
Economy , Newsline

Even Kamala Harris Can’t Explain Her Economic Plan

Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Kamala Harris has finally started to unveil pieces of an economic agenda with just weeks to go until Election Day. But unfortunately for the vice president, she has proven incapable of explaining how any of her proposals would work – or how they would pass basic constitutional scrutiny.

Harris’s most recent policy proposal is a so-called “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men” that, in addition to being shameless pandering, also appears to be blatantly illegal.

The agenda consists of five specific promises. The first is one million taxpayer-funded “fully forgivable” loans of up to $20,000 that will only be available to black men and women. The second is a vague promise for “education training” for only black men. Next is a promise to protect “cryptocurrency investments” for, again, only black men, followed by a “national health initiative” focused on illnesses that “disproportionately affect black men.” The final point in the proposal is a promise to “legalize recreational marijuana.”

The proposals have thus far been lambasted for their brazen illegality and unconstitutionality – along with the fact that they are overtly discriminatory against non-black men. Even if Harris were somehow able to pass these policies into law, they would likely quickly be struck down by the Supreme Court.

The assertion that Harris will protect cryptocurrency investments for only black men and provide taxpayer-funded “forgivable loans” to only black men is perverse and, absent of any specifics, appears nonsensical. If she intends to provide cryptocurrency subsidies for only black men, this would be profoundly unconstitutional. If she means to regulate the industry for the advantage of black men, this would be similarly illegal.

The unintended backlash against this agenda left many feeling that the policy was put together in a haphazard manner with no real thought behind it. Seeming to confirm this accusation, neither Harris nor anyone on her campaign has offered any explanation for how these policies would work.

But failing to defend the practicality of its policy agenda has become commonplace for a Harris campaign that has by and large failed to release any specifics for how they plan to implement their grand ambitions.

Perhaps the most infamous example of this was Harris’s rollout of a proposal to ban “price gouging,” which critics quickly pointed out was just a pitch for socialist price controls. The Harris campaign has largely abandoned the policy as even normally friendly media outlets slammed it as unrealistic, dangerous, and likely illegal.

Harris also floated a $25,000 “credit” for first-time homebuyers, supposedly to make buying a home more affordable. Economists blasted the practicality of the plan, pointing out that it would only further increase the cost of housing. Again, neither Harris nor her campaign had a serious answer or provided any logical explanation for why they believe the housing credit would make housing more affordable.

But perhaps the clearest evidence that Harris doesn’t have a clue about how her economic agenda would actually work came during her appearance on 60 Minutes earlier this month. CBS’s Bill Whitaker noted that the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates Harris’s plan would add $3 trillion to the budget deficit over a decade, asking Harris how she proposes to pay for it.

“Ok, so the other economists that have reviewed my plan versus my opponent and determined that my economic plan would strengthen America’s economy. His would weaken it,” Harris said.

“But pardon me Madam Vice President,” Whitaker responded. “The question was, how are you going to pay for it?”

Whitaker’s response left Harris in a moment of stunned silence, as if that thought had never crossed her mind. She tried to recover by repeating a tired Democrat line about “making the rich pay their fair share,” but the damage was done. The clip went viral on social media and cable news as yet another example of Harris being unable to provide any rationale for her proposals.

While Harris defenders have alleged that Trump hasn’t provided any specifics about his economic plans either, the difference is that Trump has a record of success to point to.

Under Trump, the country saw record increases in real wages and job growth, along with low inflation and high business optimism. Even following the depths of the pandemic-induced economic dip, the country was seeing a sharp “v-shaped” recovery before that recovery stagnated under Biden and Harris. Trump’s basic pitch is, “I did it once – elect me, and I’ll do it again.”

Joe Biden himself has said there is “no daylight” between him and Harris, while Harris has repeatedly stated that there is “not a single thing” she would have done differently than Joe Biden. The Biden-Harris record is one of 20 percent cumulative inflation and economic stagnation, leaving voters no reason to be confident things would be any different if Harris were in charge.

