
Elections , Newsline

Biden DOJ Fights Election Integrity Efforts with Lawsuits Across the Country Ahead of the Election

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is suing states and towns across the country in an effort to thwart election integrity measures ahead of the presidential election, resulting in pushback from election integrity advocates.

The DOJ has sued Virginia, Alabama, and rural Wisconsin towns over the removal of non-citizens from voter rolls and switching to only paper ballots and hand-counting. Some of the jurisdictions are fighting back, arguing that they are following the law as they work to ensure election integrity.

The Justice Department sued Virginia earlier this month over removing non-citizens from its rolls ahead of the Nov. 5 elections. A federal judge in Virginia on Friday ordered the commonwealth to place non-citizens back on its voter rolls. The judge ruled that removing the registered voters from the rolls violated federal law, WRIC reported.

The suit was against the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Virginia State Board of Elections, and the Virginia Commissioner of Elections for allegedly violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. The NVRA prevents states from using systematic programs to remove ineligible voters from voter rolls within 90 days of a federal election, according to the DOJ.

While Virginia argued that the non-citizens removed from the voter rolls are ineligible to vote, the judge ruled that they were illegally removed too close to the election.

“Let’s be clear about what just happened: only eleven days before a Presidential election, a federal judge ordered Virginia to reinstate over 1,500 individuals – who self-identified themselves as noncitizens – back onto the voter rolls,” Virginia GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin said in a statement. “Almost all these individuals had previously presented immigration documents confirming their noncitizen status, a fact recently verified by federal authorities.”

“This is a Virginia law passed in 2006, signed by then-Governor Tim Kaine, that mandates certain procedures to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls, with safeguards in place to affirm citizenship before removal–and the ultimate failsafe of same-day registration for U.S. citizens to cast a provisional ballot,” Youngkin continued. “This law has been applied in every Presidential election by Republicans and Democrats since enacted 18 years ago.

“Virginia will immediately petition the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and, if necessary, the U.S. Supreme Court, for an emergency stay of the injunction,” he added.

Following the court ruling, Cleta Mitchell told Just the News on Friday that the judge’s decision was incorrect.

“The federal judge is one of the Biden appointees, so we are not surprised by the ruling. It is erroneous and must be appealed,” Mitchell said.

“I fervently hope that the [Virginia] AG files an emergency petition to the US Supreme Court, bypassing the very left wing 4th Circuit and getting this resolved asap, not just for Virginia but for ALL the states, since the DOJ send a letter to every state election official telling them the states cannot remove anyone from the voter rolls, including noncitizens, people whose registrations are invalid under state law and are void from the beginning. So every state needs SCOTUS to weigh in and reverse this order handed down today in Virginia,” she continued.

She added that the Biden administration is clearly targeting jurisdictions that are attempting to implement election integrity measures. “[T]he Biden-Harris DOJ is definitely going after states and municipalities who are trying to secure their elections and make sure that elections are not polluted or manipulated by illegal votes,” Mitchell said. “[This] Demonstrates that this Administration really does hate the idea of election integrity.”

Virginia appealed the decision to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday. The court ruled against Virginia on Sunday in the commonwealth’s appeal to keep the non-citizens off of its voter rolls.

Alabama and Wisconsin

Earlier this month, a federal judge in Alabama ruled against the state for trying to remove non-citizens from its voter rolls, after the DOJ sued the state in September. The DOJ’s argument was similar to its case in Virginia regarding the timing of the removal of voters, since Alabama announced its intentions 84 days before the election.

At the time of the announcement, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen (R) said that his office, using data from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, had identified 3,251 people who are potentially non-citizen voters. He said it’s possible that some people deemed as non-citizens by DHS later became citizens, and he was in the process of helping them verify their status.

The judge’s ruling in the case this month stated, “This year, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen (1) blew the deadline when he announced a purge program to begin eighty-four days before the 2024 General Election, (2) later admitted that his purge list included thousands of United States citizens (in addition to far fewer noncitizens, who are ineligible to vote), and (3) in any event, referred everyone on the purge list to the Alabama Attorney General for criminal investigation.”

Allen’s office was directed to provide guidance to county election officials for restoring voters to the state’s voter rolls, announce the court order on his office’s website, and notify the state attorney general that the voters were inaccurately referred for investigation. Allen said he would comply with the court order.

