
Education , Newsline

Princeton Trades Ivory Tower for Red Light District

Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2024
by David Lewis Schaefer

Students returning from winter break at Princeton University – long one of America’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning – will be greeted by an array of new course offerings for the spring, 2025 semester under the school’s “Gender and Sexuality Studies” program. Along with five classes that mention the word “queer” in their course descriptions, budding scholars can now receive instruction in such topics as “sex work,” “erotic dance,” and “pornography.”

Such a development is hardly a promising sign as parents have already begun questioning the value of a liberal arts degree in the wake of violent anti-Semitic demonstrations on college campuses throughout the country, but especially at “elite” schools like the Ivies, Northwestern, and UCLA.

More generally, many students and parents have come to wonder whether it is worthwhile to pay for four years of room, board, and tuition, which often runs well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to take courses and pursue majors in highly politicized fields that end in “studies” (racial, gender, peace, etc.) – especially when education in substantive liberal-arts fields can be obtained at far less cost at local state colleges. It may be significant that Harvard University, for instance, experienced a 5.2 percent drop in applications from the 2022-23 to the 2023-24 academic year.

Princeton’s instruction in sex work will likely do little to repair that damaged reputation. That course will, according to the description on the school’s website, focus on the “stigmatization” of this occupation, the “controversies” surrounding it, and the “power dynamics” and “societal expectations” it entails. 

Students will reportedly explore “the intricate lives and intimate narratives of sex workers from the perspective of sex workers themselves, as they engage in myriad varieties of global sex work: pornography, prostitution, erotic dance, escorting, street work, camming, commercial fetishism, and sex tourism.” Another such course will cover “Power, Profit, and Pleasure: Sex Workers and Sex Work.”

The very use of the term “sex work” as a substitute for “prostitution” reflects an attempt by ostensibly enlightened “elites” to remove the stigmatization, and hence the legal banning, of the occupation.

As New York Times columnist Pamela Paul explained in a 2023 opinion piece, the effort to recast prostitution as sex work “emerged several decades ago among radical advocates of prostitution.” The term was used by the conveners of the first World Whores Conference (sic) in 1985 for that purpose.

The shift in terminology, Paul observed, “not surprisingly has been welcomed by many men, who make up a vast majority of customers.” It subsequently “gained traction in academic circles and among other progressive advocacy groups, such as some focused on labor or abortion rights.”

But as Melanie Thompson, a 27-year-old self-described “Black sex-trafficking and prostitution survivor” quoted by Paul observes, “the new terminology falsely implies” that engaging in the sex trade “is a choice most often made willingly” rather than under coercion, while also absolving “sex buyers of responsibility” for their behavior. 

A series of recent stories in The New York Post on the booming illegal prostitution business in the Empire State lends support to Thompson’s warnings. From the so-called “Market of Sweethearts” in Queens (consisting largely of illegal female immigrants) to the notorious Penn Track in Brooklyn, countless young women are being extorted and abused by pimps – all while state legislators and city council members have put forth bills to legalize the practice.

It should be noted as well that the legalization of adult prostitution will only increase the already widespread problem of underage illegal immigrant girls being trafficked into the sex trade, regardless of efforts to combat it. 

Nonetheless, the movement for decriminalizing prostitution is advancing. While Nevada is still the only state that permits legal prostitution in some rural counties, in 2023 Maine became the first state to decriminalize the act of selling sex. In 2022, Montpelier, Vermont, also repealed its local ordinance prohibiting prostitution, and in January, 2021, the prosecutor’s office in Washtenaw County, Michigan, announced it would no longer prosecute “consensual” sex work.

In September, 2023, responding to the recommendations of “United Nations experts,” Amnesty International also recommended the “full decriminalization of adult voluntary sex work” as offering “the greatest promise” for securing its practitioners’ “rights” and protecting them against “discrimination and violence.”

Even if (or because) they are “nonjudgmental,” programs like Princeton’s are likely to advance this movement, especially if they highlight the “power, profit, and pleasure” it ostensibly promises. And whatever their parents may think, there is a real moral hazard that the availability of courses on sex work, which are bound to highlight its supposed benefits as well as potential disadvantages, will encourage some sufficiently “liberated” students to consider it as an easy way to make a quick buck – while joining the lobby for its further legalization.

But it shouldn’t be thought that courses like Princeton’s are merely mercenary in the benefits they promise. This past spring, for instance, Northwestern offered a course titled “Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure.” The description of the “skills” taught in the course is too vulgar to reprint here. Imagine how deprived the lives of students unable to qualify for or afford schools like Northwestern where they can be taught about such topics in an academic setting may prove to be!