With two weeks to go until Election Day, Harris now may not have enough time left to make the case to voters about how her plan could work – assuming there is a case to be made at all.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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3 days ago

The easiest way for Harris to explain her economic agenda to the People would be to simply walk out on stage and hold up a copy of Mao’s little red book. It covers virtually every aspect of not only what the Democrats’ economic agenda is for the country, but also the social re-engineering of society as well. Every aspect of the Democrat platform for 2024 is covered. If she doesn’t have her copy handy, for whatever reason, I’m sure Walz would be happy to loan her his copy.

3 days ago

I cannot imagine a worse person to lead this country. What no country needs is a shrieking bully who cannot or will not be held accountable for her actions or worse yet, the lack of them. This campaign is like a horror movie with the lead role being a loose-gated robot. The lack of common sense is appalling as are the policy issues full of legal potholes. I have never seen a candidate quite so full of contempt for at least half if not larger of the legal voting population. As a female representative, this candidate has set the country backward and that is an absolute shame.

Robert Marburger
Robert Marburger
3 days ago

Kamala is a totally incompetent candidate for President as well as her loony VP pick Walz. The democrat party should be ashamed for picking her. It is an embarrassment to America.

3 days ago

If the people haven’t wakened up yet, heaven forbid the consequences of electing another idiot to office. Four years have been long enough, another four years — who would want to be punished further. WAKE UP!!!

3 days ago

“Whitaker’s response left Harris in a moment of stunned silence, as if that thought had never crossed her mind.” As long as she says she “has a plan”, that’s good enough for half of America. Think, people, THINK!

If the 10-year costs can’t be clearly deciphered yet, how can all the media claim Trump’s economic plan will cost more than twice what Harris’ will? Can we trust the Congressional Budget Office like we trusted the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Department of Homeland Security?? THEY ALL LIED TO US!!

3 days ago

Who the heck are these people cheering her on at these rallies????

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 days ago

America is the best country in the world to live in. American poor compared to a world poor lives like a prince and thinks himself deprived because he does not have a wall to wall TV Many think government is Santa Claus and expect him to deliver. Should Harris become the president, they will receive the shock of a life time. No one will be needing help to loose weight.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 days ago

Kamala couldn’t be more racist to black men if she promised tax-free Hennessey and menthol cigarettes. Trump promises economic vitality for all while Kamala promises things she can’t deliver. If the question this election is “are you better off today?” the question to all people of color is “what has Democrats made better lately?” They just perpetually promise without fulfillment!

3 days ago

After Joe Biden,voting for Kamala Harris is like pooping your pants,then changing your shirt. She is a Moron Marxist Communist.

3 days ago

it is hard to explain what you do not have. she has nothing, a big fat zero. and zero is what you will get with all her broken promises. vote for trump, the man with a plan.

3 days ago

ILLEGAL AND DISCRIMATORY!!!!!! And how are “taxpayers”, black and white feeling about this???

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 days ago

“The first is one million taxpayer-funded “fully forgivable” loans of up to $20,000 that will only be available to WHITE men and women”.
Could you imagine the backlash that would occur should any candidate, such as Trump, promise something like the above statement in a campaign?! And all I did was replace one (1) little itty-bitty word!

Mary Coffman
Mary Coffman
3 days ago

I think Harris can’t explain her plan because she didn’t do the work to put it together. She says, “You can go to my website and read about it.” The problem seems to be that SHE hasn’t read it. Her website is a cut & paste job of Biden’s campaign website. It’s been reported that she’s lazy and doesn’t put the work in, which seems to be the case here. She can’t explain it because she’s not familiar with it.

3 days ago

Harris doesn’t bother to figure out how to pay for all her $ promises because she knows none of then will get through Her latest for black people is unconstitutional and she will not be allowed to enact any of those promises — and she know that. It is just Harris spew and I hope most people will recognize that for what it is.HOw stupid does she think we all are? as stupid as she is?!

3 days ago

Comrade Kamala’s “Opportunity economy” is just a sugar-coated pile of dung called “reparations.”

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 days ago

Put a quarter in her and she’s an instant pandering dispenser!

3 days ago

All one has to do is consider the source…Kamala is the source.

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