
Economy , Newsline

STUDY: Mass Migration Hurting, Not Helping, Western Economies

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

A new study released last month by the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) is challenging the left-wing narrative that immigration, including illegal immigration, is by default a net positive for economic growth. The study analyzed the results of mass migration into the United Kingdom and found that it was causing intense “pressure on housing, public services, and infrastructure” while failing to deliver the promised economic benefits.

In 2022, the United Kingdom experienced its largest immigration spike in decades. That year, net immigration exceeded 745,000, and has remained high since. In London, a city of nearly nine million, less than 40 percent of residents are now ethnically British.

Along with legal immigration, illegal immigration has also become a growing problem for the U.K. despite the fact that it is an island nation. Tens of thousands of migrants have illegally crossed the English Channel and entered Britain, despite attempts by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government to crack down on the illegal entries.

As mass migration, legal and illegal, continued to place pressure on Britain’s economy and public services, migration advocates reassured English citizens that the immigration increase would be a net positive for the U.K., boosting growth and diversity across the country.

But CPS’s report reveals that the record immigration has actually hobbled economic opportunity and is placing an unsustainable strain on public resources.

The study specifically finds that “89% of the 1.34 million rise in England’s housing deficit over the last decade has been due to net migration.” It also notes that the majority of private homes in London are rented out to “individuals born overseas,” and 33% of all social housing placements now go to foreign-born individuals.

As EuroNews reported, the study concludes that “large-scale migration has not delivered the economic benefits its defenders argue it should – with the era of mass migration coinciding with a significant slowdown in GDP per capita growth.”

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Britain is not alone in experiencing difficulties as a result of unchecked migration. Economic growth has lagged throughout Europe as migrant arrivals have continued to surge. Moreover, conservative parties and politicians with a tougher stance on immigration have seen a resurgence amid frustration from voters over the large numbers of migrants flooding in.

The unintended consequences of mass migration in Europe serve as a klaxon for America, which is currently in the midst of an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis. At least 7.2 million individuals have crossed the border illegally since Joe Biden took office, many of whom are enjoying taxpayer-funded resources, including cell phones, luxury hotels, and free airline travel.

In an April speech, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva made a somewhat puzzling case for how this mass illegal immigration is a positive for the U.S. economy despite obvious evidence to the contrary and what has happened in the U.K.

Specifically, Georgieva pointed to a supposed “force of innovation” as a result of mass illegal immigration. She claimed that because “It’s easier to turn innovative ideas into business development” in the U.S. than in Europe, illegal immigration will be a net positive for the United States.

While it is true that being an entrepreneur in America is easier than in most countries, the majority of new arrivals appear to be relying on public dollars more than they’re innovating. According to the Center for immigration Studies, in 2022, “54 percent of households headed by immigrants — naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal immigrants — used one or more major welfare programs” –significantly higher than the percentage for U.S.-born residents. Moreover, this figure is also likely an undercount of welfare recipients, as many illegal aliens who benefit from welfare programs are unaccounted for due to “sanctuary city” policies.

Georgieva also argued that the surge in illegal border crossings has made the United States stronger because it represents “abundant labor” for the U.S. economy. “Wages are not pushing up because there is no strong pressure because of lack of labor,” she said.

In other words, illegal immigration is good because it provides cheap labor for corporations.

But what Georgieva and other proponents of mass migration never say is that this “cheap labor” comes at the expense of native-born Americans who are being undercut by illegal aliens. While corporate profits might go up, everyday workers and families struggle. Unsurprisingly, as illegal border crossings have skyrocketed, year-over-year growth in average hourly earnings has now eased to 4.1 percent from 5.9 percent two years ago.

The left has long asserted that immigration, legal or illegal, always benefits America. Yet data from throughout the West points to at best mixed results and at worst precisely the opposite conclusion.

To be sure, America has always been a nation welcoming to immigrants who come here legally to achieve the American Dream. A secure border and controlled immigration policy that identifies those most likely to contribute to their communities continues to be a vital part of America’s identity.

But uncontrolled mass illegal immigration of low-skilled workers with unfettered access to government welfare programs is obviously calamitous for any economy, no matter what the so-called “experts” say.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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4 months ago

This is an INVASION!!!!!
Don’t sugar coat it!
An Invasion is an Invasion!
President Biden is the Worst President Ever to Hold this office.

4 months ago

llegals bring down wages and certainly no brainiacs are coming here illegally. Those that are coming want to live on our tax dollars. And the current regime gives them the housing, the jobs, education for their kids and free health care. That free part is also paid by our tax dollars. 15 million people coming here are certainly not going to boost our economy but drag it down.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Am I expected to take this seriously? Am I expected to be shocked at the results of the invasion of the “immigrants” What else could have happened but disaster ? Europe is in such trouble we do not hear of but a friend living in Frankfurt keeps me up to date Islamization is replacing and destroying the old civilization That was the plan from the day they started invading in their leaky boats and the idiots kept rescuing them and bringing them in All according to a plan Nothing shocking here May God have mercy on us for we sure will need it And please stop calling this an immigration for that would suggest some control over it

4 months ago

ILLEGAL ALIENS are leaches that receive better treatment than American citizens, then they trash everything in their wake. Way to go, traitor Joe.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
4 months ago

Somehow I overlooked using the word invasion in the comment I just sent pr a couple of minutes ago. The criminal gangs , drug connected , that use human trafficking in their despicable practices are an invading force and need to be dealt with accordingly.

4 months ago

They had to first be allowed to flood countries to figure that out??? They bring “nothing” but needs as well. Who do these stupid politicians think is supposed to pay for them, the tooth fairy??? Nice to know these third world countries that sit around producing people they can’t support, has now become the responsibility of socialist/liberal democrats. But that’s their end game isn’t it? To reduce us all to their level while they enrichen their personal bank accounts.

