
Elections , Newsline

Election Research Institute Shines Spotlight on Shocking Electioneering in Nursing Homes

Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2024
by AMAC Action

A new report and analysis from the Election Research Institute (ERI) has provided alarming new evidence of voter fraud taking place in nursing homes and highlighted the legal loopholes being used to take advantage of vulnerable senior citizens.

As ERI explains, pandemic-era changes to nursing home regulations have created conditions ripe for abuse. Specifically, in 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) instructed nursing homes to “interpret federal rule §483.10(b), ‘The resident has the right to exercise his or her rights as a resident of the facility and as a citizen or resident of the United States,’ to mean that the staff must assist residents with applying for absentee or mail ballots and completing a ballot.”

This change instantly created ample potential for bad actors to hijack the votes of nursing home residents. But Executive Order 14019, issued by President Biden shortly after he took office, has made this problem even worse. According to that Order, every federal agency – including CMS – must partner with White House-approved NGOs to conduct get-out-the-vote efforts.

Because CMS controls the flow of federal dollars to nursing homes – to the tune of about $100 billion annually – facilities have little choice but to comply. As a result, nursing home staff and unknown individuals from shadowy nonprofits have been allowed to “help” residents register to vote and fill out their ballots without any effective oversight from election officials or other trusted registered agents like family members and close friends.

The threat of voter fraud from this dangerously unaccountable and unsecure system is not just theoretical. ERI lays out four separate examples where nursing home residents have become the victims of voter fraud schemes since the initial CMS rule change in 2020 – undoubtedly just a few of many such cases.

In one instance from Texas, a social worker was “charged with 134 felony counts involving election fraud for unlawfully registering residents of the Mexia State Supported Living Center.” In another, a resident who was labeled “not capable” upon admission to a nursing home in May 2020 voted for the very first time despite being bedridden and unable to walk.

In 2021, furthermore, an investigation in Wisconsin found that nursing home “residents were illegally assisted with ‘marking’ their ballots by nursing home staff and administrators,” and “investigators suspected forgery of residents’ signature by nursing home staff.” Lucy Corrato, a 91-year-old woman who had not voted for 30 years, was shocked to find after the 2020 election that “the county election office received and counted a ballot in her name.”

ERI’s report underscores the urgency of this issue ahead of a pivotal election this November. “The documented cases of exploitation of these vulnerable nursing home residents are heartbreaking,” ERI Executive Director Heather Honey said in a statement. “We must prioritize the protection of this population to ensure they are not victimized. Likewise, nursing home staff should not be pressured by federal agencies to conduct get-out-the-vote activities.”

Unfortunately, vulnerable elders continue to be prime targets for dangerous and un-American electioneering schemes. That is why AMAC Action has and continues to partner with organizations like ERI to be an advocate for reform to these rules.

Our leaders must be held to account and take action to protect seniors, and especially nursing home residents, from this egregious type of abuse. Every eligible voter, no matter his or her age, should be protected from fraud and should be free to vote or not vote without any outside pressure.

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6 months ago

I know that people with no discernable ethics or morals have been paid to go into nursing homes and “help” the residents fill out their ballots! That is sad the way old people in this country are treated and cheated. In Asian countries, Japan for one, the elderly are revered for the most part….or has that changed?! I would bet the farm that Democratic Jackasses are responsible for that bill discussed in the article that allows “ballot harvesting” because it would be impossible for them to win in a fair & honest election or anything else!

6 months ago

The democrats have, quite literally, sold their souls to the evil one, and for what. They’ve given up their humanity out of pure hate and the lust for power. That they truly believe the evil lies of Marxism will sustain them. It matters not a whit to these demons who or how they hurt or ruin. What is a few short years on this earth compared to eternity?
To exploit and use the elderly is beyond pale, right up there with abortion and gender distortion ideologies. The lawmakers who think up this garbage for their benefit (meaning there is no other way for them to win an election) should be impeached and prosecuted. In the end, there will be no appeal.

6 months ago

There is so much corruption in everything now that I have no hope of ever being able to overcome it. I’m rather glad I don’t have a long future in front of me.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

In Nevada, Jacky Rosen is running ads about how Sam Brown will “end Medicare and Social Security”. Same old tired Democrat tactic that hasn’t changed since Reagan.

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
6 months ago

People-Wake-UP & ????????????????????????????
surport the “Good’ Con. & Sen. people ,
& President (TRUMP)) !!!

Nola Welling
Nola Welling
6 months ago

I have complained about this for 20 years while working as a RN for a retirement home.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
6 months ago

Appalling and criminal.

Chris Fister
Chris Fister
6 months ago

Make EO 14019 null and void!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

A friend had a relative in a nursing home and I have seen “volunteers “assisting the residents with the ballots. Nothing new. Been going on for decades.

6 months ago

Same in Oregon where everyone votes by mail! Even before COVID.

6 months ago

This is not a new practice. My mother-in-law lived in a nursing home for 12 years in the Late 80s and 90s. The staff registered her to vote and told me they would “help” her vote, that I didn’t have to come in. I just smiled and told them I was her attorney in fact and would gladly assist her as it was my job. An aide was posted outside the door to monitor. We went through the entire ballot and I explained each race as needed and marked the ballot as directed. My sister worked in a group home for challenged clients for decades. The staff “assisted” the clients regularly. I believe in one person, one vote not One person multiple votes.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
6 months ago

And guess which party most nursing home workers belong to….

6 months ago

It was an utter disgrace how the Demo left went thru the nursing homes here in Wisconsin in 2020, ballot harvesting like they were harvesting corn. And nothing was or is being done about it. They were even going into parks and other recreation areas confronting people, harvesting ballots by the boat load.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
6 months ago

There was enough evidence the courts should have looked into it. Reason they didn’t that bwould have to be handlked by 5the Justice Dept. Federal Agency,,, and staffed by Democrats. No way they would investigate. This year they will try to figgure out how to get all the illeagles to vote. AAWWWHHHHHH Give me the old coboy days when the vote was bought by a drink at the bar. Or Saloon as it was. Kyle L.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

To rerun 2020, 2022 for the Dems

6 months ago

I was talking to a resident at my mom’s nursing home the other day about the upcoming election. As we talked I realized that, while this person was fully aware of current issues, most of the other residents were not mentally competent to make any voting decisions. In fact, out of about 40 residents, there were only about 3 or 4 that could make that kind of decision. I found myself fervently hoping that the election would pass without them being given an opportunity to vote.

6 months ago

Thank you AMAC. If the ballots are not authorized by the voter, who can prove it?

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