The DOJ also sued two rural Wisconsin towns last month after they switched from including electronic voting machines to using only paper ballots in their elections and counting them by hand.

The Biden DOJ alleged that the towns and the state violated Section 301 of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) by not having an accessible voting machine for voters with disabilities.

One town, Lawrence, with a population of 301 people, settled, signing a consent decree with the DOJ last Friday. In accordance with the consent decree, the town board voted on Sept. 6 to rescind the January 2023 decision to not turn “on the voting machine.”

On the other hand, the town of Thornapple is defending its decision, saying that it is following the law by ensuring that voters with disabilities are in fact receiving the required assistance. According to the DOJ’s lawsuit, the Thornapple Town Board of Supervisors voted in June 2023 to “stop use of the electronic voting machine and use paper ballots.”

Thornapple had previously used Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast Evolution machine to mark and count votes before the decision to maintain the paper ballot requirement. The town used only paper ballots this year in both the April presidential preference primary election and the August federal primary election at Thornapple’s sole polling place.

Earlier this month, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin granted the DOJ a preliminary injunction against Thornapple and its decision to only use paper ballots. Thornapple appealed the decision to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday.

The America First Policy Institute (AFPI) is representing the Thornapple defendants in the case.


Michael Berry, executive director of AFPI’s Center for Litigation, told Just the News last month that the DOJ should prioritize ongoing election integrity issues in larger cities, rather than paper ballot elections.

“It’s appalling that the Department of Justice is bullying and targeting a small town in rural Wisconsin over its decision to use hand-counted paper ballots,” Berry said. “I would think the United States Department of Justice has much better things to do with its time and resources, including fixing the rampant election integrity problems in many of our large cities. AFPI is proud to represent Thornapple, Wisconsin, as it stands up to the Goliath that is the Department of Justice.”

As the Justice Department has sued both Virginia and Alabama, Heritage Foundation senior legal fellow Hans von Spakovsky, who has previously served on the Federal Election Commission and in the DOJ, wrote a report on Wednesday explaining the department’s incorrect interpretation of the law regarding voter registration removals.

“No provision of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), including the 90-day pre-election deadline in Section 8(c)(2), prevents states from removing aliens who have illegally registered to vote from state voter registration rolls,” von Spakovsky wrote.

“The plain text of the statute does not require states to keep an individual registered who was never eligible to be registered in the first place, and any interpretation of the NVRA that would require states to keep an alien registered to vote when both state and federal criminal laws bar an alien from registering would render the NVRA unconstitutional.”

“States have both a constitutional and statutory right—if not an obligation—to remove aliens who are ineligible to vote in both federal and state elections from their voter registration rolls,” he later added.

“The 90-day deadline for systematic removal programs applies only to removing eligible registrants who have changed their residence. It does not apply to aliens who were never eligible to register in the first place, just as it does not apply to minors, fictitious registrations, fraudulent registrations of any kind, decedents, felons, and mentally incompetent individuals. There is nothing in the NVRA to the contrary.”

Reprinted with permission from Just The News by Natalia Mittelstadt.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
4 months ago

The judge in the Virginia case is a traitor to the people of the United States . He should be impeached, tried for his treason, and given a traitor’s death upon conviction.

USN Retired
USN Retired
4 months ago

Every vote counted from non-citizens needs to be subtracted from the Democrats totals, especially from Harris.

Paul Manning
Paul Manning
4 months ago

It’s very telling that Merrick Garland and his DOJ would SUE states for trying to remove illegals and corpses. Just imagine if that steaming body waste had become a Supreme Court Justice.

4 months ago

I pray for a Trump victory so the Department of Injustice and its liberal lawfare can face the axe.

4 months ago

This just reassures us how dirty the demorat party has become!

4 months ago

They are desperate, but more so they are evil & liars! They will try to stop President Trump any way they can!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
4 months ago

The DIMM party has been pushing ILLEGAL voting since at least Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed. Back then, they could buy votes with a bottle of whiskey! LBJ “won” his first House election by fraud. JFK won both his nomination and election by dad Joe’s “payments”. IDK if JFK knew or participated himself. William Daley of Chicago was famous for “vote early and often” and Cook County cemeteries were the home of many voters. Totally corrupt for years! They aren’t really much different than Putin, Stalin, or Castro when it comes to “democracy.”

