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Federal Title IX Transgender Rule Blocked in 6 More States

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A federal judge on June 17 issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s new Title IX transgender rule in an additional six states. The rule has sparked controversy for changing the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity” and giving female-identifying male students access to girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms.

“There are two sexes: male and female,” begins the memorandum and opinion written by U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves, filed on June 17 at the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington Division.

The judge’s order grants a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the new rule in six states: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The rule has also been blocked in at least five other states.

Judge Reeves found that the Department of Education (DOE) exceeded its statutory authority in setting the new rules and acted in a way that was “arbitrary and capricious.”

In a move that sparked controversy and a flurry of lawsuits, the DOE on April 19 announced a final rule expanding the decades-old Title IX law that prohibits sex discrimination in schools to now include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

The changes, which are slated to go into effect on Aug. 1, give males who identify as females the right to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and to join female-only organizations while construing “harassment” as including the use of pronouns that conform to one’s sex rather than one’s chosen gender identity. The new rules also mean that schools that refuse to comply risk losing essential federal funding and face the prospect of lawsuits.

Judge Reeves said the department failed to meaningfully address concerns regarding risks posed by the new rule to student and faculty safety and that the expanded Title IX has “serious” implications for free speech.

“The rule includes a new definition of sexual harassment which may require educators to use pronouns consistent with a student’s purported gender identity rather than their biological sex,” the judge wrote. “Based on the ‘pervasive’ nature of pronoun usage in everyday life, educators likely would be required to use students’ preferred pronouns regardless of whether doing so conflicts with the educator’s religious or moral beliefs.

“A rule that compels speech and engages in such viewpoint discrimination is impermissible.”

A DOE spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that Judge Reeves’s ruling is under review.

“We are reviewing the ruling,” the spokesperson said. “Title IX guarantees that no person experience sex discrimination in a federally funded educational environment. The Department crafted the final Title IX regulations following a rigorous process to realize the Title IX statutory guarantee. The Department stands by the final Title IX regulations released in April 2024, and we will continue to fight for every student.”

By contrast, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman praised the ruling.

“The judge’s order makes clear that the U.S. Department of Education’s attempt to redefine ‘sex’ to include ‘gender identity’ is unlawful and beyond the agency’s regulatory authority,” Mr. Coleman said in a statement.

The case in Kentucky is among at least seven backed by more than 20 GOP-led states opposing the Title IX rule.

A Texas judge recently ruled to block enforcement of the new rule in the Lone Star State, while a judge in Louisiana halted its enforcement in Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Idaho.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order on March 8, 2021, that formally tasked the DOE with amending Title IX in a way that includes protections for an educational environment free of “discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.”

The department finalized the Title IX changes in April, expanding the definition of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment.

Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.

Reprinted with Permission from The Epoch Times – By Tom Ozimek

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

As a man or woman, YOU may call yourself anything YOU want, but do not expect the rest of us to engage in the charade. Most of us are smarter than that.

8 months ago

In the beginning, God created male and female; all others are created by Democrats!

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

In the privacy of their homes let them identify as what is their fancy In public there are males or females Would that not work? Female can’t be treated for prostate cancer just as male can’t be treated for ovarian cancer What happened to biology and medical science?

8 months ago

Democrats are pushing society to buy into the mental illness of ‘transgenderism’. These ridiculous laws and rules only serve to hurt rational people and destroy the traditional family–one of the pillars of communism.

Jeff Guy
Jeff Guy
8 months ago

It is clear GOD made Male and Female as the genes show that. A person can dress or modify their body how they want, but it does not change the basics. Our Title 9 Law is clear as written and the Admin does not get to change it only Congress can change Law and then send it back to the President to sign.

Lloyd hiller
Lloyd hiller
8 months ago

Change only comes through strength. Those of us who believe in a moral standard of living must start standing up and being heard. We must join together and show our strength and solidarity to moral and ethical standards. Our strength is our weapon against this immoral and evil society now being promoted by and evil set of leaders.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
8 months ago

I don’t care who you are, what your education level is or where you sit on the social ladder but the bottom line is … there are 2 genders … PERIOD!! No further discussion required. Anyone that says different is a snowflake or mentally chalenged.

8 months ago

AMEN!!! A small victory for Jesus!!! I also read how Louisiana schools will be displaying The Ten Commandments. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

8 months ago

Thank God-finally a Judge who see’s thru the darkness of the lefts agenda. How can anyone stand behind this administration n its efforts to destroy what God created. Someone finally has common sense Thank you Judge Reeves !!!

