
Elections , Newsline

Don’t Listen To Dem Hysteria — Everyone Can Agree On Election Integrity

Posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Election day "I voted today" stickers in black and white

At first glance, some Americans could mistakenly conclude that election integrity safeguards are deeply unpopular. After all, liberal politicians and the mainstream media regularly denounce commonsense measures like photo ID laws and routine voter roll cleanups.

No matter what they claim or how loudly they claim it, these voices do not speak for the majority of Americans. As recent polling conducted by Honest Elections Project Action shows beyond all doubt, an overwhelming bipartisan majority of Americans embrace commonsense voting laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped the left from systematically undermining election integrity. For more than a decade, left-wing groups and liberal antidemocracy election lawyers like Marc Elias, have aggressively challenged election safeguards meant to bring transparency and fairness on Election Day. Politicians like President Joe Biden have called simple laws like voter ID “Jim Crow 2.0.” Just days ago, Vice President Kamala Harris repeated the liberal lie that conservative states are just trying to “make it more difficult for people to vote.”

Across the country, left-wing politicians are openly talking about lowering the voting age and following the lead of New York City and Washington, D.C. by giving noncitizens and illegal aliens the vote. Progressive activists fight for all-mail elections, unfettered vote trafficking, and deadlines that let ballots stream in weeks after Election Day. Meanwhile, left-wing groups like the Center for Tech and Civic Life create programs like the “U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence” to pump liberal politics and potentially even foreign influence into the offices that run elections.

None of this sits well with the American people. Take voter ID, for instance. 88% of Americans—the highest share ever recorded in an HEP Action poll—embrace photo ID requirements. Over 80% of Black and Hispanic voters endorse these supposedly discriminatory laws. Liberals have poured millions into lawsuits to gut voter ID, something that only 9% of Americans want to see done.

That’s not all that the liberal election agenda gets wrong. The left insists on transforming Election Day into “Election Season” with six weeks of early voting, but nearly 80% of voters say there should be two weeks or less. In fact, nearly 60% of Black and Hispanic voters say that seven days is enough. 

The public rejects the liberal dream of all mail elections, too. Almost three-in-four voters say that mail ballots should have to be requested every single time a voter wants one. Nearly 90% think that every ballot should be received by Election Day, and 75% believe that voting in person is better than by mail. In fact, if states offer two weeks of early in-person voting, including time on weekends, two-in-three people—including 55% of Black and 69% of Hispanic voters—would be comfortable eliminating no-excuse mail voting altogether. 

While large, overwhelmingly Democrat cities like New York and Washington, D.C. have passed laws to permit non-citizens to vote in local elections, nearly 90% of Americans think that U.S. citizens alone should be able to vote, including 82% of Democrats, 80% of Black voters, and 78% of Hispanic voters. This kind of near-unanimous agreement is exceedingly rare, especially in today’s political landscape, yet when it comes to election integrity issues it happens over and over again.

The polling also reveals that 78% of Americans are opposed to foreign influence over elections. Liberal politicians rail against foreign interference in elections, even as they use foreign money to influence American politics. Hansjorg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, has poured nearly half a billion dollars into left-wing causes. Since 2016, Wyss has put at least $245 million into New Venture Fund, a grant-making entity managed by Arabella Advisors. In 2020, New Venture gave $25 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). CTCL now runs an $80 million program called the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, which targets local election offices with grants and influence, raising the disturbing prospect that CTCL has created a conduit for foreign influence directly into the foundations of American elections.

This polls shows one thing above all: Americans are loud and clear in what they want to see in elections. They want the assurance over election integrity laws like photo ID, responsible early and mail voting policies, and they want American elections to be decided by American citizens. The left should stop shouting and start listening. And every state should pass the commonsense election laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.

Jason Snead is the executive director of Honest Elections Project Action.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Caller – By Jason Snead

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1 year ago

Half of America, left half, feels the end justifies the means. They don’t care about integrity.

1 year ago

I won’t trust elections again until we can get back to knowing who won election night.

1 year ago

Democrats know that if they can’t cheat they cannot win. Anything they are against probably is necessary and probably will stop them from cheating. They will fight it tooth and nail that’s the only way they can ever stay in power. Nobody would vote for what they do to the economy. That’s why they always lie and cheat. If they told voters what they actually planned on doing nobody would vote for them that’s why they always do nebulous things like hope and change without telling you what it means

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

BUT Dems & Left DONT Want EI

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Democrats do nto want voter ID and In person voting for four simple reasons:
Illegal aliens voting
Dead people voting
Out of state people voting
Pre-filled printed ballots used to replace republican votes in mass ( break out the briefs and gray vans we have some ballot exchanges to make.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

If you think all the money paid to the Bidens isn’t buying “influence” you’re fooling yourself….

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

“Everyone Can Agree On Election Integrity”
I beg to differ. The Democrats, the “Left,” fear nothing more than election integrity. Despite endless claims to the contrary in the media and from their politicians, the Left in this nation has not had majority popular support or majority support from the voters since the 1960s. So how do they “win” elections? Very simple: cheating and fraud. They know very well that if there were real election integrity in this nation, they would never again win an election at the national level. That is why they fight tooth and nail against any and every effort to ensure election integrity.

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
1 year ago

I would love to believe that everyone wants voting integrity, but not so sure most Democrats care about that. They want to win the election.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

Not so much to hysteria as it is to insistence on being able to cheat.

1 year ago

If one state can figure out who one on election night then all states can, and it should be the law unless it’s super close. If every state was called there would be less controversy.

1 year ago

Based on what research? Or is this just your biased opinion?

Ron Robb
Ron Robb
1 year ago

Biden seems fo lack the ability to empathize with other human beings.. I believe that he was attempting soin this incident. If, in his heart, he values his possessions more than the people in his life, he’s just being honest, for a change.

1 year ago

For the 2020 election, my husband was working in a nursing home. It was when the Covid pandemic started. Even families were not allowed to visit their loved ones. It was a bad time. BUT, the nursing home director allowed a group from the Democrat committee to enter the building and go from room to room filling out absentee votes for the residents. Guess which party EVERY SINGLE resident voted for?

Find toes
Find toes
1 year ago

trump lost the election but I have good news.

for 50 bucks I can help him find his toes after eating all That food.

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