4 months ago

These lawsuits (and their resolution) help to make votes impossible to count til there’s an opportunity to be sure the pre-chosen one wins.

4 months ago

These are more examples of leftist, activist judges who have no problem suspending any ethics they might have to advance the leftist agenda. They should be removed from office and prosecuted.

4 months ago

In Virginia lawsuit has already been proven to be bogus and against the law. Just another blatant attempt by democrats to win by cheating

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
4 months ago

And they have the nerve to call we Conservatives the ones trying to end Democracy in America!! Do they think we are too stupid to know what they are doing??? Guess they don’t even give it a thought since Soros has been able to get Communist justices elected in many states. Someone, somehow needs to find a way to stop that evil worm and his son!!!

fred smith
fred smith
4 months ago

Biden has alot of nerve and should be charged with treason. He actually said back in 2020 during his campaign-“we put together i think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American Politics”! He’s a criminal and has been his entire life and so arrogant for making that statement! We are supossed to believe that Bumblin’ Joe Biden legally recieved more votes in 2020 than any president in the history of the United States! He’s a cheat and a lying crook and always has been.

4 months ago

Election integrity means nothing to the Dems or the judges they have appointed now or in 2020. This is the main reason illegal aliens are in our country is to register them and count their votes. This violates are Constitution. Where is our representation? We have traitors running and ruining our great Country and nobody is doing anything about it. Judges should not be allowed to vote; this brings fairness to their decisions at least somewhat.

Semper Fi
Semper Fi
4 months ago

Communist traitors should be tried and if convicted treated appropriately. Speaking of which, the Maricopa County, Arizona election board announced earlier this week that they will not be able to declare a winner in Maricopa County for at least ten to 13 days AFTER the election.
It looks like the Maricopa County Communist (Dem) party is buying time to figure out how many “Extra” votes they need to throw the election. Thank you to all the transplants from Chi, Detroit and Comiefornia for bringing your FILTH to Arizona!!

William Blanchard
William Blanchard
4 months ago

I will probably hurt a few feelings, but here goes.What part of NON-CITIZEN or ILLEGAL does the DOJ NOT understand.Only CITIZENS of the USA are allowed to vote.Just another way to steal another election.

4 months ago

The Biden Harris administration has governed via the courts. If something was proposed, they didn’t like, such as a secure border, they took it to court where judges paid for by Soros presided. They always won. Like the Virginia case. The state has an emergency appeal filed in the Supreme Court. Everything has ended up in the Supreme Court. And even if Biden Harris lose, they find something around the ruling so they can do it anyway. In the meantime things go forward the way Biden and Harris want. Because the wheels of Justice turn slow. By the time a decision comes down the case is moot because the time has passed to do any good. If the Supreme Court judges come back with a verdict for Virginia. Do they have time to take the illegal voters off the roll. They might already have voted. Who knows. I have said it before Biden and Harris can’t get anything passed in the Congress. They use the court route to stop the people. They are the boss. And are dictating by mandates executive orders and by ignoring the court rulings if they rule in favor of the other party. They never admit they are wrong, they never admit to lying. Even today Biden was saying we have the best economy in the world. It’s so good no one can feed their families, clothe their families, heat their homes, go out to eat, pay their mortgage or rent or put gas in their car to go to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving or Christmas. The dems don’t know anything about that because all the big guns in the party are stinking rich. O and P and S and B and H and Bill and Hillary. I would hope these multi millionaires would humble themselves to the common folk only they demand we vote for them so they can take away our last couple of dollars we had socked away. Bitcoin here we come. BRICS countries already are trading in Bitcoins. They refuse to deal in dollars. Only Harris Walz don’t tell you that. MSM doesn’t tell you about it. The WEF had warned us back in 2015 it was coming. Trump stopped it from going forward and since 2021 they have picked it up agin and with the consent of Biden Harris they are almost there. Let’s stop them and vote TRUMP VANCE in 2024. Stop these elites in Davos. There are 8,000 of them….,

4 months ago

Defund the DOJ

4 months ago

EVERY DEPARTMENT and AGENCY in the Biden/Harris Administration, to include the entire B/H administration, is stunningly CORRUPT and EVIL. I truly can’t say which one is the most vile – the DOJ, FBI, DHS, DOD, CIA, CONgress or the SINate.