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
8 months ago

Remove ALL “male equipment” IMMEDIATELY upon their decision to be female.

Paul W
Paul W
8 months ago

The “trust the science” crowd doesn’t seem to trust or accept DNA…M or F, XY or XX…period!
Being accepting of any of this nonsense is not being tolerant or compassionate; IT’S ENABLING PSYCHOSIS and I refuse to be party to that…also…period!

8 months ago

The first words of the Constitution state, “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” How are Biden and his Administration allowed to make so much legislation?

8 months ago

I’m so thankful most of my grandchildren are Home Schooled. Those who are not have parents who are very aware of what’s happening in the school system and have prepared their children for these deliberate lies. We discuss school issues openly, and often! This is so far out of the authority of ANY school system. The Government has stepped way beyond its intended purpose and now tramples Parental rights & responsibilities. I hope & pray this problem is corrected immediately!

8 months ago

The whole federal Department of Education should be abolished. This new ruling by the department is pure evil.

John F
John F
8 months ago

They should also use this opportunity to get the court to say that the entire Education Department violates the 10th amendment and has no jurisdiction in the states.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
8 months ago

My grandson identifies as Captain America- does that make him such?

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
8 months ago

DOI- Department of Indoctrination- that’s Biden’s other grandchild!

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
8 months ago

You can call yourself anything you want, but it doesn’t change the FACT that we are all either male or female per FACTUAL chromosomal biology. Just because you want to self-identify as the “living room sofa” doesn’t mean it’s true and I must accept it or feed into your “game,” for lack of a better term. As an adult, you have the right to do what you want with your body and dress as you want; however, that doesn’t trump my right to call you out for your BS and lies. You cannot force me to see the naked emperor walking around in clothes because you say so AND I will defend my child’s right to do the same.
This nonsense is getting beyond ridiculous and the fact that we have our elected officials pushing this garbage is very telling of the personal agendas that are being rammed down our throats. It’s got to stop! Vote these idiots out of office.

8 months ago

Lets keep our restroom safe for the female population.
If these Bozo’s only knew where they will end up when the Lord returns, I don’t think they have a clue. So Sad

8 months ago

I find it odd that JB’s DOE is engaging America in THIS FIGHT (to perpetrate an unbridled evil against unwitting young girls and all women in the ‘school’ setting where all girls are compelled to attend by Law) – at the same time these same miscreants are actively OPPOSED to one State requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in every ‘school’ classroom (in concert with all the other ‘postings’ the School permits to be ‘posted’ in classrooms without entertaining any controversy concerning THEM) and calling THAT a Violation of the First Amendment allowing for the Freedom OF Religion to be exercised throughout the Union! such a bizarre dichotomy of ‘opposites’ derived from one word -‘Freedom’. One Enslaves all girls/women to be subjectified by men according to their unholy whims now made ‘legal’ – and THAT is considered as ‘Right and Good’. The Other Frees all People from the evils of human vices and self-serving attitudes that destroy a civilization (which we are seeing today…) – and THAT is considered as ‘WRONG and BAD’. How did we get here?

8 months ago

Gay Pride and Transgenderism is a Religion today! And WE, as Americans, are being REQUIRED to BELIEVE in IT’s Tenets of Faith!!! for ALL AMERICA. But the First Amendment that guarantees ‘Freedom of Religion’ in our Union, is being bastardized into doing exactly what it says WE WON’T DO – and that is ‘Establish a Religion’ over the People. This is what this is! And thank God for Judges who call this for what it is – an OVER REACH by the Govt.! Our Constitution says: ‘Congress (our only Legislative Body) shall make No Law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (which does not include anything that violates other Laws); or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…’ This does BOTH. First it IS the Federal establishment of a preferred religion (Homosexualism/Transgenderism) OVER the People; and Second, they are now ‘prohibiting the freedom of speech’ by OUTLAWING SPEECH that does not ’embrace’ this new Federal-forced Religion onto the People! And Third, our Executive Branch DOES NOT HAVE THIS AUTHORITY TO MAKE LAWS, be it under ANY ‘Title’. Only Congress has that Power! and certainly NOT ANY unConstitutional, unelected body politic such as the DOE.

8 months ago

Obiden wants to make the minority the boss over the majority. How many hetero sexual girls will be hurt for life if this change to Title IX is left to stand. Because all a boy or man has to say I am a girl and he has to be let in the girls sport, bathrooms, dressing rooms, sororities, prisons. Why? Are these people more important than the girls who are girls? One cannot legislate DEI. Nor CRT. Nor religion. Freedom is what is at stake here. And as long as America is a Constitutional Republic it will stay that way. But Obiden is meddling in what God has created. Only he is a man with very limited powers and the people will not allow him to make Sodom and Gomorrah out of it.

