NATIONAL HARBOR, MARYLAND—Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chairman of the House Oversight Committee, laid out a plan to combat the Left’s infrastructure in Washington as the Department of Government Efficiency exposed how taxpayer funding went to support left-wing activists and causes.
“Talk about what the Oversight Committee is doing … to really root out this corruption and this infrastructure the Left has built in D.C. to really push their political agenda on the entire country,” Townhall Editor Katie Pavlich asked Comer on the main stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday.
Comer pledged that his committee will follow up on the corruption that President Donald Trump and DOGE unveil.
“We will follow through with investigation, with subpoena power,” he responded. “Follow the money, that’s what we did in the Biden investigation. We got the bank records.”
Comer released a book in January titled “All the President’s Money: Investigating the Secret Foreign Schemes That Made the Biden Family Rich,” exposing how former President Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and other family members reaped rewards by trading off the influence of Joe Biden’s official positions.
Comer warned potential investigators that “tax records don’t always tell the true picture,” but he noted that “bank records don’t lie.”
“Banks usually catch when something suspicious happens,” he said, so his team focuses on bank records.
He mentioned the Democrat fundraising company ActBlue, which faces accusations that it made “straw donations” in the names of elderly Democrats who did not intend to donate to cover up the actual sources of its funding.
“We’re doing this now with ActBlue, and I think we’re going to have some very interesting information to come out very soon on ActBlue,” Comer teased.
He also noted that the House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on March 5 with the mayors of “sanctuary cities.”
“They have tried to obstruct what Tom Homan is doing and obstruct deportation efforts,” Comer noted, referring to Trump’s border czar. “Who’s been paying for this? I believe you’re going to see there are a lot of government pots of money that have been funneling through these [nongovernmental organizations].”
Indeed, many nonprofits have received federal funds to move illegal aliens across the U.S., and they are now filing lawsuits to block Trump’s order defunding them.
“That’s what we want to identify,” he noted. “[Elon] Musk is all over that, DOGE is all over that, and Congress is going to be all over that. Hopefully, we can show the American people how abusive the Democrats and their allies in the deep state bureaucracies have been with their tax dollars.”
Alina Habba, Trump’s lawyer in the White House who previously served as a legal spokeswoman for Trump, also spoke about the Left’s “lawfare” (legal warfare) at the conference.
She remarked that Trump won the election in November in part as backlash to the multiple Democrat prosecutors filing charges against him. And when Trump got into office for his second term and the new administration started fulfilling its campaign promises, the Democrats and their allies started filing lawsuits yet again.
Many of the same groups filing lawsuits against Trump had access in the Biden White House, as my book, “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government,” exposes. Some of the woke activist groups in the book also had ties to the U.S. Agency for International Development, which DOGE has uncovered.
Tyler O’Neil is senior editor at The Daily Signal and the author of two books: “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” and “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government.”
Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Tyler O’Neil
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Nice article but let’s be real about who is doing all the heavy lifting of auditing and analyzing the various federal government agencies and departments for waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars. That would be Elon Musk and his DOGE personnel. I’m sure now that Kash Patel has been confirmed, one of the first actions he will be focused on after cleaning up the FBI (priority number 1) will be launching a series of investigations into the massive fraudulent activities of these various agencies and departments of the Executive Branch.
Comer’s role and that of Congress is to claw back the taxpayer money where possible via the budgetary process (thus reducing government spending and the national debt), enact legislation that President Trump could sign into law that would either defund or severely reduce the size and scope of the various federal agencies and departments involved in order to shut this corrupt activity down permanently (again further reducing the size and scope of the federal government and the national debt), and then get that “One big, beautiful bill” done and on President Trump’s desk that will prevent the 2017 Trump tax cuts from expiring at the end of this year. All so the American people are NOT hit with a $4.5 trillion dollar tax increase at the end of this year, if they fail to do their actual job and Congress allows the 2017 tax cuts to expire.
I’ve watched a number of the congressional DOGE committee hearings and aside from repeating what either President Trump or Elon Musk has already told the public, I don’t see much value add from Congress. Politicians taking turns making 5-minute-long speeches, that their staffers wrote for them. New details are few and far between from members of Congress. It’s all about the photo ops and getting their faces on TV, as opposed to getting anything of real substance done in the hearings done to date.
Given the fact that we only have this year and maybe the first quarter of 2026 before Congress goes into midterm re-election mode and everything grinds to a halt in Congress, we need Congress to focus on getting substantive things done like what I have outlined. We cannot afford to squander this opportunity for the sake of meaningless political posturing by Congress on either side of the aisle.
Can I be perfectly honest? I am sick and tired of hearing all of these Republican Congressmen and Senators talk about investigations and subpoenas. They find out all of the dirt and then absolutely nothing happens to these democratic criminals. Democrats throw conservatives in jail on false and trumped up charges. Republicans just waist our time and taxpayer dollars on fruitless investigations. They sure do love writing books about it so they can make some more money. If the Republican Party was serious about the criminal acts of the Democrats there would be a lot of people in jail for very legitimate crimes.
