
Elections , Newsline

‘FOUR YEARS OF HELL’: Border Patrol Agents Vow to Quit if Harris Wins

Posted on Monday, October 21, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The illegal immigration crisis facing the U.S. has drastically worsened ever since Vice President Kamala Harris was appointed the incumbent administration’s “border czar” in 2021. 

Terrorist threats are on the rise, violent migrant gangs are roaming the streets, small towns are being decimated by state-sanctioned immigrant dumpings, American children are being slain by migrants, and migrant children are being sex trafficked by gangs and cartels.

But according to reports, the crisis could deepen further if Harris were to win November’s election.

According to The New York Post, U.S. Border Patrol agents are “threatening” to resign in droves if Harris is elected president. “I’m not doing this sh** again … four years of hell,” one agent said. The Post noted that he is “nowhere near retirement,” but is “absolutely sure” that he would quit if Harris were to win in November. Another agent warned, “Lots of guys who can retire will go. If Trump wins, they’ll stay.”

One agent anticipated that his colleagues with five to 10 years of Border Patrol experience will try to find other jobs, while those who have served at least 20 years will simply walk away. “We will have another exodus just because we will have a bunch of 20-year agents saying ‘peace out,’” he said.

Another agent said that no one wants to work Border Patrol under the Biden-Harris administration because the administration undermines the job. “Under this administration, they’ve done everything they could to make our job as inefficient as possible. They can’t outwardly tell us not to do our job, but when you’re watching criminals come in and get released, it sucks,” he commented.

Border Patrol has been steadily hemorrhaging agents ever since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021. Over a quarter of agents, totaling more than 4,000, have quit, leaving the crucial agency with roughly 19,000 employees. On average, more than 1,200 Border Patrol agents have resigned per year under the policies of Biden and his “border czar,” Harris.

The National Border Patrol Council, the largest union representing Border Patrol agents, has been openly critical of Harris’ failure to address the surging border crisis and has warned that, as president, she would continue to do damage.

Late last month, when Harris visited Douglas, Arizona, for a campaign event, she made numerous claims regarding the nation’s southern border and its security, including taking credit for increasing overtime pay for Border Patrol agents. “This couldn’t be further from the truth. As with all things border-related, she was nowhere to be found when we needed her,” the National Border Patrol Council quickly responded.

The council continued, “Vice President Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the [National Border Patrol Council] has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3-1/2 years?”

When Trump himself visited Arizona on Sunday, the council formally endorsed him. Its president, Brandon Judd, said that Biden and Harris treat the U.S. border as “nothing more than an imaginary line in which crossing it illegally carries no penalty,” adding that the policies of Biden or Harris will make America into a nation “where lawlessness will reign, and where enforcement of laws will become a pastime.”

Trump, however, is “the polar opposite,” Judd said. “He has worked tirelessly and against great opposition to make this country safe, to make our neighborhoods safe, and most importantly, make our children safe,” he continued. Biden and Harris offer only “rhetoric,” the border patrol group president quipped, but “President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has accomplishments.”

S.A. McCarthy is a news writer at The Washington Stand.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By S.A. McCarthy

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 days ago

Praise for you writing this article S. A. McCarthy — to present the truth about this very important issue is appreciated. And praise for the Border Patrol agents for helping to defend this Nation . Their work is appreciated by right thinking Americans who understand what a complex matter this invasion by criminal gangs is and believe in principles that are at the foundation of law and law enforcement and honest government. God bless America, land of the free, and home of the brave.

3 days ago

She is a disaster and a disgrace to America. She has done NOTHING since being VP but expects us to believe that on ‘DAY ONE’ if elected she is going to change all that? All that comes out of her mouth is Bull Sh**. I can’t even stand to listen to her anymore and her ongoing CACKLE.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 days ago

Ninety percent of her staff quit her before she became the candidate so it is no surprise that these officers will quit IF she gets elected. She is a piece of work…evil work.

3 days ago

I can hardly imagine how these brave men and women of our Border Patrol felt about the increased danger they faced, while, simultaneously, being forced to stand down from the oaths they took to protect our country. They were forced to enable millions of violations of our border by the mandates of Harris, their corrupt “Border Czar”, who invited criminals to cross our border and cause murder, rape, and mayhem in our United States. I won’t even try to reflect on how horribly the families of Harris’ murder and rape victims were affected. I cannot condone electing any more “democrats” to public office in OUR United States… ever again.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 days ago

I have a better idea: instead of following orders, DISOBEY! Secure the border, turn them back! To coin the left: “resist, resist, resist!” What can they do… fire everyone? Lets hope voters are doing the right thing and this discussion is MOOT!

3 days ago

If this does not stop, the American citizen must stand up and briing a quick and sudden halt to these sick and twisted.

3 days ago

What will America do when no one wants to work as a police officer, border patrol agent, ICE agent, etc? I don’t blame these guys-they are so busy processing release papers they can’t even patrol the border!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 days ago

Lock up biden/harris for their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion they created threatening our Sovereignty, National Security and Americans lives.

Robert Marburger
Robert Marburger
3 days ago

If Harris/Walz gets elected there will be a civil war .

2 days ago

79% of the citizens are dissatisfied with the state of the union under this administration but their candidate is polling at least 50%. Something foul is afoot.

3 days ago

One of the basic tenets of the Democrat party is to follow laws that help them and ignore laws they don’t like. The Border Patrol needs to start ignoring the Biden regime orders and actually enforce the laws on the books.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
2 days ago

There are 3 party’s in this country that matter… the Dems and Repub’s… and The Unity Party made up of Neocons and powerful individuals hell bent on a Global Agenda. Watch carefully. It is made up of BOTH party’s of CONTROLLABLE INDIVIDUALS! Think about it… GW and GHWB, Liz Cheney, Both Clinton’s, Mitch McConnell, Obama, Biden, Harris and so so many more. And now that you know, keep your eyes wide open when they speak… and you will understand. MAGA IS OUR ONLY HOPE! Pray for the “uncontrollable” President Donlad J Trump!

2 days ago

Does anyone doubt that this is exactly what the Marxist Harris and Co. want?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
22 hours ago

I do not blame them she will do nothing if she wins she is one lie after another they know it who would want to work for her she never cared what she let into the country she will not care if elected then the US will become a Third World Country for sure under Harris and Waltz.

Arthur joy
Arthur joy
2 days ago

Our border patrol officers/agents should be getting bonuses if they find illegal drugs being smuggled. We need to purchase ground penatrating radar units and scan the border, finding tunnels.. and make it policy that anyone caught crossing illegally will not be able to cross border or seek asylum legally.. EVER

2 days ago

Well, that’s what the Rats want them to do.

Border run
Border run
4 days ago

Lots of guys who can retire will go. If Trump wins, they’ll stay? Well if I was an immigrant I would feel good about my chances regardless then

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