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Biden’s Student-Loan Lawlessness Must Not Go Unanswered

Posted on Friday, February 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

If congressional Republicans won’t push back on the president’s ‘loan forgiveness’ schemes, what purpose do they serve?

President Joe Biden, joined by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, delivers remarks on the U.S. Supreme Court decision to strike down the Biden Administration's student loan forgiveness program, Friday, June 30, 2023, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Since the summer of last year, Joe Biden has spent $130 billion transferring money from Americans who did not take out loans to pay for college to Americans who did take out loans to pay for college. Over the next few years, Biden intends to spend an additional $345 billion in this manner. Question: How are we going to pay for this perfidy?

Or, rather: Who is going to pay for this? Obviously, the answer can’t be “taxpayers.” Sure, in the short run, that’ll be how these transfers work. But in the long run? After Biden is out of power? Presumably, we are not to expect that the people who didn’t take out those loans and spend them on a service that they received ought to be taxed to pay for those who did? That would be absurd. So I’ll ask again: Where is the cash going to come from? Are we going to claw the money back from the people who were given the free ride? Are we going to take it from the universities themselves — many of which have enormous, unassessed endowments? Are we going to give a tax break to anyone who didn’t receive this largesse? All of these options have their upsides and downsides. At least one of them must become law.

Why? Because what President Biden has done here represents an extraordinary violation of the social compact, that’s why. This isn’t alms for the poor; it’s a brazen cash-grab by Joe Biden’s friends. Biden likes college graduates in a way that he doesn’t like small-business owners, plumbers, or waitresses, so he has decided to send the property of small-business owners, plumbers, and waitresses to those college graduates. That’s it. That’s the whole game. There’s no principle here; the debts owed by others remain untouched. There’s no reform here; the education system remains exactly as it was before this started. The game is exactly how it looks: Peter, general contractor, has been robbed to pay Paul, Ph.D. It’s shameless class politics — and not in that dishonest boy-made-good-from-Scranton way that Joe Biden likes to pretend. To the victors, the spoils.

The civic implications are also grotesque. On Twitter, Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern says that John Roberts blocked President Biden’s flagrantly illegal attempt to conduct a massive one-time transfer because he wanted “anti-Biden leftists” to “blame the president for their continued student debt.” But this is exactly the wrong way around. Roberts blocked Biden’s order because, as everyone — even Nancy Pelosi — knew, it was unconstitutional. It is Biden who has been attracted to the rank politics of the thing, having first taken the opportunity to demagogue the judiciary for having had the temerity to do its job, and then having engaged in an attempt to make Americans believe that he is bravely defying that judiciary’s order. “The Supreme Court blocked it,” Biden said this week. “But that didn’t stop me.” Ah.

Already, this behavior has become habitual. To spend $475 billion on the most privileged people in America could be regarded as an aberration; to do it hot on the heels of our spending $275 billion on a loan-pausing program for the very same people looks like an addiction. In the coming years, that addiction must be broken, and restitution must be paid to those it hurt. I am not usually of the view that Republicans are feckless and useless, but if the party does not use its power to achieve that restitution then I do not know what the point of the Republicans is supposed to be. Irrespective of the legality of Biden’s piecemeal attempt at a mass jubilee — and that legality ranges from highly questionable to absolutely laughable — Congress can change or clarify the laws any time that it wishes. The GOP runs the lower house within that Congress. If it does not push hard for a change, then I shall conclude that it does not care. And if it does not care, then it deserves to wither and disappear.

Charles C. W. Cooke is a senior editor at National Review and the host of The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast.

Reprinted with Permission from National Review – By Charles C. W. Cooke

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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7 months ago

Well, the Supreme Court has already ruled that Biden does NOT have the power to unilaterally “forgive” student loans (transfer the responsibility for loan repayment from the borrower to the American taxpayer), but since the enforcement of our nation’s laws rests in the hands of a POTUS and his Department of Justice, that doesn’t care about the Constitution, the Rule of Law or the American people, the left sees no reason to comply with the law. Thus, another series of student loans are being “forgiven”.

At the end of the day, when the head of the Executive Branch, the POTUS, and the members of his Cabinet all routinely choose to disregard their oaths and responsibilities to the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the People of the United States, the responsibility rests with the People to correct the problem. That’s how our government was setup by the Founders. We’ve had over 3 and a 1/2 years of this sort of lawless activity non-stop from this administration on a number of issues. Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been misused and the national debt has become a complete joke. It should be plain to most Americans by now, that most federal government institutions have been deeply corrupted and, as such, are no longer able to function properly to correct the situation. Yet Biden and his Cabinet are still sitting quite comfortably in their positions, with no fear of being removed from office. There is a reason why most of the rest of the world views the United States as a joke these days.