4 months ago

Lying Jackass Joe Biden the Presidential Imposter who stole the last election is doing his best to destroy America by pushing Communist wannabe policies to destroy America! I say that the fix is in for this next Presidential Election so I will be surprised if Trump wins!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
4 months ago

Very informative, clear explanation on the topic of illegal immigration Andrew Shirley. I am 73, born and raised in Philadelphia , ancestors from Ireland and England . This situation that involves allowing anyone to enter the Country is a cycle of trouble.It is apparently a strategy ,or part of a strategy, to undermine law and order here in the United States. This cycle of trouble is obviously kept going by groups with the influence to keep it going. It is a contrary to common sense strategy to justify crime by stating that it is good for the economy. Growing up in Philadelphia I visited Independence Hall at least a dozen times, the Declaration of Independence has been something I have always regarded with respect and something that was a significant improvement for people in many ways. What is needed in order to stop this illegal immigration cycle of crime and corruption , this cycle of trouble is a dedication to principles that uplift the spirit of those who seem to be unable to see the possibility of a solution to this matter. It is caused by a combination of things ,so a combination of efforts will probably be needed to stop it. The idea of being dedicated to fixing what needs to be fixed should help to make the task one that promotes noble thoughts , in the spirit of what made the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of .Rights of the Constitution possible

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
4 months ago

“STUDY: Mass Migration Hurting, Not Helping, Western Economies”
And for those who still don’t understand it, let me say it clearly: THAT IS THE GOAL.

4 months ago

It is about time the U S Government started taking care of our own homeless people and Veterans. Biden is using our tax dollars to buy votes, campaign travel, and extend communism in this country. When will the true U S of America citizens wake up and realize how we are being sold down the river?

4 months ago

Socialist Democrats must pay!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Ironic that Joe Biden has turned America, not school rooms, into “racial jungles”. His words, look it up.

Irv C
Irv C
4 months ago

These politicians claim we will not have Social Security in 7 years. Dont support illegals and Ukraine for Christ sake! Off topic? I’m sick of these super welfare freaks.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Save for Chinese all Unskilled labor pouring into US & Chinese spies

4 months ago

Biden and democrats can’t see or read the writing on the wall. They are NOT good for America It won’t matter to them until it bites them personally in the butt.

USN Retired
USN Retired
4 months ago

Open the borders and you get more voters for your party. Bus and fly this increased head count to strategic locations (blue cities) and the census will reflect need for increased number of seats for representatives for your party. The increase in crime and burden on the system will also help aid efforts to destroy the economy (So the government can take over to “save the day,” right out of the Marxist Manifesto). These things are not by accident. This is all part of a well thought out plan by the Communists (Democrats) to take over our country. I believe it’s sad but true.

4 months ago

KKKJoe Biden allowed these illegal invaders into the US as a very pretentious way of appearing to be their ‘savior’, just as he’s done to the blak population whom he actually despises. Meanwhile his twisted attempts are nothing more than a distraction from his corruption. Add that the majority of invaders now live in US streets engaged in criminal activities and stealing homes as squatters. But that was KKKJoe’s whole point: to lie to and deceive all Americans. That he deliberately invited illegals into the US speaks volumes as to what he really thinks about the nation and citizenry.

K. Martin
K. Martin
4 months ago

Since Johnson’s 1965 Immigration & Nationality Act, it’s been a snowball effect of bringing in more and more people of whom we had never before considered. So now we are left with the results. The question is: What are we going to do about it?

4 months ago

The majority of illegal aliens coming to America do not have the skills needed by technical and high-skill industries while challenging our low skilled workers for fewer jobs. This combination makes illegals less of a benefit and more of a burden financially and in many other ways. The cost of allowing illegals to come to America exceeds their benefit and if the policymakers would be honest, they would also conclude that we need to set specific requirements for those who enter our country so that they contribute rather than create higher unaffordable costs.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
4 months ago

This is just one of the disastorous policies thrust upon the people of the United States. This administration must be removed from power.

4 months ago

Mass Migration Hurting, Not Helping, Western Economies – WELL BIG DUH!

Bruce C Christense
Bruce C Christense
4 months ago

Nothing to do with humanity, but control by the governments and liberals to buy votes when they allow illegals to vote!!!!! They win, country loses

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
4 months ago

The defenders of illegal immigration are wrong. There is no defense for winking at lawbreakers. If their illegal migration is such a good thing make it legal! They cannot because there is no benefit other than to cooperate greed. We need to stop dancing around the law and address the immigration laws like adults.

4 months ago

Read news article en Bozeman,Montana and it gives you a different outlook on this. But, it is till the wealthy class that is reaping the rewards.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

The liberal,leftist,socialist democrats know that the border is corrupted.The purpose of this treachery is for votes for SANTA CLAUSE,a make believe good entity,which they”ain’t”.They will ruin AMERICA just to stay in power.BUT,”IT AIN’T OVER TILL IT’S OVER”,and it’s far from over.

4 months ago

Seriously? Who wrote this article – Joe Biden? Ridiculous!

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

There is no reason to examine extrapolated studies or what this or that “think tank” believes….just look at the complete sh**hole Europe has become with their “openness” system they are now trying desperately to end….too late.
Their society has been destroyed, their culture gone. The once safe streets throughout western Europe are now a fading memory and piddling matters such as rape, murder, human trafficking (especially of the very young), are rampant and largely go un disciplined out of the irrational fear of being labeled a “racist”.
The same is already happening now here but folks, we aint seen nothing yet.

4 months ago

It is enlightening to learn the true impact that illegal immigration is greatly IMPACTING The USA and GLOBAL areas as well!

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