8 months ago

If there’s a way to distort, contaminate, demoralize, ruin or corrupt anything in our traditional America, the the left will do it. Straight out of the Alinskyite Marxist manual.

8 months ago

If you are a man who feels or identifies as a woman, you need to see a therapist to find out why!! You don’t just decide to go stealing awards from actual women!!! Where are the feminists, the women who stand up for women – apparently we don’t have very many of them!! I guess most women out there don’t care about transgenders horning in on women’s sports because they can’t beat other men!!!

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
8 months ago

Thiis is what it looks like, when the adults in the room kick the insane out of the administration of the asylum.

8 months ago

Biden and peons and the mass media are declaring that Trump, if elected, would become a dictator. But everything that Biden and his administration has done, including changing the content of Title IX, points to only one undeniable truth, Biden is now and wants to continue to be the “Dictator.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

I hope Trumps debate prep-team have something ready for Forrest Dumps attack on women’s sports. I don’t believe this is even an “issue”… “what’s a women?” should be a rhetorical question.

Doug Olson
Doug Olson
8 months ago

Good afternoon, Amac:
Who are all of the states blocking Biden’s Title IX transgender rule? I live in the State of Washington and I am pretty sure it is NOT happening here!!

8 months ago

is all this nonsense to make Big Mike more accepted?

8 months ago

[email protected] Do these perverts know how to create a baby and the function required?

8 months ago

The lgbt…(abc??) population in the US is 7.3%… That means that almost 93% of the American people are NORMAL. The majority. Most of ‘them’ are employed by this “joke of an administration” !!¡¡
“They” want us to accept them when they can’t even accept themselves !!

8 months ago

HOORAY AND KUDOS TO THIS JUDGE. The ONLY reasons why biologic males who ID as females, wanting to compete against biological girls, wanting to change in female locker rooms and use their restrooms is quite simple.
One: because they CANNOT successfully compete against their male peers because they aren’t near good enough. So the radical leftist, who are completely VOID of having any common sense, always wanting to pervert things, found a way for them to CHEAT!
Two: they want to get their kicks by seeing naked girls and parading around the girls locker room nude and then telling their buddies about it and showing them pictures. If this is not an adolescent boyish prank, which abolishes any rights, protection, and dignity the girls SHOULD HAVE AND ARE ENTITLED TO HAVE, it should be prevented and stopped IMMEDIATELY. If it isn’t a near ‘criminal’ prank, then it’s pure insanity caused by a serious mental disorder.
And the deviates that allow, promote and encourage this kind of perverted and warped insanity are even more mentally deranged.
It’s just like if someone insisting they are a cat, demanding their schools put litter boxes in the restrooms, and demanding people call them Kitty cat, Tom cat, Pussy cat, Feline, or any other ridiculous names or pronouns. It’s pure and total steer excrement.
* Have Girls and Women’s sports teams (ONE sex/One Gender. May the best girl or woman win) * Have Boys and Men’s Sports teams (One Sex/One Gender. And may the best boy or man win) * Have LGBTQIA etc…. Sports teams (TWO sexes but an Infinite number of genders. And may the best ‘whatever’ win)

Bob Boskey
Bob Boskey
8 months ago

Obama started this on his way out as a way of throwing a divisive bomb over his shoulder.

8 months ago

If these people who want to be in the wrong restrooms only knew what waits for them after they pass on. So sad

8 months ago

Hey,……I’m now an “aardvark” !!! Where do I fit in and who’s bathroom do I use?? If you don’t refer to me as an aardvark, I’ll consider it animal harassment and the Dept. of Wildlife will sue you. I’m an aardvark !!!!!!!

7 months ago

I would be curious to know what the Olympics are going to rule on this issue. Are they going to allow a male who declares himself a female to compete in female competition?

7 months ago

Don’t temporarily block biden’s title IX lie PERMANENTLY eliminate it. There are only two sexes. Identities are for the confused who cannot decide what they are even when it is proven genetically what they are.

