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Anti-Israel Campus Demonstrations: The Democrats’ Profile in Cowardice

Posted on Friday, April 26, 2024
by Tammy Bruce
Anti Israel Protests, Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA. Cover of the New York Post with the headline, "Columbia Surrenders," referring to the anti-Israel protests at the university s main campus which will hold classes remotely for the final weeks of the semester. This photo was taken in New York City, New York, on April 24th 2024.

Fearful of losing the votes of leftists, Arabs, and Muslims, President Biden and many Democratic officials are failing to act to stop out-of-control anti-Israel and antisemitic protests that are disrupting colleges across the nation and terrorizing Jewish students.

The Democrats are showing profiles in cowardice by refusing to compel colleges and universities to end the chaos that has paralyzed campuses, forced classes to be canceled or go virtual, and canceled graduation ceremonies. The weakness of university apparatchik bureaucrats has allowed this to spread. We’ve seen this obscenity before. During the December 2023 testimony to Congress, the presidents of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT refused to outrightly condemn calls for genocide by pro-Hamas mobs on their campuses soon after the October 7th massacre. They said “context” mattered. The murder of 1200 people in Israel by Hamas, with hundreds taken hostage, wasn’t enough to jar those academic women out of their smug slumber. Americans were duly shocked. Now we know that cancer has spread through too many university suites.

In sharp contrast, Republicans are appropriately blasting the protests against Israel’s defensive war against bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Condemning terrorists bent on genocide isn’t a controversial stand. Yet, how awful is it when condemning Jew hatred and support for terrorism is a bar too high for the Democratic Party’s leadership?

The Iran-supported terrorists in Gaza continue to hold an estimated 130 hostages, including dozens who are believed dead, and continue firing rockets into Israel at civilian targets. And Hamas openly states its goal is to attack Israel again and again and obliterate the Jewish state. It’s believed they still hold five Americans hostage. One of whom, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, was seen in a video released by Hamas on Wednesday. Clearly under duress, he read a statement which CBS notes was “clearly crafted by Hamas,” and in which he is missing his left hand. It was the first time Hamas released a video of a US citizen hostage. In much of the coverage, outlets generally did not mention the other Americans being held.

Meanwhile, at U.S. universities, thuggish student protesters — and non-students who have joined them —have created tent cities on college lawns that look like homeless encampments, using them as bases to harass and threaten Jewish students.

House Speaker Mike Johnson and four other Republican members of Congress visited Columbia University in New York City — where the protests were launched and remain intense — on Wednesday to meet with Jewish students and Rabbi Yuda Drizin. Johnson said he would demand that Biden send National Guard troops to the campus if necessary to restore law and order.

Johnson also threatened to seek an end to federal funding for colleges that fail to create a safe environment for Jewish students.

The steps Johnson proposed would be a good way to combat Jew hatred with action, rather than simply condemning it with empty rhetoric, as some Democrats often do. On top of this, many believe, including myself, that students who break the law with their protests and engage in hate crimes like antisemitism should be suspended or expelled. This is not some complicated moral theory requiring contemplation at exclusive seminars. It’s basic human decency. It’s striking that one has to even say this, but the worst offenders who engage in violent attacks ought to face jail time. 

Johnson called Columbia University President Minouche Shafik a “weak and inept leader” unable to protect Jewish students and called for her resignation, “if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos.” He told protesters to “go back to class and stop the nonsense.” They responded by heckling him with boos, insults, and obscenities. 

One thing we do know is that being heckled by Jew-haters means you’re doing a good job for the cause of civilized humanity, and something to which we should all aspire.

The protesters can’t possibly believe that young Jewish American students are running Israel’s defensive war against Hamas from their dorm rooms in between classes, partying and playing video games. So nothing other than toxic antisemitism can explain their attacks on Jewish students.

Jewish students attending religious services and other Jewish events — and those who are identifiably Jewish based on what they wear or objects they carry — have been targeted, threatened, and physically attacked.

For example, Jonathan Lederer, a Jewish sophomore at Columbia University, recorded a cellphone video of a protester running off with Lederer’s Israeli flag and setting it on fire. Lederer said other protesters then assaulted him. “They were pushing and shoving me,” he said. “They threw rocks at my face. At that moment, my life was totally threatened. And there was no safety authority on campus.”

