
Economy , Newsline

America’s Top National Security Threat Is Our Runaway Debt

Posted on Tuesday, October 31, 2023
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden meets with senior advisers to discuss the budget and debt ceiling

After spending $6 trillion on social welfare and a Green New Deal spending spree and running our national debt up to $33 trillion, President Joe Biden is asking to whip out the federal credit card yet again for $100 billion more in military assistance for Ukraine and Israel and “humanitarian” aid.

Yes, it certainly is a dangerous world, and more so every day. But Biden has a lot of nerve proclaiming that he’s 100% committed to the defense of Ukraine and Israel when his own policies have contributed directly to the hostilities.

The most impactful way to repel our enemies – China, Russia, Middle East terrorists – is to defund them by producing every ounce of oil, gas and coal here at home. Biden’s war on American energy has cost the U.S. economy more than $200 billion in lost domestic energy output from the Trump pro-drilling trend. At least $40 billion of that has gone to the Iranians. You can buy a lot of rockets with that kind of money.

Meanwhile, the Russian war machine is almost entirely funded with petrodollars. They love that the heart of the Biden climate policy is to produce 3 million barrels a day less than we could and should be.

Biden misses a larger point about our national security. Right now, our debt is the nation’s most urgent, clear and present danger – not just to our economic prosperity but to our national security. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump believed rightly that when America is strong at home with an economy firing on all cylinders, we are strong, respected and feared abroad.

It’s painful to say, but right now, America is far weaker militarily and economically than we were four years ago. The most important geopolitical power today is economic and technological superiority.

You don’t achieve and retain that status by becoming the world’s premier debtor nation.

Americans are starting to feel in the pocketbook the corrosive effect of a hemorrhaging $6 trillion budget. Everything we buy is 17% more expensive as the government effectively prints and borrows money to pay its bills. Mortgage rates are surging, with a 30-year mortgage interest rate at 8%, up from 3% when since Trump left office.

This means that on an average-priced house with a 30-year mortgage, buyers will pay $1,500 a month more in payments. This will put homeownership out of reach for millions of Americans.

Then, there is the impact of skyrocketing federal interest payments on the debt. This year, for the first time, federal interest expenses exceed our entire national defense budget. With lower interest rate debt now turning over every day and having to be refinanced by issuing 5% and 6% Treasury bills, we’re facing a death spiral of red ink.

Borrowing more money now would make all these problems much worse and make America less of a superpower going forward. Republicans should be insisting on three conditions for any more debt spending packages.

First, it has to be much smaller – cut at least by half – than $100 billion. This isn’t Monopoly money we are talking about.

Second, any release of new funds must be accompanied by a pro-drilling strategy here at home to divert money away from our enemies.

And third, every penny must be paid for dollar-for-dollar with other spending cuts. This isn’t a heavy lift. We simply slash the $380 billion green energy slush fund and other wasteful programs.

If Biden and Congress don’t believe they can find and eliminate tens of billions of dollars of waste in the federal budget (about 1% of total spending), this is prima facie evidence that we need a new president and a new Congress.

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. His latest book is:”Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government Imperils Our Economy.”


Reprinted with permission from The Center for Individual Freedom by Stephen Moore.

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1 year ago

This Jackass is SPENDING AMERICA INTO OBLIVION and seems Deaf, Dumb and Blind to the Consequences! NOBODY IS THIS STUPID, which means that HE IS DOING IT ON PURPOSE! This is TREASONOUS BEHAVIOR and I hope to see it be PUNISHED AS SUCH!