7 months ago

President Trump recently said that on Day One of his presidency he will be a dictator. Just that one day. That’s to un-do all the terrible things biden has done to this country. So, of course, the liberal media ran with it and hysterically claim that if we elect Trump, we will get a dictator. They’re so stupid. Marie Harf once smugly asserted that Republicans aren’t equipped to discern the nuance. Well…
What we actually DO have sitting in our White House IS a dictator! If the Supreme Court decides one thing, and biden says “Unh-unh”, and if he suffers no consequences, he is defying the top judicial hierarchy of the land…a treasonous act, blatantly unconstitutional, and dictatorial. Our founding fathers did not want a monarchy in this new country.
Several decades ago, on college campuses and public rallies, we heard, “Power to the People!” How sad that all those former power-to-the-people patriots have become college deans and presidents, human rights attorneys, and career politicians. Now we get to pay their way through college while we make their lunch, fix their cars, and upgrade their countertops. This country has gone insane and we must get the pox out of the system this November.

7 months ago

I hope that the American voters would do as the fake president old Joe says, and watch him. Watch him and listen to his own words and actions. He blatantly disregards the Supreme court’s decision in regards to paying off school loans for some, at the expense of others, yet he says he’s done all he can do to protect our border, that it’s the Republicans fault because they won’t give him more money. He does what he wants, when he wants and his catalysts are all those foreign and domestic intities he is beholden to. He is a criminal and always has been, a thief who takes from one group to give to another who are more likely to keep voting him in office. One day the Lord will set things right and I don’t think old Joe will dare utter the phrase, “Come on man”, to the Creator God Almighty.

7 months ago

American citizens must get out their dictionaries read the definition of TREASON and the punishment for treason, pick up their phones, call their cRepresentatives (both political parties) and demand that biden and his entire administration suffer the penalty for treason. It’s that simple and our Founders gave us the opportunity to punish politicians and bureaucrats who break their oath of office.

7 months ago

Where are all the spine-less republican politicians? Seems they have just as much guilt in this illegal vote buying scheme, in my mind they are more guilty than the democrat’s. They should know right from long!But then…..

David Nelson
David Nelson
7 months ago

This is a slap in the Faces of everyone that 1) paid off their Loans and 2) everyone that never took out a Loan. I’ll say it again, the Biden Administration is destroying our great Country!

7 months ago

The arrogance boggles the mind…
Take THAT, checks and balances.

7 months ago

Do you think that Joe should also forgive my mortgage?

7 months ago

Where is the DEI in all this? I think ole Joe needs to take a class in equal treatment under the law. Only he just spends and spends and America is broke broke broke. Dictators have been known to rule in this manner. Ole Joe is not worried where the money comes from. He’ll take it from the plumbers and the electricians. You know the ones that made this country great. Vote them out!!!!!

Tom Fargher
Tom Fargher
7 months ago

Upon taking the job of POTUS, Biden swore on the Bible to protect the constitution, which he has failed to do, miserably. Not only the student loan fiasco, but on protecting the people of our country from an invasion, with an open border. If this were DJT in the last administration, Pelosi would have ‘impeached’ him for each issue. These are both issues Biden can and should be impeached for, but Congress is focusing on his financial gains. Forget the financials and impeach him on lack of border control and the loan issue. After the next administration gets in office (hopefully 2024), and he is out of office, direct the DOJ to go after him for his financial gains and put the SOB in jail! I agree with the writer of this article, our Congress is feckless and unable to move forward. We need a leader in Congress that has a mean streak (ie Pelosi) and not afraid of hurting anyone’s feelings to get the job done!

7 months ago

Biden & all the FJB staff& appointees do no care about rule of law or Constitution. Lawless entitled bullies do not care about citizens.

7 months ago

Biden spoke at the Julian Dixon Library in Culver City, California, on Wednesday on canceling student debt for another 153,000 people, totaling $1.2 billion. In commenting on an effort critics liken to buying votes in an election year, the 81-year-old president bragged that the Supreme Court, which ruled last year by a vote of 6-3, that the administration overstepped its authority when it canceled up to $400 billion in student loans, “didn’t stop me.”