All this is disgraceful and intolerable. College campuses shouldn’t be sanctuaries for hatred of any group. Imagine if bigots created tent cities on campuses around the country and threatened to shut their schools down unless the colleges took action against Black, LGBT, or Muslim students. The vast majority of Americans would be rightfully outraged and demand an end to the hatred.

But while hundreds of protesting students and some of their professors have been arrested at several colleges, the protests go on.

Protesters are making a slew of outrageous demands on their schools as the price for ending the illegal occupations of university property. Their demands include requiring university participation in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which is aimed at destroying the Israeli economy.

Supporters of BDS refuse to buy Israeli products or do business with or invest in Israeli companies and companies that trade with Israel. BDS also bars participation in academic exchanges and research projects with Israel, and denies students college credit for classes they take at Israeli universities.    

The student protesters claim they are opposed to Israeli policies, but many go beyond that to oppose the very existence of Israel as a Jewish state. That crosses a red line into antisemitism. You can’t separate hatred of the only Jewish state in the world from hatred of Jews.

The protesters threatening Jews on campus today are frighteningly reminiscent of students in Germany who were among the earliest and most ardent supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

The Nazi Party created the National Socialist German Student League in 1926 for college students to support its antisemitic campaign that ultimately resulted in the mass murder of 6 million Jews. Once Hitler came to power in 1933, he created the Hitler Youth group for boys and the League of German Girls for young people ages 10 to 18.

Fascist and communist tyrants know that taking control of universities is the first step to controlling the intellectual elite and indoctrinating the younger generation. We must not let Jew-haters do this in America.   

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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A Voter
A Voter
8 months ago

I have no sympathy for these universities. They are long standing bastions of liberal indoctrination. They are now reaping what they have sowed and their prodigies are biting them in their proverbial butts. It is a problem of their own doing and public funds should not be used to resolve the issue.

Jackie Sharp
Jackie Sharp
8 months ago

My solution would be very simple….fly those that believe Hamas is their friends directly over there and leave them. Let them see the real people they are defending!

8 months ago

It’s being reported that these indignant ‘protests’ are being funded by the melting George Soros. He’s done the same with other organized protests, advertising for ‘actors’ on craigslist, nextdoor, fb, tt, and other media. All pretense and distractions, in collusion with the dem party and rinos. Fact is, none of those unaccomplished and failed squatters give a dern about anything or anyone.

Daniel EUu
Daniel EUu
8 months ago

Drag the “protesters” away in chains ~ every one. Take them to barbed-wire enclosures in the Mojave Desert, then deport – with prejudice – all who were brought here by Obama, during his save-the- Izlamonaz1 campaign. Subject those not deported to rockpile duty for 5- 10 years. The anti-semetic “protests” will stop. You are welcome.

8 months ago

I honestly don’t know, but is WW2 and Nazism, as well as the extermination of over 6 million Jews even taught in our schools anymore? And of course there is NO diversity in colleges because are all taught and governed by liberals.

Allen A
Allen A
8 months ago

The protestors number between 100 and 200 on each campus. Some reports point out that many of them are 25-27 years old and others point out that a Soros organization recruited and trained them and is paying them. Their tents are supplied by the organization and their food is paid for. These are not spontaneous protests, they are bought and paid for efforts to create chaos for political purposes. They need to be removed from the campuses that they are occupying and the people who are paying them to protest need to be charged with conspiracy, arrested and tried for their crimes.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Another election year and another year of masked protesters being coddled by Democrats. What a coincidence! Almost as “coincidental” as how all the tents look like they were bought at the same store…

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
8 months ago

This is largely rooted in Marxism.

Tom In Texas
Tom In Texas
8 months ago

The Democrats aren’t cowards, they love it! Their destruction timetable just moves forward faster!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
8 months ago

Truncheons and 4-inch firehoses will sweep a quad clean. Truncheons usually don’t break bones, but they really hurt.

Brenda G
Brenda G
8 months ago

I didn’t expect anything other than what we’ve seen displayed from the Biden administration, democrats and the disqusting staff “supposed” leadership from the also “supposed” exalted examples from the University’s in our country. No more federal funds to these institutions, since they see fit to not care equally for ALL students. Fire the Presidents, Dean’s and those who have been providing such shifty treatment, not protecting these young people. To be so immoral, to not educate the students in all opinions between differing sides,not to explain, provide where to obtain education, to educate each- Respect one another, love and support no questions ????