But it is unlikely that most tuition-paying parents who pay attention to course catalogues will feel it necessary to finance such studies lest their offspring be forever consigned to lives of abstinence or painful prudery. Nor will they wish

to encourage their offspring to consider the sort of occupation that Princeton’s program on sex work will both promote and even, apparently, offer training in (at least in the forms of “erotic dancing” and “pornography”). But unfortunately, most parents who can afford to send their kids to Ivy League schools still make little effort to investigate the curricula, programming, and political environment that they offer – leaving the choice largely if not wholly to their untutored offspring.

It is long past time that more parents take an active role in this regard both to increase the likelihood of their getting their money’s worth from their kids’ education, and to promote the moral and civic well-being of their country. These goals are too important to be left to the discretion of “progressive” academics.

David Lewis Schaefer is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at College of the Holy Cross.

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Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

Part of this issue is parents who still send their students to these radical “woke” universities. The only way to stop this is for people to stop allowing their kids to attend and especially to take these courses. There should be no tax dollars going to these schools or their students for any reason. These universities are assisting the progressives in changing our Democratic Republic into a Communist hell-hole.

2 months ago

No wonder America needs to bring in high tech workers!!!!

2 months ago

Don’t waste your money on sex course/prostitution it’s pretty self-explanatory. Just go stand on a corner or outside some high-end establishment and money for sex. There you have it, free advice now you’ve already saved thousands. Any wonder our country is in the shape it is, appears education has hit rock bottom. IMO

M Fuller
M Fuller
2 months ago

I say I do not want my tax dollars going to this nonsense. Plus I can see why Musk and Vic are all in for Forgein workers. Not only are our universities teaching this crap instead of useful, actual job related classes, they are graduating people who are lazy and need mental health. I just read a report that says 98 percent of our GenZ are stressed out by the fact they might gave to actually go into a building to work and put in a minimum of a 40 hour work week. During the study that was completed, most of them cried when they were told they had to actually show up for work and work. Employers reported having to fire 82 percent of them in their first month due to them not reporting to work everyday.

Blue collar worker
Blue collar worker
2 months ago

Iam so looking forward to having my tax dollars bail out student loans………..Said NOT a soul

2 months ago

I guess foreign workers are necessary in America for all industries outside of prostitution & government jobs. But then those two require identical skillsets.

2 months ago

What a way to ruin the reputation of those past graduates. Who would want to admit they graduated from Princeton……

2 months ago

Absolutely disgusting. There are only 2 sexes. Dems made up the rest

2 months ago

Stop sending your kids and your money to these cesspools of political correctness.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

If parents are beginning to question the value of degree in liberal arts now, then they must have been in coma for the past 50 years.

2 months ago

Just think you tax dollars will be traing your children to be hookers and perverts?? This past spring, for instance, Northwestern offered a course titled “Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure.” The description of the “skills” taught in the course is too vulgar to reprint here. STOP ALL the money being given to the supposed places of higher learning. Your child will come home sex trained and an/or anti-Israel terrorist? All on our tax money??

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
2 months ago

Will they have to hose out the lecture halls after every class?

2 months ago

On the road to Sodom and Gomorrah.

2 months ago

Apparently Princeton gets approx. 300 MILLION in research funds from the 26 grant-funding federal government agencies that hand out tens of BILLIONS every year. And 15% of their student loan funding comes from the federal government also! So, need to cut THAT off until they decide to either fund their own woke nonsense, or go broke. Same with ALL other colleges and universities. They can get private money without strings (yeah, right) if they want to fund this nonsense.

2 months ago

One can only wonder how long it will take places like Princeton to offer a degree in “Sex Work”.

Melinda C
Melinda C
2 months ago

While making prostitution illegal doesn’t seem to work (as with alcohol prohibition), neither should it be encouraged. Young people already have a libido in overdrive. What they need is a moral upbringing and common sense, which they (should) get in a good home.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
2 months ago

Any parent who even pauses when it comes to deciding if their child should go to this school isn’t thinking very clearly. I have great respect for the boys who are learning a trade that involves work. There’s plenty of jobs the girls can do, and still make a good living. It’s better than going crazy.

2 months ago

According to the head of the Border Patrol Officer’s Association, (as seen on the Dr. Phil show) hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied illegal alien children disappear into the United States, only to reappear on the dark web in child porn. So this makes me wonder how big is the supporting network that can absorb this many children and could these sex classes at Princeton be indoctrination for the next generation of perpetrators?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

I don’t know what you’re complaining about! Because the Ivy League stopped giving out $300,000 degrees for “gender studies” in lieu of learning “how to be a prostitute”? At least they’re finally teaching a viable trade… especially if they become journalists or politicians.