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

No, Joe Biden, The Deep State and all communists, whether they call themselves socialists, liberals, progressives or whatever are the biggest threat.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Add another Top Threat is judge chutkan who is a Criminal violating President Trumps FREE SPEECH 1st Amendment Rights. The convict judge keeps calling President Trump a Criminal Defendant when he has NEVER been convicted of a crime. He is a defendant who already WON his case and the convict judge chutkan should have already Dismissed the case instead of playing politics under Dictator Beijing biden’s orders with the Corrupt DOJ.
Then let’s not forget Dictator Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION letting in MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of TERRORIST INVADING the UNITED STATES which is just as DEADLY as Dictator Beijing biden’s INFLATION INCREASE ACT with MILLIONS of AMERICANS STARVING since nobody can afford Food anymore let alone a vehicle, home, utilities, etc., etc..
Also to add that Dictator Beijing biden did NOTHING for WEEKS why Communist China SPY ballon’s (Capable of carrying multiple Nuclear Warheads and/or EMP Weapons) flew all over the country and over our Military bases and installations.
The NUMBER ONE THREAT is Dictator Beijing biden (Corruption, Bribery, Accepting Bribes, Election Fraud, Election Interference, Keeping DOJ from investigating both him and Hunter, Violating Oath of Office and Constitution, Illegal and Unconstitutional Executive Orders, using VP and President positions for financial gain, WEAPONIZED ALL Federal Government agencies against political opponents, Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion, SURRENDERING to TERRORIST, Giving Terrorist $BILLIONS of Dollars, Financing Communist China, the list goes on and on) and Communist harris.
Now, they want the same Threat, Newsom to run in Dictator Beijing biden’s place as he flew to Communist China meeting their president so they can continue SELLING OUT the UNITED STATES.

1 year ago

Never gonna happen. Ole Joe wants America destroyed and become a dictatorship run by democrats forever. And we Americans let it happen.
See how people have been brainwashed to hate the Jews. They defunded their police and supported the riots by Antifa and BLM. Started a race war. Harbored on trans and gender pronouns to distract from the bigger picture they are working on, the destruction of America.
This did not start under ole Joe this started with O our president behind ole Joe.

1 year ago

Why do democrats think throwing money (that we do not have) at an issue solves everything???? You cannot spend your way out of debt!! Stop printing money America ???????? doesn’t have!!

1 year ago

I disagree, The Democraatic paarty is the biggest threat to our security and country.

1 year ago

The debt would be our second most serious threat nationally right behind the democrat party.

1 year ago

The Socialist Democratic Party is our largest Threat!! The GOP must begin to tell the truth about Socialist Democrats and what they have done to destroy America!

1 year ago

Actually it’s the Joe Biden slob who’s the threat as well as being a domestic terrorist. KKKJoe Biden should get a gold medal in the felony olympics.

1 year ago

we wont survive open borders america wont survive to pay the debt

1 year ago

When are the voters of this country going to wake up and demand that their so called Representatives stop endorsing these idiotic, senseless, nom common sense spending programs. The New Green Deal needs to be defunded immediately as it does not and cannot do what it was supposed to do. Let’s get back to reality and continue to build the pipeline to lower our energy costs and provide high paying jobs again. For all of their effort on pushed by the government to pressure the auto manufacturers to produce electric cars has been a dismal failure. The car companies have lost billions of dollars on this fiasco. The cars are overpriced and the infrastructure and power grid are years away from making this work. Biden’s electric bus company went bankrupt but not before Democrat Politicians cashed out. There should be NO money given to provide for illegal immigrants in this country! The Ukraine has been another money maker for Democrat Politicians too. The IRS should audit every Democrat in Congress and if they are on the take for money going to Ukraine they should pay it back to the American taxpayer.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The national debt will become a problem because DC spends without consequence. I’m not against Israel or Ukraine support but there must be offsets like the IRS jackboots. I’d like to see a turnaround on border security and I don’t care how much is spent there, IT’S NEEDED!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Yep Debt
China & coming wars ahead

Irv C
Irv C
1 year ago

He Will bankrupt America trying to help illegals, drug smugglers child traffickers, giving multi billions to Ukraine.

1 year ago

The deficit and inflation are a huge problem for every Americans financial future.
Our other really big, life changing gift from the biden administration is 6-8 MILLION new dependents being allowed into our country. We will be expected to furnish housing, food, medical care, I-Phones and anything else they may need. We will be expected to provide education for their kids.
We now have millions of people who may or may not not speak English, who may or may not know how to read and who may or may not have some kind of useful skill or job experience.
Unfortunately for us, we are getting those who will use violence against us. Border Patrol is telling us they see hundreds of fighting age men with short, military-style haircuts coming across the border. Why? (I live 100 miles from the border)
We have cases of eradicated diseases like leprosy being seen in this country. Why?
We have an administration that has declared war on it’s own citizens.

1 year ago

Democrats love spending someone else’s money!! They are truly socialists!! But the money well has already dried up long, long ago!!! And now we have a humongous debt now owned by countries that don’t really like us very much!! How is that acceptable to anyone with common sense???? Right, Democrats don’t have any common sense!!!!