Bob Dressler
Bob Dressler
7 months ago

This is absolutely absurd!! This means if my math is correct that Idiot Biden has spent $590.91 for EVERY person in the U.S. To pay off student loans that I had nothing to do with. This is assuming there are 220,000,000 people in the U.S.. Me and my kids worked hard to find ways to keep the loans to a very minimum and now this IDIOT has me paying off somebody else’s loan?
There has to be a way to fight this. This is not the American way!!!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
7 months ago

To every one that ever took out a loan and paid it back in full. Should remember Biden is forcing you to pay off other people’s loans when they vote in November!

7 months ago

I’m one of those Americans who did not take out loans to pay for college. I financed my engineering education by working security guard jobs on weekends and evenings, where I was allowed to study during my shift in mostly unoccupied buildings. It worked for me, and I graduated debt-free… although the pay was rock-bottom and hours were long.
I see this Biden Administration maneuver as one that is designed to punish responsible citizens, while, at the same time, ensuring that those who did not repay their loans remain in an irresponsible, childlike (Democrat) state. Admittedly, it’s a good strategy to attain their so-called “goals”, but having no viable governance whatsoever will soon become the bigger issue.

7 months ago

Just buying votes.

7 months ago

So when the Supreme Court rules that he does not have the authority to forgive these student loans and he does it anyway, What happens? Why isn’t there a warrant issued for his arrest? Why doesn’t congress or a congress person file a lawsuit? Where’s our DOJ on this issue? What is our nations policy when a president does not honor or obey and supreme court decision?
IMPEACH THE B*****D!!!! The SON-OF-B**** must be impeached!

7 months ago

Confiscate every penny Biden has received from the US Treasury for any reason during his life.That might make an impression, if he’s having a “lucid” day.

7 months ago

Why haven’t Republican Congressmen impeached Bidum for malfeasance and misfeasance of office? Bidum has continually ignored America’s Constitutional Laws and acted as a dictator. He should have been turned out of office long ago for his many illegal acts, starting with election fraud. He has totally disregarded America’s immigration Laws, which do not need reform or to be rewritten to suit Bidum! Our Ancestors, came to America legally after applying for a Visa and going through the immigration process that included quarantine to prevent the spread of disease, which is now totally ignored! They were legal immigrants that gave to America not takers for free stuff, like Bidum is giving away, paid for by the taxpayers.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
7 months ago

Agree 100%. Also wonder about the GOP all the time. Nothing much seems to come of the investigations and angst expressed over actions like this student bailout. If the House cannot get together on the GOP side to effectively resist such policy then it is tough to see what use the GOP is.

7 months ago

Since the Student Loan Forgiveness Program is in fact inflationary. Shouldn’t congress move $130 billion dollars from the Inflation Reduction Act to pay for the student loans?

7 months ago


Walter E. Jennings
Walter E. Jennings
7 months ago

My recent thoughts have been exactly the same, this is unconstitutional so how is biden getting away with it? If the repubs. in congress, who are supposed to control the purse strings, don’t do anything about it they are useless and should all be replaced! Why haven’t I yet heard a peep from anyone in the congress? Wally Jennings

7 months ago

What needs to occur are 81 million Trump voters calling every Senator, Representative and mailing letters to joebamas office!
DEMANDING either and END to any/all illegal,unconstitutional giveaways of American taxpayer dollars OR giving EVERY person an equal amount of money off their personal or business taxes!.
Let theses scumbags and marxist democrats CHOKE on a MAJOR reduction in funds to Washington.
Furthermore, until such action occurs, TOTALLY SUSPENDED ALL salaries from the elected politicians!!
Thus is BS and We the People say HELL NO!

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden violating the U.S. Supreme Court ruling just like obama. They only follow the law that suits them politically and make up FANTASY WORLD laws to attack Americans and their political opponents to suit their agenda for Power and Control.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Joe Biden thinks “F- the courts! I am the law!” You know who else does: dictators. And dictators will BRAG about it. Just like Joe did when he arranged the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Barista (and Hunter) corruption. Just like he did NOW.

John Beach
John Beach
7 months ago

What Biden’s student loan lawlessness proves is that education is not worth what they are paying for it.

7 months ago

POTUS is rolling his eyes at Supreme Court with his student loan program. No wonder the AG did not arrest any of protesters at homes of SCOTUS members last year for protests at the homes of Justices that was breaking a Federal Laws. I guess that Biden & Garland must agree that some people are above the law!

7 months ago

So who should punish Biden? He already can’t be indicted for the classified documents, because “he’s too old and feeble”, when they all know he’s as guilty as the dog in the icebox. What’s the remedy for defying the Supreme Court?