2 months ago

Time to weed out the Poison Ivy League schools of Higher (in the weed definition of that word) Indoctrination, and start over from scratch with universities and colleges based upon the solid approach of the search for truth based upon evidence, not communist wishful thinking. Our country and all of these once great universities were built upon faith, and the knowledge that all effects have a cause, and that science is never settled but can, and needs to be unendingly qurstioned. Founded on the idea that science based on observable, repeatable fact, not theory without observation and without conclusive facts, and evidence. Harvard and Yale might as well reflag as Aardvark, and Y’all with their Big Government Religion, and Biology Denying programs based upon communist, and islamic terrorist hogwash.

George M
George M
2 months ago

Just amazing what you can get college credits for these days! This seems like a good time to start taxing the endowments of these “nonprofits”!

2 months ago


walt h
walt h
2 months ago

Well, just one more ‘college’ from which I will NOT be hiring…
ah well…

Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce
2 months ago

And people pay good money for this garbage? WTF is wrong with the parents of these kids?

2 months ago

A liberal arts education used to be a vehicle that provided a rounded education where a student learned of other cultures, history, the arts or literature. When I graduated from high school in the 1960s, I considered such an education, but decided to more specifically prepare myself for a vocation. So I got a BS in Chemistry. After a time in the Army and grad school, I worked in the chemical industry for 34 years. There is little room for social and political indoctrination in an organic chemistry lab! I’m wondering exactly how gender studies, Black studies, women’s studies or sex worker studies actually prepare one for the eventuality of earning a living. If one doesn’t plan on teaching this stuff to others, how do they apply it to a working life? No wonder Biden needs me to pay off student loans. More traditional liberal arts courses have become political indoctrination studies. How else do we get mobs on campus who extol the cause of Hezbollah and Hamas and believe that attacking American Jews is an acceptable social practice? No wonder so many young people are now considering trade schools.

2 months ago

How about learning reading, writing and math first. The ridiculous above courses offer nothing for future employment.

2 months ago

This has been going on for many years. It’s not a recent occurrence!! The purpose was to destroy honored universities & bring down the morals of the younger generation. It happened because Parents were not alert, not participating in their child’s life & learning! It’s great to see people Finally awakening to what’s been going on right under their noses for many, many years! Why do you think the moral values of this Nation had become so slipshod? I Don’t know if a comparison has ever been made, but I really wonder how the moral values of those who received their diplomas at Harvard, Yale, etc. compares to John Q. Public who struggled to earn his degree online or however he could afford it!! I’m thankful it is being highlighted & I hope & pray that there are serious steps taken to clean up this mess!

2 months ago

I haven’t read the whole article yet. The first two paragraphs was enough to make you throw up. The moral decay the Biden policies over the past 4 years has created is enough to make you see what was important in Biden’s mind. 320,000 children have come here into this country alone. And nobody knows where they are. Biden was in the pedophile business. Who knows how many he flew into this country and sold all over the world. And now Princeton will make a degree out of the gay trans and porn business. I wonder how many graduates in porn, jobs there are. Oh it doesn’t matter. Biden will pay their student loan. And pay them unemployment benefits. Jan 20th cannot get here fast enough. Old Joe was gnashing his teeth yesterday when he was talking about president Carter’s passing and saying decency while grinding his teeth. Who was he talking about. Carter was not a very good president but he was a decent man. More than what we can say about Biden. His hair sniffing baby biting conduct over the past 4 years. The drag queens stripping at the White House.

David March
David March
2 months ago

It would not be a surprise to learn that the infiltration of Communist sleepers into Western University Faculty & Administrations has been pursuing this agenda for many decades, if only to diminish the need for sending many of their brightest minds to be educated in — and possibly seduced by — the West.

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

No federal funding to colleges/universities that teach such. Is this yet another push by the gay activists to grow the immoral, unnatural sexual lifestyles. All this mess has only grown since 2015 SCOTUS decision, especially to advance any/all manner of unnatural sex portrayals and actions.
It’s time to put a halt to the increasing power and say the gay activists are amassing for their movement.

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
2 months ago

Maybe universities will now become laughingstocks and devalued institutions of higher “education” when they’re lowering their standards and values.
Maybe in following semesters kids will be able to enroll at lower tuitions due to the lower value of “higher” learning! Sheesh. Disgraceful and abominable! ????????????