4 months ago

Why is DOJ fighting those who want to secure our election when they are supposed to protect it? What happened to our LAWS? Are we not a Republic anymore, which is supposed to be ruled by LAWS?

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
4 months ago

So we have to win by enough votes to overwhelm the dirty practices of the Democrats! Nothing new about that. Good thing they have alienated so many people who might not have voted but they are flaming angry at the scum politicians who lie and cheat. But if we get power, WE BETTER FIX THE ELECTION SYSTEM SO THEY CAN NEVER GET CLOSE TO SCREWING IT UP AGAIN!! Elections mean nothing if there is not integrity and strict enforcement of election rules!

4 months ago

Its already illegal according to our constitution for non-citizens (illegal invaders) to vote in our elections. The fact that any “judge” would even consider this makes him/her guilty of treason.

4 months ago

Each wrong vote nullifies a good vote!

Kathleen L Rinck
Kathleen L Rinck
4 months ago

Anarchy. It’s no more complicated than that.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
4 months ago

Demonic Rats! Don’t doubt me!!

4 months ago

Crooked people they need to be locked up, communist take over ????

4 months ago


4 months ago

I just read that in one state they found illegal mail in ballots ; however the decision as made to ‘ count’ three of them. What? Those three ballots nullify the votes of three legally cast or mailed in ballots. What has happened to common sense?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

To Rerun 2020, 2022

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

Non citizens don’t vote,PERIOD.Maybe we should ban all leftist,liberal,marxists from voting.I really feel that a civil war in AMERICA would be the end of AMERICA,but with the hate in our country,I don’t know.Maybe the answer would be to separate AMERICA into two different regions,the liberals and leftists on one side and the conservatives on the other side.I can’t understand how the leftist democrats think that their decisions are the law,they ARE NOT,stupity should not win over common sense,but it seems to.

michael hess
michael hess
4 months ago

people should be very scared of the doj at the behest of the sitting president. weaponizing federal agencies is what hitler and other tyrant and despots do when the gain power. remember obummer told the world he would destroy the USA, biden and harris are soros/ohbummer puppets. vote for trump and let him put an end to these demigod once and for all. vote for trump.

4 months ago

The nutjobs have been working since Uncle Joe got in . The spineless Republicans two weeks before the election are NOW getting a accurate voter rolls really ?? They should be checking this monthly in every state ! Fast track this to supreme court for a verdict before the election. Where are the gutless Republicans following the nutjobs lead on how now to vote . Where are all the mail drop boxes out in rural America where are the boxes on every floor of nursing homes , if Grandpa forgets and votes again it’s no problem no desert for him tonight . Where are all the strong and proud Americans standing up and voicing their support for America. Slick is running to every state to back Harris and all the nutjobs in Hollynut.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

With Trumps star rising and Kamala faltering, there’s no “subtlety” about it: CHEAT BIG OR GO HOME! Surprised their not also suing Pennsylvania to keep those discovered fake 2500 ballots counted…

David Barksdale
David Barksdale
4 months ago

This is an issue that fly’s against Our Constitution and Rule of Laws!!! Our Judicial System has become very seriously Corrupted Ruling Unlawfully and Unconstitutionally in deciding cases using their our Ideology’s, which is Socialistic and/or Marxist in nature!!!! Illegal Aliens and/or Noncitizen’s Must Never Be Allowed to VOTE!!!!! Illegal Aliens and/or Noncitizens Have No Legal Rights!!!

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
4 months ago

It is ludicrous the way the Biden administration and its departments are wasting ALL OF THE TAXPAYERS MONEY for the their own personal agendas!! Why aren’t we protesting and bringing counter suits and negligence charges against these people!! It’s criminal to abuse the American justice system and attacking the American Way AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE!! It’s dictatorial and subjugational and we fought the King of England for such atrocities and abuses!! Unless they repent and recant they are anathema Maranatha and are subjected to God’s omnipotent promises of eternal life or death!! The law is the law and if you’re not legal and not resident and not registered legally YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW!! TREPASSING ON AMERICA AND ITS PEOPLE. You heathenistic scum!!