8 months ago

DOE: Title IX GUARANTEES THAT NO PERSON experience SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION in a federally-funded educational environment’, a LIE, AND, Biden tasked the DOE with amending Title IX in a way that INCLUDES PROTECTIONS for an educational environment FREE OF ‘Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity,’ another LIE. Why? because one ‘2 Wrongs don’t make a Right’, and one person’s Rights CAN’T TOP another person’s Rights, to cause their Rights to be annulled. A Trans’ Rights do not TOP ANYONE’s Rights to privacy biological separation and unwanted privacy violations – no matter WHERE they may be!
Of FIRST CONSIDERATION should ALWAYS be to protect EVERY PERSON’s Rights, not to run rampant OVER other people to give to ‘certain people’ the ‘rights’ THEY DESIRE TO HAVE regardless of the Rights of Other People around them! So in GIVING Trans people some ‘special rights THEY want’ (rights which are NOT in KEEPING with sound, logical thinking, security and privacy concerns, but rather foster a sinister SUBJECTION of women and girls to whatever whims males with impure motivations and desires may have (which is the REASON they are USUALLY separated in privacy settings…)
Biden and his DOE are actually CAUSING SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION to occur to ALL WOMEN in ‘federally-funded educational environments! with NO THOUGHT GIVEN AT ALL to real Women and Girls needing to use school restrooms WITHOUT having to ‘share that experience’ with real Males violating Female private spaces to use the restroom, or whatever they enter that private space to DO or SEE or INVADE or POLLUTE. Have YOU ever been in a Male Restroom??? Females don’t leave their Restrooms in THAT condition, usually! Now our little Girls are going to HAVE to DEAL with THAT EVERY DAY!
THIS IS STUPID! especially when there ARE other more ‘private restrooms’ AVAILABLE on ALL School Sites where a Trans may go to use the restroom! in private! But it is NOT feasible to accommodate EVERY WOMAN AND GIRL on campus in Restrooms that only accommodate one person at a time! But it is ENTIRELY FEASIBLE to accommodate the ‘Trans’ students one at a time!
The only issue here is that Trans Males WANT to be able to USE female restrooms (for WHATEVER reason), and DON’T CARE that the females feel uncomfortable and endangered by this stupid Title IX ‘amendment’ because of what it MEANS for all females! because it makes THEM (Males) feel ’empowered’ by being able to ‘dominate’ females, and it’s just another ‘in your face’ male assault on all females. I thought the ‘Women’s Movement’ of the 70’s took care of ‘men’s aggressions toward women’. But HERE IT IS AGAIN, but in a NEW FORM!
And it is very troublesome that DOE doesn’t CARE AT ALL for the other 53% of the school population that this ‘amendment’ is going to affect and perturb, and possibly RUIN THEIR LIVES – as we HAVE already SEEN over and over when Males (even Trans) have entered Female’s Private Spaces! It’s not ‘just a theory’ – IT HAPPENS! Now our precious little girls at School, no less, are going to be PUT into a situation they shouldn’t HAVE to be put in, and THEY AREN’T ALLOWED TO RESIST OR SAY ANYTHING!!! should they NEED to use the Restroom during their 6-7 hour educational endurance trial. This is WICKED. Little children should NOT be placed in danger ON PURPOSE, like Hamas does! and told to ‘suck it up’. Trans people have Rights. YOU have NONE. This is WRONG. This is DANGEROUS. WE are NOT going to TAKE IT! We’ll just keep ALL OUR GIRLS out of School! We won’t send them into the lions den every day! They are too precious for that! This will become the National ISSUE that it IS, for every family that has little girls! and teens. Do we really want BOYS WATCHING our young girls begin to go through the onset of puberty, and all that brings with its embarrassment and fear and anxiety??? in their expected ‘private settings’ where they tend to themselves OUTSIDE of gawking boys??? What do we THINK is going to happen??? Talk about PTSD! This is how the Left Destroys our Civilization – beginning with our children! turning them into unfeeling, little robots that will NEVER BE NORMAL again! because of what they’ve experienced AT SCHOOL!!!
We DO have Rights! And we WILL fight for them! One person’s ‘rights’ don’t/can’t negate someone else’s Rights. There has NEVER BEEN BEFORE a ‘Right’ for Males to violate Females’ Privacy. You don’t see any Females fighting for their Right to violate Males’ Privacy, do you? No. What female would WANT to do that? Males are NEVER the ones ‘violated’ – they have ALL the advantage they need to subjectify females. It’s Females who NEED protection from the DOE educational environments, since their Parents aren’t THERE to Protect them there! And instead of that, we have the DOE FORCING on girls and women just the OPPOSITE DANGER that DEMANDS they ‘not object’ to the opposite sex USING THEIR Restrooms! This is CRAZY! And calling it as some ‘protection of rights’ for Trans people is ludicrous! Taking away someone else’s Rights so you can just ‘hand them over’ to someone else is NOT what our Constitution says at all. We ALL have the SAME Rights, INCLUDING ‘separation of the sexes for privacy concerns’. And just because ‘some groups’ want to have MORE RIGHTS THAN OTHERS, does not mean they should get them! The Rule of Law should accommodate the Rights of the ENTIRE population, not JUST cater to a part of the population that is less than 10%, and not applicable to the ‘general welfare’ of the other 90%, except in terms of HURTING THEM!
This is so advertently and intentionally EVIL, it is a no-brainer it shouldn’t be happening. This is NOT about ‘Rights’, this is about Domination of the Sexes, and the Subjectivity of Women and Girls by Men. Face it. That’s all this is! And it’s always been a Man’s World! But THIS takes the cake! Every Man, Husband, Dad and Brother should STAND UP for the Women in their lives on THIS ISSUE, and DEMAND THIS be taken OFF the Books! NOW!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
8 months ago