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Guess Sex sells right

2 months ago

The lack of coherent thought in the 2006 movie “Idiocracy” doesn’t even come remotely close to this unbelievable foolishness that some college tuitions now pay for. Apparently the parents are idolizing the concept of their child having a diploma (any diploma) more than embracing the idea of bringing up productive and responsible offspring. I feel that if our forefathers had known of our current issues they would not have sacrificed so much to get this country started. The direction that some institutions and government officials have taken, if left unchecked, will obviously continue to dilute the founding principles and weaken the will of the common sense segment of the population until we are no better off than the countries that we call “third world”. At least there’s hope of one step forward on January 20.

2 months ago

This is another sign of the degradation of our society. Where we once celebrated liberty we now encourage license in substitution for liberty. It is also another move away from our Judeo/Christian heritage which always bring more harm than the good that we’re told that will come from the change that they promote.

Greg S
Greg S
2 months ago

I’d let my kids go to any school, but I’d only pay their tuition if they enroll in acceptable courses like engineering or medicine. If they want gender studies they are on their own. If a child was raised right, they would be smart enough to not even consider gender studies.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
2 months ago

Time we overhauled our university system. While the sex studies may be fun for these young students the experience is not likely to lead to success in post university days. We will be plagued by more useful idiots looking for student debt relief. This situation rings the bell for H1-B visas. Other countries produce intelligent suitors for the best jobs.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
2 months ago

Insanity! How anyone could think these courses make any sense is mindboggleing.

2 months ago

This is certainly not what I sent my kid to college for.
No wonder in the “men on the street” asking college kids what the capital of the US is and they stand there with their finger up their nose. They know nothing about history, geography, math or probably can’t read either.
So I guess they are wise in sex and related subjects but have learned nothing of value. If I was the parent of one of these kids, I would be pissed.

2 months ago

If you are not sending your kids to an Ivy League University for science, technology, engineering or mathematics then save your money. There is better use for it. $$

Jon P.
Jon P.
2 months ago

Most non-Christian US colleges these sad days have turned inti Sodom & Gamora U.

1 month ago

It’s all about money. These schools have had enrollments go down so they figure the sex courses will bring in more students, mostly male. The students will learn to look down on women in the “trade” and there will be more sexual, abusive violence toward women. Apparently many men in this country don’t like the fact that women can do many of the same things they do but perhaps with more intensity. Biological men in women’s sports is another way to put women down. All of this needs to stop!

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 month ago

Since when does a person (male or female) need to ‘go to school’ to learn about the worlds ‘oldest profession’? How idiotic!

1 month ago

absolutely sickening. You see I know we all need to know about this evil disgusting stuff, but I can’t do it anymore. there comes a point when you just have to stop reading the filth. I am so damn mad that I could do something that I would regret (given the chance)

1 month ago

This country is getting pretty close to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Anyone who knows about God’s wrath on the sins of those people cannot deny that He isn’t going to let what is going on in this country and around the world go on without any consequences.

2 months ago

If you’re receiving an education in *a discipline*—accounting, any physical engineering degree, software, chem, nursing, etc.—paying extra for a better school MAY be worth the bucks, as it opens employment doors.
For “soft studies”—if you must even take such a major—the college makes ZERO difference in your *learning takeaway.* A snobbier school may open doors to a further soft degree or career.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
2 months ago

A degree from an ivy league school is worthless.

2 months ago

Exactly what career path does a Prostitution Degree from an elite university look like? Seems more to be an effective way to eliminate American workers from effectively competing with China, India, etc in the global employment market in meaningful positions.

2 months ago

Sounds a lot like why God was upset with Sodom & Gomorrah. Perversion and pride everywhere. If our institutes of higher learning are “teaching” these “subjects”, how much farther down the road before the USA looks like those two cities and awaiting our own judgement? God has already been exceedingly patient with our nation and it is up to us Christians to right the ship. Northwestern (of which I am now reluctant to say I am an alumna of) has been exploring this path for quite a while now. It’s been a number of years since the infamous “f*cksaw incident” where there actually was a class wherein a woman (professor?) put herself on display in an auditorium for her students to watch as she pleasured herself with something ultimately labeled as a “f*cksaw”. Was hugely examined and debated at the time but look where they are now? I wouldn’t send any kid of mine to any of these institutions if this kind of “curricula” was part of the course offerings.
Gob bless America (please!) and wage war on our behalf!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

Gender Studies with on the job experiences! Lol

Donald King
Donald King
2 months ago

Today’s Princeton is simply coasting along riding on its past prestigious name and the contributions of its alumni donations.

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