressive body of evidence that Harris has built her life on lie after lie after lie. I don’t care if she’s black or not. But her life history of lies is exposed by her posting photos standing with black people and claiming or implying they are ancestors, then removing the photos in subsequent editions of her books. Countless other instances, like claiming she was a poor black kid on the integration school bus in Oakland, now claiming she grew up middle class. Can you imagine the work it takes to keep your house of lies from crashing down on you? We seem to be at the tipping point.

4 months ago

she is dangerous!

Pat R
Pat R
4 months ago

One of your best RBC. You’ve prompted me to look up her border visit – which I previously ignored since I knew it would be nothing more than a photo op. And she has the shameful audacity to refer to border patrol as KKK? The woman is a disgrace to humanity.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
4 months ago

She can stand for it because she is never around any of it. If she was she has her protecters. Fine homes,fine neighborhoods, fineresturants, no crowds, the S. Serv, has ran all the customers out. So she should get her ass on down to a big Mac place and rub elbows with some weybacks. Kyle L.

4 months ago

RBC put into words what I have been thinking and feeling ever since this numbskull was hand picked by Obama to be the next puppet in his Nazi marionette show. You’ll notice he picks the dumbest ones because stupid is easy to manipulate.
And yet, there are way too many people that are ignorant, uninformed and too lazy to do any research to find out who is the best person for the country. Instead they are lied to, given false narratives and will actually vote for another dimwit.
Trump is not a great speaker, but the four years he led us before we were so much better than the last four years have been under the demonrats. Trump loves this country, is a savvy businessman, and for the four years he was president, he took no salary. Instead he donated his salary to charitable causes. Who, but a man with integrity, would do that?
Take the blinders off and compare the four years under Trump with the four years under Obiden. And it will just get worse under Oharris.
This will be the most important election in history. We are voting for Either the Constitution and freedom OR high taxes, astronomical prices on everything we buy, food shortages and slavery to the government who will be into everything we do and say.
Choose wisely. Vote for America and NOT the party.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Its called T-R-E-A-S-O-N. I notice they always take their photo ops at locations with a FENCE giving the impression that every mile has it and its secure!

4 months ago

Harris cares more about the Israeli border than the US’.

4 months ago

Commie Harris.

4 months ago

There is no suitable vocabulary to describe this woman’s failures and lack of common sense. To think that people still endorse her and are going to vote for her in November is mind boggling. If by now you’re still sleeping and have Kamala in mind as your best bate, please stay home on November 5. You will do this great country a favor.

4 months ago

Total phony. Her unamerican orientation could be the demise of this once great republic. Don’t trust her — she does not have your best interests in mind. Well, that is unless you’re an illegal alien essential to her handler’s great replacement plan.

4 months ago

I sure wish every American felt the same way
You are right on the money. It is unthinkable that this maniac could be President of the US. How far have we fallen? This is worse than Emperor Nero sneaking out at night to murder people for fun.

4 months ago

Thank you for this truth example of dishonest people looking for power in our great nation. Say no to the people currently in our government who have done nothing to stop this.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
4 months ago

The only reason she went there was because President Trump went there but she was a disgrace why should she care her and her boss Biden left in millions of undocumented people and I am sure they are the worst of the worst from all over the world but with Harris and Biden’s plan they shipped them all over this country so people would not know what a government we are becoming a third world country because of Biden and Harris and there are more Dems in Washington who are also the blame for what is going on here they are behind Harris and Biden 100% hiding all these people here.

4 months ago

Looks like a fairly informed Intelligent individual. My Dogs name is Fred. Just sayin….

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