I sure hope that you don’t think that it is all Democrats that are taking and using our hard-earned money. I really don’t trust all the Republicans either. It seems that most of the elected people in Washington are feeding money to these agencies in order to line their own pockets. Term limits would help cut down on corruption as no one would be in office long enough to get so much power.
We know that Hunter Biden enriched the Biden Crime Family by profiting off Joe Biden’s name and position. Bank records show that. Somebody put documents into Joe’s feeble hands that allowed him to pardon the Crime Family members for any crime, known or unknown, for which they have been or might in the future be accused. Joe and his White House of hucksters are hardly the first and will not be the last to milk the system and enrich the political swamp. We can only hope that Musk can make it so obvious to voters that politicians have to take corrective action to save their sorry political butts.
And, let us all be reminded that if we want to continue having favorable outcomes in America then we are all required to do our part as responsible citizens. Time and money and truth are essential in making anything good happen. It should be said to those who say they are not political, “Shame on You”. For it is through that neglect that a country like ours from 2021-2024 will see the worst of times. Stay alert, stand up for what is right, never back down from the truth and never give in. Thank God for MAGA and those of you who made it so.
I’ll believe it when I start seeing arrests.
Just watched the video documentation of the 9 points of fraud on Obama’s birth certificate. The Biden crap goes right along with it. I hope they both end up stripped of presidential privileges and go to jail. I’ve heard there’s room in Gitmo for all of them!
I’m sorry guys, but the House Oversight Committee should have been doing what DOGE is mandated to do all along. For me this is a case of the repubs. getting caught at NOT doing their job in the first place. We would not need DOGE if the HOC was on the ball all these years, making sure the congress is being honest, transparent and straight with the rest of us. So Comer, not only is it time to act, it’s time to beg our forgiveness. DOGE is not only shining the light on the fraud, waste and corruption, but on YOU and your committee for your failure. We should have DOGE type actions in place already by the efforts of HOC. This demonstrates just how screwed-up congress is and has been for the past century. The debt is on your back. The failure to act is on your back. The missed opportunity to serve the people is in your pervue. Time to be what you were elected to be. A servant of the people.
Hey AMAC, stop censoring comments that are perfectly correct!!!
The democrats don’t know how to govern but know how to sue Trump or should I say, the government of the USA. Before Elon finds who received funds from USAID and directly from Biden through the past 4 years. That is the only way you can explain their objection of saving money and rebates to the people. They hate the people. They hate president Trump. And of course Elon, the seeker of Truth, has to be made an enemy. For they want him to go. The IRS employees have access to our social security numbers every year. And other personal information. These people are not elected. Many are DEI hires. And yet the dems trust them to not take our Social Security numbers to gamble in Las Vegas. Of course not. To be crooked when you are elected, the odds are greater that that person is more crooked than the average bureaucrat. It is just a ruse to get Trump and Elon to stop these audits before we know how crooked the democrat politicians are. They have no heart for America and even less for the people. Otherwise why are they screaming so loud. The people have already told them their opinion by voting for Trump and his policies. Only they don’t care they are too busy saving their own hide. That is why they are running into one another like a Keystone Kop movie.
With an HONEST attorney general in place, Comer and Jordan can subpoena DIMMs and if they refuse to appear, charge them with contempt and get enforcement. The crooked DIMMs in both Obama and Biden’s DOJ refused to enforce subpoenas against Democrats!
Everyone knew there was waste in Washington but… drag shows, condoms, and gender identity? At least the legendary “$800 Pentagon toilet seat” had a purpose!
Like some others have commented, what good is any of this article writing, or book writing, or investigations, or whatever, (other than making $$$ for the authors and publishers). A lot of time and even more dollars are spent on all this exposing and finger pointing, but, nothing ever comes of it, NO ONE is ever charged with anything or has to serve any prison time or even pay any sort of penalties whatsoever. So why not focus on what things will be followed up on and actually accomplish something. All these people have done a lot of very bad, immoral, evil, despicable things and gotten away with it, we need to move on and should focus on doing what needs to be done to prevent it from ever being done again.
Comer talks big, but what happened when they found proof of the Biden family corruption? NOTHING. This time with DJT & Musk, they will make a difference. They will follow through. These long time corrupt entrenched politicians better get their houses’ in order (pun intended).
NGOs seem a poor risk. Time to decouple!
Why did it take so many years and Elon Musk to uncover this? We have known it to be happening for years now. News always came out about the stupid projects that many members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, have put into their budgets every year. It’s time the House of Reps start doing just that, representing us, the American people. Not much oversite has been done by either party in the past. Time to act is now, get this debt down so we stop paying so much interest. There needs to be an independent source that looks at everything the Congress puts in their budgets to weed out the waste BEFORE it’s passed. Stop wasting our money. And yes it is OUR money, not theirs, to spend as the wish.
Prosecute all the Deep State players.
There Guilty!