8 months ago

Sad thing is the ” students” are following people that are not even associated with the universities they attend. Talk about sheep being lead to the slaughter—that is what theose students are. They can’t think for themselves and reason this out. So much the tolerance message that the democrats are trying to push on everyone. When this is done, where is the diversity that they keeping preaching and saying we need? Oh, I get it, they don’t have to do that just everyone else. Boot them all out of the universities and make sure they pay their student loans.

8 months ago

I have been wondering where these students parents are? If I had been protesting while are college my parents would have yanked me out of college so fast my head would have spun. Then they would have said they were not paying another. dime in tuition and get a job, that’s if they continued to let me live with them. Are the parents so afraid of their kids they do nothing? Or are the parents in agreement with the protests, violence, and antisemetismm?

8 months ago

Stop calling it anti-semitic.

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
8 months ago

Let us face it, most college and university presidents are selected on the basis of their ability to raise money from alumni, not their ability to lead in any meaningful way. A second consideration is whether the individual projects the picture that the board of directors wants to show the public. Making difficult decisions promptly and effectively is way down the list of qualifications that are considered in the hiring process.

8 months ago

Let’s see. The gifted, extremely intelligent college students are demonstrating against our one true ally in the middle east and giving support to HAMAS barbaric murderers and haters of the free western world. Does anyone see a problem here? The communist/democrats love these kids, as well as those who are paid to organize these “protests”. Maybe these educated future elites could move to China or North Korea or a host of other “great” countries and be much happier there.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
8 months ago

It’s come down to a vote for any Democrat is a vote for the Progressive/Communist factions that completely control the Democrat Party. That means that as long as today’s Democrats stay in control of government, the more we can expect to be controlled by any faction that decides to make demands on society and government.
We need to have laws upheld and order restored on school campuses and in society in general. We need to start by voting out every Progressive Democrat and D.C. Swamp dwelling Republican.

8 months ago

I am very glad that I can say that most of my education was received in the Southern Association of Schools. I didn’t learn about hate and that there were certain people in this world that I should have a certain disdain and disrespect for and I still have yet to figure out the reasons for these college students who are being scammed and duped into these foolish protests that are not helping anyone, in particular themselves. Who wants to hire a recent graduate from any of these “Ivy League Schools”? They don’t think about their futures, they are focused on what they are feeling now and about something they have no clue of the history of that part of the world has been over the past 3000 years. Obviously, their education is lacking in world history!!!

Ron Dixon
Ron Dixon
8 months ago

This is what happens when you don’t teach history. Now we have a bunch of Nazis demonstration at our Universities

8 months ago


Donald Lee Warner
Donald Lee Warner
8 months ago

I think now that these colleges are infected with cancer, maybe they should be shut down for good and be replac dvwith Trade schools. On another topic, all of the politicians (Democrats and Republicans) should all resign for allowing the country become the laughing stick to of the world. ‘Nuff said.

8 months ago

How how about Jewish kids snd people being savagely murdered, heads cut off, bsbies put in ovens (on)! Check your fkn history. There is not one day Israel isn’t under attack with rockets for years! Get the App and you get the proof.

8 months ago

Results of a weak Presidency at every angle!! Complete chaos and nowhere to be found!!

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
8 months ago

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik is an Egyptian Muslim. Need I say more?

8 months ago

Historically IGNORANT children trying to be cool. Sorry, you are anything but. Since you think it’s okay to have your homes broken into and assaulted, please post your addresses. Thank you can’t wait to assault some punk ads.

8 months ago

Return RIGHTS to The States…Repeal The 17th Amendment and give back to the States their rightful representatives from the Constitution.

8 months ago

If father Abraham would have kept his thing in his pants and obeyed God. Instead of listening to Sara his wife to inseminate his maid servant Hagar (mother of Ishmael), father of the Arab race. We would not be watching today two human races of debauched human beings killing each other over a piece of dirt, (real estate)!

Best part
Best part
8 months ago

I love the New York post.
best toilet paper I have ever used lol

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