7 months ago

Biden could declare himself KING for life and Congress or senate would not stop him. All of government and media would kiss his feet 24/7.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
7 months ago

To hell with the citizenry it seems Biden is constantly saying. More correctly his string pullers are saying that with every action they take, every bill they propose and every executive action some penis cut purple haired cabinet member of “Droolin’ Joe” proposes for the dessicated no longer here husk. We literally do not have a President but rather an Executive Branch run by unelected bureaucrats of questionable sanity and limited intelligence.
And guess what folks? Droolin’ Joe is gonna win this November. No,not legitimately but then he isn’t currently in office legitimately so…….and by the time Droolin’ Joe, by then merely an empty skull connected to a constant stream of formaldehyde, completes his second illegitimate term the nation will have been collapsed for almost 4 years as only copious amounts of financial Elmers Glue is holding this nation together on a financial level and on a social/civil level….it has already collapsed.
We are screwed folks and unless everyone takes to the streets, armed if necessary our nation will merely end.

7 months ago

Honestly, this man thinks he’s buying votes. In my 70 years of walking this earth, I have never seen a more worse President than this man we have in the office at this moment. These people he is bailing out and handing money to are taking the money without a second thought, just saying thank you and kiss my butt in the same breath. He is deliberately without conscience destroying this country and getting well compensated for it. How the Dems can sit back and see this happening right before their eyes and say they care about this country and its people is beyond me. Lock him up!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

Biden has to make himself look good what is the best way of doing this more giveaways to people he loves giving money away same as the other Dems in Washington but one day all that money will have to come back. Biden as his so called team will never tell anyone but wait and see taxes will be going up it has to with all the money he gives for free to look good he sells this country short the voters will pay for this.

Mervin Perry
Mervin Perry
7 months ago

A lot of couldn’t afford to go to college, no scholarships, nobody would co-sign, so we busted our asses to make a living, worked more than 1 job, for many years, and our families did too. Now as taxpayers Biden expects us to pay for other people’s kid’s education.

jerry d.
jerry d.
7 months ago

joey nobiden is the biggest buffoon to ever come out of DC.

7 months ago

Force the biden crime famley to pay for it.

M Aurelius
M Aurelius
7 months ago

The installed illegitimate drooling houseplant is incapable of thinking this
abomination up. He is a marionette for other illegitimate criminals in our government.
Who they are is less important than what we are willing to do to remove them.
Since they steal elections with impugnity, what is left was forseen by Jefferson, Mason, and Madison and they gave the entire We The People the means to stop them.
The question is, do we have the courage to remove them and return to a constitutional
republic or meekly submit. Judging by the fake Covid scam response, I am not hopeful.

7 months ago

Don’t matter what Supreme Court ruling, BIDEN ignore it and US constitution

Doyle R
Doyle R
7 months ago

Thanks Joe us hard working laborers are being cheated If everyone is equal how does that work that we pay to the privileged for not buckling down and pay for their own education JEESH!

7 months ago

I’m sorry but our Republican party has become exactly what you describe, feckless and useless. They routinely cave in to Dems but fight law like hell among themselves. There is no cohesiveness, no common core points that our party is willing to plant a flag and fight.

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
7 months ago

SCOTUS has already already ruled he cannot do this. He needs to be stopped / he is POTUS not a potentate. Any elected official that does not step up and stop this blatant disregard for law should be voted out of office along with him and all his cronies. Enough is enough. This transparent attempt to buy votes cannot be tolerated any longer.

7 months ago

The “generosity” is but a sinister ploy to get votes for dirty dems!

7 months ago

Why do voters VOTE for lawlessness?????Are they insane by … any chance? ????????

Cliff Thomson
Cliff Thomson
7 months ago

Since they received loan forgiveness they will have to pay taxes on the income. That’s the way it works when the people overextended their credit card debt and go their loans reduced.

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
7 months ago

Definitely TAX them on any ‘forgiveness” they received on Student Loans! What a reprehensible way to get out of paying back the loans you received for college!

7 months ago

Where are the so called conservatives we elected. No one is speaking ,apparently they forgot why we sent them to stop this nonsense. So sickening, they only need us for the vote after that we’re considered of no importance. But they’ll remember to send you an email for a donation

clark Miller
clark Miller
7 months ago

The supreme court already determined it was not legal and Biden spit in their face and did it anyway. If the supreme court can be ignored like that, what power do they have.

7 months ago

No debts are cancelled- they are shifted to us, American taxpayers.

7 months ago

This is part of the plan by the left to permanently wreck our Country. Second step to socialism, make the masses dependent on the government. The first step was to give cash for Covid, remember the checks everyone got? That was the beginning. There ain’t no free lunch, folks. Some is going to pay.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
7 months ago

if you were looking for an impeachable offense it just slapped you in the face.

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