
Education , Newsline

Educators or Indoctrinators?

Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion theme with school supplies overhead view

America’s college and graduate experience is disintegrating before our eyes. What we think of as a “good education” is disappearing, a sort of communism-light replacing it. If this shocks you, it did me – until I had read so many new policies, new offices, rules, and mandates being pushed out, it no longer does.

While good students and good facility on good campuses still exist, the beachhead of a non-political American education is fast eroding. On many campuses, objectivity has been replaced – intentionally and belligerently – by straitjacket conformity with subjective new norms and mandates, many leftist.

All this is happening under our noses, many not realizing it. Almost overnight, on state and Ivy League campuses, leftist political ideology has replaced traditional emphasis on hard learning, original thought, meaningful life lessons, broadening of the mind, deep dives into hard or challenging ideas, and any sense that objective, non-political academic discipline is welcomed. Everything is now – by policy – leftist.

Today, institutional “group-think” is not just swelling, encouraged, but mandated. Anyone who dares challenge leftist norms risks suddenly being investigated, fired, removed, forced to resign, retire, humiliated, or the student level given a poor grade, bad recommendation, no awards, reported to the administration for discipline, prejudice, racism, or just ignored, insulted, ostracized, mocked, or excluded. 

Thus, if someone challenges the Marxist term “equity” – look it up if your browser allows – as a concept diametrically opposed to traditional American belief in the individual, free speech, free exercise of religion, individual thinking, individual rights, and our Constitution’s premises, instead pushing group-think, group-anger, group-identity, and leveling or forced redistributive justice, they can be fired.

Likewise, if anyone dares say that “diversity,” historically and in fact, does not refer just to skin color or origin or sex habits, but involves inviting different ideas to the table to get a better understanding of truth or mutual understanding, spurring debate among controversial views, they can be fired

Thus, so pervasive and perverse is this new push nationally to silence those who defend traditional individual liberties and equality, vocalize their faith, speak for settled biology, genetics, free markets, or demand individual thought or merit supersede conformity and mediocrity – to say these policies are just wrong – that even criticism is often swiftly punished. Lawsuits percolate, but are few.

In short, the old understanding that a college and graduate education was about learning to think and think harder, was the next step in a solid, life-relevant, non-political, objectively sound, and nationally respectful life, is fading.

Gone is respect for free speech, for the original and thus uneasy development of competing ideas, for critical review and criticism of these perversely conformist norms, or any reference to where they came from, what damage they are doing, how they undermine, dishonor, and even mock original thought.

Administrative offices – sometimes called DEI or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – become, by definition Orwellian and excluding, of what they do not want to hear, se, acknowledge, understand or permit.

They become oppressors of individual thought, of free, open, often controversial exchanges of strongly held views, punishers of honest dialogue, real thought, and anyone who is a critic for objective reasons of this movement away from merit and reality for subjectivity and enforced conformity.

In effect, by using terms no one knows the history of, by redefining these terms to make them seem innocuous, friendly, and fair – then demanding all accept the new definitions, that the policies cannot be debated, that objectors will be fired, demeaned, isolated, or sued, they intimidate all fresh thought.

These heavy-handed offices and leftist policies are effectively killing the whole idea of the liberal arts academy, which was formed – from the days of Dante at Oxford – to stir controversy, to surface truth from a fierce debate over what it was, whether from a religious or secular perspective, from pro or limited government, from Ptolemy to Copernicus, from Newton to Einstein.

If I could look every one of the administrators in the eye, face them squarely and point out the truth to them, it would be this:  You either know what you are doing, you are bought into freedom-suppressing ideology, which perverts words to suppress individual equality, robust learning, diverse ideas, and inclusion of all – that is, you not want free and open thought, are afraid of it – or not.

A real educator is not afraid of individuals being individuals, but wants that, not group-think. A real educator does not spurn diverse ideas in the name of diversity. A real educator does not exclude asserting that is inclusive. A real educator does not fear losing in the marketplace of ideas, but wants truth.

More bluntly whatever God, Godless power, or Government these newly assertive, anti-free speech, anti-traditional, anti-individual, anti-educational administrators and educators think they are serving, they disserve the country and truth. To me, that warrants a very serious relook.

Bottom line: Educators afraid of ideas are not educators, they are indoctrinators. Suppressing free thought and speech is not only anti-educational but un-American.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

This isn’t restricted to the universities. It begins in the public schools K-12 and continues on from there. Get the federal government out of education all together. This is the only way to put the brakes on this nonsense.

