
Elections , Newsline

Harris’ Approach: Only Blacks Get Government Help

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Vice President Kamala Harris is rushing to fix a growing hole in her support: Black men. She’s buying votes with thinly veiled, taxpayer-funded giveaways. Your tax dollars will pay for “fully forgivable” $20,000 loans for businesses.

And worse, she’s targeting Black men with these giveaways, as if no one else deserves to participate in her “opportunity economy.”

If you’re having trouble growing your business, and you’re white — male or female — will you be eligible? Sounds unlikely. That’s blatant discrimination, immoral and unconstitutional.

Yet not a murmur of criticism from the liberal press.

On Monday, Harris traveled to Erie County, Pennsylvania, stopping at a local Black-owned coffee shop. Her campaign announced that she’s unleashing “the untapped ambition” within the Black community.

She’s promising one million loans, up to $20,000 apiece, “fully forgivable” to “Black entrepreneurs and others who have historically faced barriers to starting a new business or growing an existing business.”

According to her campaign, these loans “can help entrepreneurs rent office space and industry-standard software … purchase a van for a catering business … buy professional hairstyling equipment and chair space for a barber shop, buy lawn mowers and tools for a landscaper, and more.”

Who’s to say Black men should get this help, any more than white men, women, Asians, Hispanics, and people of all types who have “untapped ambition” and want to start or build businesses? That’s the American dream.

What’s un-American and contrary to the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment is offering help to people based on their skin color or ethnicity.

“Fully forgivable,” in plain English, means these are giveaways. Vote buying — using taxpayer dollars.

Harris is also announcing her plans for federal grants to support “leadership training and mentorship” within public schools for “young Black men.”  This too is illegal and immoral. All students should have access to these programs.

Every parent wants to know their kids won’t face discrimination at school.

Harris has a long track record of discriminating based on race and denying benefits or programs to people based solely on their whiteness.

On Sept. 9, she announced her plan to provide “first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to cover the down payment.” But the devil is in the details.

Her campaign website explains that “first-generation” homebuyers — buyers whose parents never owned a home — will get “more generous support.” That ensures minority homebuyers get the lion’s share of the help. Black buyers are nearly twice as likely as white buyers to qualify with this restriction.

Of course, no president can offer $25,000 to homebuyers. Only Congress, which controls the nation’s purse strings, can do that.

The Downpayment Toward Equity Act, the legislation backed by Harris-Biden and sponsored by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) spells out who gets what. The bill provides $20,000 for down payment help but increases it to $25,000 if the buyer is from a “socially and economically disadvantaged group,” defined as being “Black, Hispanic, Native American or Asian American.” Sorry, no whites are eligible for the added help.

It’s shocking that members of Congress would even write such a provision — a blatant violation of the Constitution’s guarantee of equal treatment for all.

Harris has made equity the theme of her politics for years. When she ran for president in 2019, an election ad on her Facebook page depicted a Black man who needs a physical boost to climb a mountain alongside a white man. “Equality means we should all be treated the same,” Harris explained in a voiceover. “The problem with that, is not everybody’s starting in the same place.”  Equity, she said, means “we all end up in the same place”

The Biden-Harris administration’s first piece of legislation, the American Rescue Act, gave debt relief to “socially disadvantaged farmers,” defined based solely on race and ethnicity. White farmers were ineligible.

Similarly, the act granted restaurant owners affected by COVID-19 aid, but white male restaurant owners were ineligible to apply during the program’s first three weeks, to ensure the money went first to other groups.

Federal judges struck down these provisions, but Harris continues to take this discriminatory approach.

Americans beware. When Harris says her values haven’t changed, believe her. She would be the “equity president.”

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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5 months ago

Here we go again: the Democrats buying their votes, using the taxpayer’s money without proper authorization from the Congress. Of course, if VP Harris wins, she will conveniently forget her proposal and go her merry way.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

democrats up to their old tricks; buying votes with taxpayer dollars. However, this vote-buying scam is made worse by the fact that, with this vote-buying scam, they’re violating the equal protection clause of the Constitution. AGAIN!

5 months ago

This story tells the truth about Ms. Harris and her racist ways.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
5 months ago

WOW, promises, promises of dole-outs, to buy votes? I wonder where she is going to get the money without Congressional approval and at a time when she & Biden’s over-spending buried us in over $38,TRILLION DEBT. Did they ever performed in their promises….as far as I know, nothing they promised ever came to fruition because all of it were illegal…shut down by the Supreme Court like the Student Loan Forgiveness they promised. Only idiots will believe in lies.

