
Elections , Newsline

AMAC Members Come Up Huge in 2024 Election

Posted on Monday, November 11, 2024
by Shane Harris

Over the course of the 2024 election cycle, AMAC members were engaged on a broad swath of issues at the local, state, and federal levels. The results show that this advocacy proved crucial on key issues and in key races throughout the country.

One of the most noteworthy electoral developments this year was the significant boost in early and mail-in voting among conservatives, particularly in the all-important swing states – which President-elect Donald Trump swept on November 5. While Trump and Republican candidates deserve plenty of credit for working hard to catch up to Democrats’ early vote machine, some of that credit also goes to grassroots conservative organizations, including AMAC Action.

Case in point: On August 30, a poll of AMAC members found that 12,261 participants said they planned to vote on Election Day, while 12,013 said they planned to vote early – essentially a 50-50 split. But in a similar survey taken just days before Election Day, 25,809 participants said they’d already voted early while 5,932 said they were waiting to vote on Election Day.

This reflects a monumental shift over the course of just a few weeks. Why? There are undoubtedly several factors, but one big one is likely a concerted campaign from AMAC Action encouraging members to get out and vote early. These efforts also likely had a compounding effect, as members encouraged their friends and family to also get out and vote early in the battlegrounds that proved decisive to Trump’s win.

But it wasn’t just the presidential contest where AMAC members made their voices heard. AMAC Action activated more than 800,000 out of 2.1 million members in targeted states for get-out-the-vote campaigns on pivotal issues. Working with like-minded partners, including the Election Integrity Network, the Honest Elections Project, Tea Party Patriots, the Leadership Institute, America First Works, and numerous individual state coalition partners, AMAC members delivered an impressive slate of critical victories.

In Ohio, AMAC members helped defeat Issue 1, a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would’ve allowed an unelected, unaccountable partisan commission to draw the state’s legislative maps. Despite out-of-state left-wing dark money groups investing millions of dollars to muddy the waters on this measure, the amendment failed overwhelmingly.

In Florida, AMAC members came up big again in defeating a radical pro-abortion amendment. After several discouraging setbacks in red and purple states on abortion ballot initiatives over the past two years, this victory gives the pro-life movement some crucial momentum heading into more looming battles in 2025. It acts as proof of concept that, when messaged right and with an engaged base of supporters, the pro-life cause can be a winning issue.

AMAC members also acted as a firewall against the spread of ranked choice voting across a slew of states, including Nevada, South Dakota, Oregon, Montana, and Idaho. AMAC Action has been a leading organization in opposing ranked choice voting, working with other conservative groups to educate voters about this unnecessarily complicated and intentionally confusing system.

In Missouri, a constitutional amendment requiring citizenship to vote and prohibiting ranked-choice voting passed with nearly 70 percent of the vote. Another measure explicitly prohibiting noncitizens from voting passed with 62 percent support in Kentucky. Despite false claims from the corporate media and liberal politicians that noncitizen voting is a non issue, AMAC members have diligently continued to pressure legislators to erect new election integrity safeguards amid the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens across the southern border and mounting evidence about just how widespread noncitizen voting is.

As in previous election cycles, AMAC members were also engaged in their communities, with more than 2,500 serving as poll watchers and workers in 13 key states. In the wake of a controversial election cycle in 2020, these selfless individuals answered the call to better ensure transparency and fairness in this year’s contests.

While the results from this year’s elections were resoundingly positive, there remain challenges ahead. Pro-abortion ballot measures still won in 7 out of 10 states. In New York, Proposition 1 passed, which not only likely codified late-term abortion-on-demand, but also opened the door to noncitizen voting and severely undermined parental rights.

However, no matter the scale of the challenges that remain, AMAC members proved yet again that they are up to the task. AMAC Action will continue to provide updates in the weeks and months ahead on how members and non-members alike can get engaged to affect positive change in their communities and our country.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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3 months ago

Great work has been done. There is still much to correct and get rid of. Lots of work ahead.

Naomi Pinger
Naomi Pinger
3 months ago

Work to be done??? Yes and this must be done immediately please. Old Mitch McConnell is trying to backstab Trump one last time before leaving office. He is planning a secret vote for his replacement. He wants Senators John Thune (R-SD) and John Cornyn (R-TX) who are died in the wool RHINO’s so they can knee cap Trump. Leaked information shows 24 voting for Thune and only 11 voting for Rick Scott whom Trump wants to work with.
Please call your Senator and tell them to vote for Scott so we do not have Thune wrecking Trumps plans.
This would be McConnell’s last and final hooray against Trump and we need to send him out the door with his tail between his legs and head hung low. He has done way too much damage to America.