1 year ago

How do we even begin to apologize to our grandchildren and great grandchildren for the burden being left behind for them?

1 year ago

Yes, we do need a new president and a new congress soon or it will be too late!

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

How anyone could support Biden and his incompetent administration is nuts. Not one thing they have done makes any sense unless you are stupid or trying to destroy this country. They must be stopped!! Our children and grandchildren are facing a bleak future with these fools in charge!!!!!!

1 year ago

Under wasted money, I would add that allowing millions of Illegal aliens into the country is costing us billions of $$$. This could have been prevented if nitwit Biden hadn’t invited them into the country in the first place. He should IMMEDIATELY CLOSE THE BORDER. and stop this nonsense, we have no idea who is entering the country. Before we know it, we’ll have another 9/11 on our hands.. Oh, and did I say, Biden is an idiot?

1 year ago

When are the voters of this country going to wake up and demand that their so called Representatives stop endorsing these idiotic, senseless, non common sense spending programs? The New Green Deal needs to be defunded immediately as it does not and cannot do what it was supposed to do. Let’s get back to reality and continue to build the pipeline to lower our energy costs and provide high paying jobs again. For all of their effort and pushing by the government to pressure the auto manufacturers to produce electric cars the end result has been a dismal failure. The car companies have lost billions of dollars on this fiasco. The cars are overpriced and the infrastructure and power grid are years away from making this work. Biden’s electric bus company went bankrupt but not before Democrat Politicians cashed out. There should be NO money given to provide for illegal immigrants in this country! The Ukraine has been another money maker for Democrat Politicians too. The IRS should audit every Democrat in Congress and if they are on the take for money going to Ukraine they should pay it back to the American taxpayer.

1 year ago

Brandon and his henchmen are America’s top threat!

1 year ago

The top threat is Brandon.

1 year ago

How much has Biden’s War on Fossil fuels cost the USA in the year 2023? And how much has this cost the low & middle class at the gas pump & everything that we buy by causing inflation increase since 2021? And why won’t Biden admit that this is hurting all Americans , but the Millionaires do not feel the pinch the average person does?

Nona P Graddy
Nona P Graddy
1 year ago

What is Trump’s comment on this article?

1 year ago

Do NOT tell the Dumbassocrats about the deficit. Their collective mindset would to be print more $$$$, and pay that deficit off!!! What IS the problem?! Like AOC said; most people in Congre$$ don’t understand economics!

1 year ago

America’s Top National Security Threat is BIDEN, and his AI VP. She is one of the prototypes that failed.

1 year ago

Put the damned green new deal in a closet for now, Joe and Democrats and environmentalists!!! Are you so one-pointed focused that you can’t see the devastation that has been happening??
I saw the other day where California is shutting down some of it’s wind turbines and solar plants because there isn’t enough wiring to take the electricity anywhere!!! They have put the cart before the horse and it’s costing us money because of stupid liberal politicians who can’t think for themselves, they listen to the talking heads around them!!!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

when it comes to getting rid of waste in government, a good place to start would be getting rid of the ridiculous earmarks Congress loves wasting taxpayer dollars on.

1 year ago

Every policy in the Biden Administration has enacted has failed and is harmed America. Thus I conclude that Biden is at war with America.

1 year ago

The headline should read: Americas top national security threat: Joe O’Biden and the Marxist/communist/globalist democrat party (along with many RINO’s). Enough said!

1 year ago

The 33 Trillion U.S. debt is not held by other countries. I.E China holds 850 billion. The rest comes “our” social security and pension funds. (Bureau of labor Statistics). It like a bottomless pit as far as this administration is concerned and eventually it will dry up. What then?

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

The way to control debt is to control spending. Our representatives in D.C. and the regime in the White House need to eliminate all spending on social issues to begin to reduce the National Debt. Social issue spending is where government got the U.S. into so much trouble with debt as well as worsening every social issue government agencies claimed to be helping. We must start somewhere. Lets start with money being spent on things that are causing more problems.

1 year ago

“…this is prima facie evidence that we need a new president and a new Congress.”

This MUST be the republican’s new campaign slogan.