5 months ago

So the rest of the taxpayers end up funding one more thing for democrats!!!

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
5 months ago

She is ultimately intimating that the recipients of these ‘loans’ are dead beats and will not or cannot pay back the ‘loans’. The black people should be upset by that.

5 months ago

Harris opportunity economy is regulated to votes. Where her support is lacking she offers incentives. Money left and right. First time homebuyers, with this caveat, as long as your parents did not own a home, get 25,000. Which leaves out a lot of white voters thus another plus for blacks. Small businesses can deduct 50K off their income. Not to start a business. K doesn’t get that. You have to have money to start a businesses and to make a profit before you can deduct that money. That is a pie in the sky. It means nothing. Only Harris presents it as a startup for small entrepreneurs. No taxes on tips she did that weeks after Trump had announced it. Now she is busy to draw in the Black men to vote for her. K throws money at a problem but no plan how to pay for it. She says she is going to have the rich pay for it. Which only creates stagnation in the jobs market. Of course they have the 20 million invaders to put to work for half the wages citizens get. But it is not sustainable. Our deficit will grow and grow till we are insolvent and China calls in all the loans. But K never mentions that. Biden never mentioned it. He just said “we are the United States of America, for God’s sake”. Like that would make money magically appear. We set aside trillion of dollars for Build Back Better and never saw any project or heard of any project that was completed. We were going to have 500,000 loading stations all over America. Rumor has it they completed 8. I have said it before and I say it again my extension cord just isn’t long enough between loading stations here out in the West. In winter the electric cars won’t start or they catch fire. 200-300 mile range means nothing out here. Inflation reduction Act doesn’t work. Yes for the invaders and solar and windmills companies. Harris is the incumbent candidate not the newcomer. What she nodded okay to was to say yes to Bidens policies, ignoring the jobs assigned to her, the border, AI, Space. We can’t have the country run by her. We will go broke, overrun by criminal invaders, and China and Iran attacking us. The drones flying over our military bases unimpeded and hiding it for over a year. Says it all. VOTE TRUMP VANCE AND SAVE AMERICA. LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE.

Jim W.
Jim W.
5 months ago

Sounds full bore RACIST to me.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

And since she’s offering legal pot to black men why not include tax-free Hennessey while she’s at it… its not a racist stereotype if a Democrat does it.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

“Forgivable loans” are simply HANDOUTS! Reparations are HANDOUTS. Green new SCAM is HANDOUTS. If you BUY the poor voters and the rich voters, who pays the bills? You got it–it’s us “deplorables!”

5 months ago

Where did honest people go???

5 months ago

Here’s an idea. How about all the rich black people inclucing Harris help black people to start a business.

5 months ago

I hope the black men dont fall for lies and hypocrisy, shame, shame.

daniel a. klepac
daniel a. klepac
5 months ago

of course racism is ok for the demo side and always the narrative.

5 months ago

“Opportunity economy” = Reparations

5 months ago

I am so sick of that pathetic excuse for a vice president. She has absolutely nothing to redeem her. Disgusting.

fred smith
fred smith
5 months ago

Yep, it’s all about weaponizing the government once again to knock Whitey down a few notches! No loans or anything for the rest of American society, just one particular race amounts to discrimination but leftists don’t care about that. Americans are going to have to understand how voting for leftist democrats is costing them in more ways than they know.

5 months ago

Equity is such a scam! Not everyone can (or should) end up in the same place no matter how much help they get. A person has to have some intelligence, persistence, determination and drive in order to succeed. Handing them money to squander will only cost the rest of us.

5 months ago

Yep, paying the minorities to vote “democrat” is as old as the hills for those cronies. I can only imagine how much trouble they’d raise if the tables were ever turned. “OK for me, but NOT for thee”. How typically hypocritical that they still have the nerve to call themselves “Democrats”.

5 months ago

well that is as racist as it gets. guess all 75% of the population that is white better vote for trump if we expect to get our social security, medicare benefits, protection from her illegal invader army, ect, ect vote for trump, you may not like him be he isn’t a racist like she is.

5 months ago

The dimocraps are pandering and trying to buy votes again! That should be grounds for impeachment! Dimocraps will do anything for votes, whether it is legal or not makes no difference as long as they get the votes!

A. Peña
A. Peña
5 months ago

Nothing, is without recourse.

5 months ago

I do not think most black people are stupid enough to believe this will happen.

5 months ago

Too bad so many whites, especially women, loathe themselves so much[and vote like they have to want to be best friends or date the candidate, voting on likability] because we could totally win in a landslide against Harris and any Dem. Always surprised that Trump and other repubs, have such a tight race! Country’s attitude, totally going downhill/changing!