The only possible reason for Progressives to be pushing to erase the scientific biological definition of male and female is to create more chaos, confusion and fear in citizens. Allowing biological males to allowed in female sports, bathrooms, locker rooms and public showers has caused nothing but harm and disrespect to females.

Max Palin
Max Palin
8 months ago

There are only 2 genders, Female and Male. All this transgenders are just like a cancer of our society, a phenomenon that damage the principles of the Family that is the origin of the Society. We are disturbed by a small minority of sick people pretending respect and civil rights but in the meantime does not respect us at all. The 99% of the Normal people has to BOW to this people to do not offend their feelings…What about my, our feelings???
Why we have the LGBT parade and not the Eterosexual parade???Why we have the Pride month with rainbow flags everywhere and we do not have the Eteroxexual month with Regular Family flags everywhere??? It’s the same with marijuana, why I have to smell your terrible marijuana stink????? We fought years against regular tobacco but for marijuana we are OK….I’m not OK with all this brain manipulations, this people are destroying our civilization… I would like to see the LGBT people perform the same in Iran, Afghanistan, Siria etc…Not here where the actual Left Democratic wing damages the majority to advantage the minority…..So at the end the Majority is discriminated by the Minority..And I’m not speaking about Race and Skin Colors at all, I’m speaking about people with mental disorder that pretend to be respected at the cost of all other people. Unfortunately our young generations, our children are totally brainwashed by a depravated sick school system and the parent are so scared to say anything that they prefer have their children molested by the System to avoid to be identified as Racists, sexists, Fascists etc… And also criminally and financially punished.
God bless not only U.A. but all Western Civilization.
I apologize for my english that is not so perfect, I still learning it.

8 months ago

Only what to expect from a creep Joe’s administration.

8 months ago

The spokesperson for the dept, “we will continue to fight for every student.” Baloney. What about the rights of the girls being raped, sexually harassed, groped, ogled by these p******s? Just plain sick.

Stewart Love
Stewart Love
8 months ago

Obiden is a disgrace to this country.

8 months ago

DOE’s Title IX opened a can of worms that will make it impossible to relate to any group of people anywhere. If someone chooses to be different then the cost for that should be on that person, not everyone else.

8 months ago

My krandkids teenage males already talking we could dress transgender and get in the girls bathroom and locker room and get see naked young women. Young women are talking about get into the young boys locker room . One thing to another could lead to an orgy get that one in every generation. Or might lead to rapes. Transgender could also could rape same sex which over years that been kept under the table .
Which thank your born what sex you are and you don’t just decide what sex you are as a baby .that comes as you get older and what you are taught and what inderduce to your brain.

8 months ago

i think GOD did a good job with this man and woman, i dont believe GOD needs the dems help in this matter, but thanks anyway schumer and biden and GOODBYE

8 months ago

If a mentally ill man pretends to be a woman and has all the mutilation surgeries, and takes all the drugs, is then cloned. What gender would the clone be? Would it now be female? Of course not. It would be male because that is in the DNA. No amount of surgeries and/or drugs can change that.

8 months ago

No wonder so many parents are homeschooling their kids. I wouldn’t want my daughter to be dressing for gym class and have boys in there ogling her just because they ‘said’ they were female. This is so much BS. Our government and authority people are a bunch of ignorant A**holes.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
8 months ago

I will never know why a man thinks because he wants to change sex he becomes a woman well in his mind he thinks he is but he will never be a woman, to compete in woman’s sports it is not fair he is and always will be a MAN is it fair to those girls to compete against a man then loose and they have to take that. I think that girls should boycott sports that have trans men in the sport it is not fair. God created a man and woman that is the bottom line in life.

RJ Black
RJ Black
8 months ago

I’m with the Judge! The DOE’s expectations are surreal. They and Pres. Biden need brain scans . . . .

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