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

“The judge ruled that removing the registered voters from the rolls violated federal law”.
Simply asked, HOW??? Please explain your decision! How, when the law explicitly forbids non-citizens (illegals) from voting in national elections! This is a great example of just another corrupted (treasonous) federal judge! They’re not even trying to hide it anymore!!!

4 months ago

This is a no brainer! If you are not a US citizen you can’t vote!!~~

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

Of course, the DoJ will fight anything to ensure the integrity of our elections because it’s the only way the demoncraps can win. All of the alphabet agencies need to be fired in their entirety as they are all filled with corrupt cretins. They are disloyal and traitors to our Nation. They hate America and what she stands for and they hate American Citizens. Get rid of them and start fresh. Put very strict limits on them and OUTLAW socialism and communism and all the related idiot-ologies associated with them. We must prevent these a-holes from continuing to destroy our Country from within. Making this lunacy illegal with a death penalty attached will clear them out.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
4 months ago

Surprised?… I’m not.
MAGA has a surprise for them. there are many conservatives like me who DO NOT participate in polls. … But we do vote on election day 🙂

Elwood P Sugens
Elwood P Sugens
4 months ago

The NAZIs are running the DOJ.

4 months ago

How can it be the Department of Justice when they will not support the removal of non-citizens or the deceased from the registered voter rolls? Exactly what is their job if not to uphold the existing laws of the country? If they are not upholding the laws, then they should be defunded and fired!
The U.S.A. was a beacon for others to want to come to our nation, but with this sort of policing in the sovereign states who are the trying to make sure that our elections are transparent and open to the legal ballots!

Dick Follis
Dick Follis
4 months ago

How can this sort of thing be allowed to continue in the United States. It seems as though Democrates can do any damn thing they. Kudos to thornapple for having some courage.

4 months ago

Elections are OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. Our Constitution specifically states that the various people’s State Legislatures have the regulatory authority and power to make election laws. NOT the Federal Government or Court Judge. The same thing happened in the 2020 elections. The marxist lefty minions launched election law suits, vote counting changes, had election laws changed at the last minute in order to cause derision and confusion.

4 months ago

So Biden, the GARBAGEMEN AND WOMEN SIMPLY WON’T COUNT THE CHEATING ILLEGALS (sad you all cannot win other wise, is it not?), SAY NUTTING, DO IT, AND SCREW YOU AS YOU HAVE PERTEPUALLY SCREWED US. How does it feel to be hated?????.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

The DOJ and FBI knew Hunter’s laptop was Real and Blocked it from the Public in the 2020 Election. That is Election Interference by committing Election Fraud.
Yet, Dictator Beijing biden’s Weaponized DOJ with the FBI wants to sue against States that uphold the Law. The Federal Government does NOT run or control States Rights.
More Election Interference and Election Fraud for 2024 Elections.
You can always count on democrats to sue with frivolous lawsuits though there are laws against it passed by clinton administration.
Double Standard is Policy by democrats because they want to Control your entire life and only they can make decisions for you. That is NOT the American way.
If the democrats can’t win elections, then cheat, rig, burn, destroy, sue is their policy. Their record of these actions speaks volumes.

4 months ago

Of course. Deceipt and fraud are the only ways Democrats ever get into office or remain in office.

4 months ago

Illegal aliens are, by law, felons, therefore are barred from voting in any US elections!

4 months ago

Lying, cheating sob’s will win by hook or by crook. When is the American Citizens going to say that they have had enough?

Nancy Canterbury
Nancy Canterbury
4 months ago

The fact that the judge used the term…. “Let’s be clear” is “clear” evidence for whom they are “working”. You have a voice!!! Use it to stop the insanity. Illegal, undocumented, non-citizens mean that you are disqualified from participating in our selection process. Laws cannot and should not be selectively followed in order to support your agenda.

James DeBona
James DeBona
4 months ago

You can bet that they had this law; The National Voter Registration Act of 1993, in their back pockets when they were bringing all of these illegals into the country within 90 days of this election and placing them strategically in areas where they needed more votes. They can bring them in, register them illegally, all within 90 days of this election, but being illegitimate and illegal, we cannot remove them?!! Talk about “in your face”!

4 months ago

GOD will destroy the Biden DOJ for this action.

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