3 months ago

“In New York, Proposition 1 passed, which not only likely codified late-term abortion-on-demand, but also opened the door to non-citizen voting and severely undermined parental rights.” That is because the wording on the ballot did not reflect the intention of the Proposition! I am a poll worker and many people did not know what the Proposition was and I was not allowed to explain it to them. In previous elections, Propositions were available in total so that people could read before making a decision. It was not available during this election!

3 months ago

AMAC must persevere… undaunted, and even energized, by the filthy, “democrat” criminals in elected office, as these fraudulent “leaders” will never represent or protect the true interests of American citizens.

3 months ago

I was a representative for the Republican Party everyday of early voting here in Volusia County Florida. Giving out Trump stickers, voter guides and answering questions for thousands of voters and the enthusiasm for Trump was overwhelming! I heard over and over that if Kamala won the USA would never recover and the country would go downward and never recover. Thank heavens Trump won by landside margins and we can get our country back to normalcy without the stupid policies of the Democrats.

3 months ago

A big thank you to all who voted Trump. Thank you God for your mercy. America has hope again.

3 months ago

Thank you, AMAC Action, for your concerted efforts to help make the foregoing victories possible! I hope AARP is having a meltdown!

3 months ago

We all made a dent in the dems policies one of the important ones were rank voting. And stricter laws and rules for non citizens voting. I got a kick out of the dems saying illegals voting is no problem while they go to court asking for illegals to vote. They broke the law where it states only a citizen can vote. Why aren’t they indicted and prosecuted. Or extending hours of voting while voting takes place. We AMAC members and many other Reps have to be ever vigilant. Like Mattel coming out with a doll where a porno site phone number is listed on the packaging. How did that happen? Not by accident. I would bet not many people would know the phone number of that porno site. The days of immorality is over. Decency will return to the White House.

joe Rea
joe Rea
3 months ago

a great election result. Unfortunately the Republicans lost 3 House Seats in NY and failed to flip Senate seats in Arizona and Michigan but hopefully even with slight majorities in the Congress we will get an extension of the Trump Tax Cuts and repeal of the Tax on Social Security

3 months ago

This is a great article. AMAC has had tremendous growth in recent years and should only get bigger and stronger. It is organizations like this one that helped put us on a level playing field. We must continue the fight to keep moving forward and not get complacent once again. Along with other conservative outlets and talk shows, we have to continue talking to people and spreading the word, and continue to educate people on the radical and destructive views from the left. Harris still received over 70 million votes, which is entirely too much support for these people. But without the effort of everyone on the right, she would have won based entirely on lies and deception. Let’s not lose the momentum, there is strength in numbers!

mia wallace
mia wallace
3 months ago

Thanks to AMAC and AMAC Action for standing strong and delivering!

3 months ago

I find it interesting – and a dichotomy – that the Democrats cry about the falling birthrate of Americans in recent years, all the while screaming for abortion to be expanded! During the Presidential race, former President Bill Clinton speaking on Kamala Harris’ behalf, and in an effort to support the failing border invasion, indicated we need the immigration of foreigners because the US birthrate is falling. However, he failed to acknowledge that at the same time, Democrats are supporting and demanding broader abortion recognition…

3 months ago

Why does it take so much effort to get conservatives up off the couch and vote to save your country from communism??? It’s unpatriotic, irresponsible and just plain stupid not exercising your right to vote.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Niw we can get busy when Trump gets in to make sure it IS “promises kept” and not just a slogan!

Lori N
Lori N
3 months ago

In Arizona voting early, whether by mail or in person requires putting your voted ballot into a sealed envelope that you are required to sign. I understand having precautions against fraud with mail in votes. My issue is that if I go to a polling location and go through the exact same sign in procedure I would go through on election day my ballot should be treated the same as an election day ballot. This procedure directly contradicts the principle of a private ballot and the reassurance that one cannot be marked for how they voted. This may have something to do with the reluctance of Arizona residents to vote early.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
3 months ago

Our local Republican Town Committees in Southern MA [Bristol County] put lots of stress on early voting and we got very good results. In a primarily very blue idiotic state [the MA Commonwealth’s Constitution was drafted by John Adams], Trump only lost by 13 votes in my town. Hard work; but worth every second we spent on it.

3 months ago

We all deserve to celebrate and congratulate the work of AMAC. Now the big work begins and we can’t sit on the couch! Let’s continue the momentum in our communities, towns, counties and states!!

Chuck Ruth
Chuck Ruth
3 months ago

AMAC should put full court pressure on the senate for ALL Trump nominees. I can’t think of a single democrat senator who ever voted against a Biden or Obama nominee for cabinet. These RINOS are poison!

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