5 months ago

Sounds like the Current Regime is pretty desperate. We may be looking at another civil war with this type of discrimination.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
5 months ago

That’s no surprise. Those who have suffered nothing ,have tried to make those of us who have done nothing , feel like we owe them something, and enough have fallen for that scheme, so her kind will to keep using it as long as they can get away with it.

Thomas D Booth
Thomas D Booth
5 months ago

Can she get away with this?

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
5 months ago

only Blacks are getting the help now! They’ve living on the government teat and getting subsistence, medical, education and first choice with jobs!!
The equally economic challenged white person with no parents with college or opportunities gets nothing!!
With Harris a turned pendulum will only get stuck on one side and promulgate a deep inherited discriminatory prejudicial hatred that breeds poison for an adversary response and the white taxed underprivileged white is getting angry!!

5 months ago

In the meantime, the fraud has zero respect for ethics, the Constitution and especially not Martin Luther King. Just like the rest of her ilk!

5 months ago

If she gets elected we are DOOMED.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Plantation of old was a productive place .Self supporting and income generating. Can’t be said about the plantation today. If dems want to support it themselves with their own money I have no problem Have at her. If she really thinks she can be the POTUS, then my grandson can be the fireman he likes to play.

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
5 months ago

Of course her bribery move stinks but the problem with black owned small businesses in the “hood” isn’t just financial, it’s security.

5 months ago

Harris who is NOT BLACK, like all demonrat racists stereotypes everyone. She’s so out of touch and ignorant she proposes her insane ideas, which is why she is going to get shellacked like Jimmy Carter. The entire party is in panic mode now that they have exposed themselves for what they truly are (evil) even to the low information voters out there.
The coup of Traitor Joe leading to the coronation of Kamala, by Obomber and Nazi Pelosi is their great undoing. 14 million of the party faithful voted for Traitor Joe in the primary, but these two despicable individuals, ignore the voters wishes and decided for everyone that Kamala will be their new puppet.
Someone who has never garnered even A SINGLE VOTE in any primary ever. (now after less than 3 months in the publics eye, people understand why). Their gaul and hutzpah is second to none. So now Barry has taken to the campaign trail to insult black men and try to shame them into voting for this vapid vessel. Not gonna work this time Barry, as many of the black men interviewed have said “it’s time to leave the democrat plantation”.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Being racist,buying votes,destroying AMERICA,it’s the liberal,leftist democ rats motto.

John Gilpin
John Gilpin
5 months ago

She is a repulsive excuse for VP. Can you imagine her as President. It would be atrocious to even consider her ass in the White House. She has done absolutely nothing but fly around on Air Force 2 and tell everyone there gonna get whatever they want just hang with us on that.
She is not capable of running this country period. Her and her husband are part of the swamp that needs to go. Hopefully if the Democrats don’t cheat there’s a bunch of these people that are going to be in deep caca come 11-05-2024.

Jim P.
Jim P.
5 months ago

Communists suck.

5 months ago

When are people going to stand up to these RACIST Criminals and stop them from breaking the law?

5 months ago

#1 reason NOT to vote for Kamala: she is stating clearly and up front and in your face that she plans to ignore and violate the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution is clear that groups of people in America cannot be given to while other groups are ignored and discriminated against. The programs she is promising would only be available to specific groups of people based on race, gender, ethnicity…Supreme Court will knock this out, unless of course she works at changing the SC…

5 months ago

There she goes again! Kamala is pandering to blacks on a grandscale. Seems like almost all blacks can see through this thinly veiled pandering. Just remember after election day things return to normal depending on who is elected vote what you think is right for your country.

5 months ago

DEI=screw whitey on steroids.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Pretty Racist of Communist harris along with Discrimination against the rest of America.

5 months ago

Don’t forget illegal alien criminal comrades in arms !

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
5 months ago

It is not a loan if you don’t have to pay it back, it is a gift.

5 months ago

you fix racism with more racism no more professional politicians

5 months ago

No matter what anybody says, she still has the “Democrat, No Matter What” voters

5 months ago

As always, I did my research to find out if something is true or not. I found it all right.
This is not the only news site I found this information. What was not added in this article is, she plans on helping black men start businesses that sells marijuana.
She also wants to have it legalized in all states.
These news sites also states that she is trying to get black men’s votes. Apparently, there is the consensus that some black men are not to hip about a black woman president.
I am only interested in the facts, not rhetoric.

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