1 year ago

Thank you for another good article. As a grandparent I saw the attempted influence of a West Coast PAC 12 University to bend our granddaughter’s thinking toward the far left. She is strong and escaped the university with her dignity, a degree… and a few battle scars.
The next grandchild in line enlisted in the Marine Corps while he was a senior in high school. Trade school followed his honorable discharge.
The next in age went through nursing school at a college that specifies in teaching healthcare occupations, not a major University.
The bottom line is that the treatment of the eldest by the large university taught her younger siblings to pursue a different course and they are happy with their careers. They are earning a good living without the staggering debt of a major university degree.

1 year ago

Yes! As a former educator, I find this chilling and just plain scary.

1 year ago

You are spot on! But, Bobby, this has been going on for 20+ years. As I commented in one of your other articles, the politicians have slowly been dumbing down our educational system K-12 and the universities, as it is much easier to control the population when they are not taught to think and question. Very sad and alarming. I fought it my entire career and was reprimanded often by my principals. We must not stop fighting this movement otherwise our country will be lost and controlled by the “Thought Police.” Keep sounding the alarm!

1 year ago

Another excellent article, Mr. Charles. I venture to add, these indoctrinators are also anti-God.

1 year ago

I am 78 and have been out of the classroom for about 30 years. The main concern I had then was, I am imparting knowledge, along with some wisdom, but are my students getting it. I had the optimistic hope that they were. None of the crap that’s being taught (indoctrinated) today in my classroom then.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

I wonder when the low IQ leftism religion followers are going to realize that their beliefs have been BS for a every long time.

1 year ago

We not only need to shut down the Federal Education/Indoctrination Department, the states need to ban the National Teachers Union which is run by Marxist / Communist people only interested in indoctrinating students with their view. Until the States QUIT taking Federal handouts that require following the Federal propaganda line education in this USA is a FARCE. When I go shopping I deal with college age people who can’t do anything without a computer or calculator. 90% of the well educated students I meet are “Home Schooled”.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Colleges and universities have been infiltrated with socialist/communist leaning professors since before the 1960s. The number of such professors has grown and succeeded in overtaking most public school systems around the country as the indoctrinated and/or brainwashed graduating educators fill positions in K-12 public schools. That’s the reason so many parents have turned to private and church schools, and that number of parents has only grown.
We need more private schools to fight back and regain our higher education to put conservative and patriotic professors in to teach the individual liberties given us in our Constitution.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

These ppl love Hamas so let’s hold a national “Day of Sharia” so they can see what they’re supporting. Cane a few women not covering their bodies and heads, hold 5X calls to mandatory prayer, and throw a few gays off the roofs and see if they still chant “river to the sea” afterwards. But I’m betting they’ll be the ones embracing the brutal totalitarianism and taking an active role in the “festivities” because its their nature!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We live in the carnival of illusion being manipulated by illusionists Where did they get the power from to force the insanity of a few on the 99.9% [population Who is the insane one?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Save for STEAM & Voc Tech Ed, all INDOC from teaching estd day 1

Sue Sauer
Sue Sauer
1 year ago

This hits the Nail on the Head! Last night’s Wheaton Town Hall is “case in point”! 25 people from the community spoke to the Board with facts gleaned from FOIAs, wisdom, experience, even pictures to prove the points that we do not need to expand our little Cosley Farm with a larger parking lot into a wildlife area, also endangering the safety of young families and disabled children to walk across a busy street at a new stoplight hundreds of feet farther up

1 year ago


Beth Amy Clouse
Beth Amy Clouse
1 year ago

As early as 1973, my “professional educational” classes were telling us we were the experts on children and parental participation was neither wanted nor necessary. My question of how a 22 year old could be an expert on a roomful of children they had never met, and asking why, suddenly, teachers were not to welcome the parental participatioon they had sought for decades, was met with a screaming fit from the prof, complete with flying spittle (yes, he was foaming at the mouth), about how we had better get with the program or expect to get a failing grade and not to graduate. Most of my classmates agreed with me, and we gave him the test answers necessary to pass, but when we student taught, we welcomed parents and encouraged others to participate as much as possible. Those able to get a job (there was a teacher glut at the time) carried on. I went for a nursing degree when I nearly failed student tewching (I had an A to that point) for asking why we couldn’t encourage kids from dysfunctional homes to stay in school

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