Ray Stowers
Ray Stowers
1 year ago

Just thinking how much safer and better off financially we would be if Trump had gotten 2nd term. Was he perfect? No. But he was bringing peace to the Middle East for the first time in my life (60+ years). The politicians and groups that progressive Jews have supported for decades, along with the Democrat party, are now mostly turning their backs on them. Ironic that the Republicans and Christians are mostly supporting Israel.
We as a country and individuals would be better off if we produced all our gas, coal and oil here. Instead the Biden administration wanted to go green new deal. And now that deal is going bust. EV’s sit unsold on dealer lots. Biden’s favorite electric bus company has gone bankrupt after several of its buses burned from batteries overheating. Several states have stopped their off shore wind farms. Several vehicle manufacturers have scaled back their EV production. Some plants like the huge one near Savannah, GA being built by Hyundai continue to be completed funded a lot by US and Georgia tax payers.
The median new home price nationwide now cost $415,000. Because mortgage rates are now approaching 8%, the monthly payment on that house is about $1,000.00 more per month now than when Trump left office. So explain to me again how Bidenomics is good for the country.

Janet Williams
Janet Williams
1 year ago

You are so right! This President is definitely not for the American people!!!

1 year ago

President Trump also added to the debt. BUT At least he invested it in programs that help the average american such as american energy and jobs that helped minorities. Biden is dumping trillions into sink hole gieaways that help him, his family, and his socialist buddies.

1 year ago

The Strategic Oil Reserve was created in case needed for an emergency in USA. Biden has taken oil out of Reserve to try to hide the increase per gallon of gas at the pump. Has Biden replaced any of this oil & if not , then isn’t this a big concern to our National Security. Am I the only one concerned about this?

1 year ago

We have about 435 leaders? that are guiding us into OBLIVION. Congress is not doing their job, not even close. Biden should have been impeached years ago for not doing his job. So all his cabinet. None doing what they have sworn to do. Why are they still passing bills to fund foreign wars when we are 34 TRILLION $$ in debt. We are BROKE and can never make up this amount! I guess we mostly elected idiots to lead us. No one, hardly one is keeping their oaths of allegiance to the USA. The US Military have all raised the right hands and sworn allegiance and all have failed. Yes, it’s true, the military should have stepped in long ago and taken control and installed the rightful president. Election fraud, overcoming debt with great inflation, open borders, breaking Constitutional Law, rampant crime, murder and mayhem. I vote for a revolution by the people, for the people and of the people. 300,000 recently visited Washington, DC to awaken support or our sister nation, Israel. We need 30,000,000 to shut the government down until they correct what’s happening. When it’s so plain to see how wrong the government is and very little being done. I want to vomit!

1 year ago

Our biggest National Security Threat is the jackass in the White House.(and the cackling idiot VP)

1 year ago

Good article, BACK in 11-39-1985 REGAN gave a speech on Liberty….OURS WAS the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words “WE THE PEOPLE “‘OPTIMISM Is in order because, day by day, Democracy is proving itself to be a not-at-all fragile flower. GOD intended America to be free, be the golden hope of mankind. ❤️

1 year ago

“Right now, our debt is the nation’s most urgent, clear and present danger”. No, Mr. Moore, this is NOT our biggest problem. I don’t know where you hang your hat but unless you reside in academia or its suburbs you should probably recognize that our biggest threat is the MILLIONS of illegals who have crossed into our country. A large percentage of these illegals are young men of fighting age. They have come here from countries that are not our friends. A couple of thousand terrorists hit Israel. Now, tax your brain and try to imagine a million or so of these terrorists inside of our borders planning to hit towns and cities across our nation. Imagine, if you can, that they will take down our grid and overrun our police and first responder infrastructure in organized attacks. You will no longer be able to drive to your local gas station and fill up. Your lights and computer won’t work. You won’t be able to purchase groceries because everything is electronic. Your credit card won’t work and there won’t be anyone in the store that can count back your change. You might not have hot water and heat. I am not saying that our government is any longer representative of its people. It exists nowadays to enrich and empower itself. But you might want to put what I just wrote in your pipe and smoke it…..

1 year ago

To better understand todays events go to Rumble and watch JFK to 9/11 A Rich Mans Trick

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Giving more borrowed money to Ukraine? Didn’t Zelensky just bought super luxurious villa in Egypt in the de lux neighborhood? Same old pouring the money into the sand Africa can attest to that I would not mind some of that humanitarian aid myself I don’t know what is a bigger threat debt or Biden

1 year ago


jack u
jack u
1 year ago

taxes are lower than ever, spending is not going up, low tax receipts are the culprit, wtf des one expected when billionaires pay no taxes

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