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America’s ‘Chicken Little’ Elites Don’t Like Trump’s Personnel Picks

Posted on Friday, November 29, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The people who drove America’s institutions into the ground are upset that Donald Trump isn’t leaving the “experts” in charge.

Following his convincing victory, Trump has swiftly announced his nominees for cabinet secretaries and other key roles. His selections include Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for health and human services secretary, Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense, and Tulsi Gabbard for director of national intelligence.

The Washington, D.C., establishment is beside itself.

“Trump signals a ‘seismic shift,’ shocking the Washington establishment,” The New York Times reported. The Atlantic repeated that refrain with this headline: “Washington is shocked.”

Apparently, an elected official keeping campaign promises is scandalous to the propaganda press. Trump talked about draining the swamp for years. These are the kinds of nominees who could actually do it.

And this is what worries the political elite the most.

“We need to strengthen the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the public health infrastructure, not dismantle it as RFK has suggested,” a health care industry leader told Politico.

“Folks are shocked,” a current Department of Defense official said, according to Politico. Of Hegseth, the official said, “He’s just a Fox News personality that’s never worked in the government.”

That’s not accurate. Hegseth is a veteran who served as a major in the Army National Guard. He deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, earning two Bronze Stars. He has degrees from Princeton and Harvard. He ran two nonprofits focused on veterans, too.

“‘We are reeling’: Trump’s pick of Tulsi Gabbard alarms intelligence community,” a TIME headline stated. The article said, “Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, has no background in intelligence.”

The common theme of these critiques is that Trump’s choices don’t have the expertise needed to run these agencies. In many cases, they hold positions that are radically outside the “expert” consensus.

Now, if America’s institutions were doing a great job, that might be concerning. But they aren’t. The public health “experts” told the public not to mask, then to mask, then to double mask. Anthony Fauci eventually admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule “sort of just appeared.” The COVID-19 vaccine was supposed to essentially stop virus transmission. It didn’t. Fauci eventually admitted that vaccines “don’t protect overly well” against infection.

The “experts” kept schools closed even as it was obvious COVID-19 posed a negligible risk to children. Students still haven’t recovered from the learning loss. Many never will.

Even aside from COVID-19, Americans aren’t healthy as 60% of Americans have a chronic disease and 40% have two or more. Among school-aged kids, it’s also 40%. More than 40% of Americans 20 and older are obese. Around 20% of children are obese. America is a deeply unhealthy society.

The health experts say a man can become a woman. That men don’t have innate physical advantages over women. That doctors should cut off the healthy breasts and penises of children who think they are a different gender.

The military is a woke mess. Navy ships keep having accidents. The Houthis are attacking U.S. warships in the Red Sea. The military is struggling with recruiting. Earlier this year, West Point removed “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. The school does offer a minor in “diversity and inclusion studies.”

In 2020, more than 50 intelligence “experts” signed a letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop looked like a “Russian information operation.” It wasn’t. The intelligence community pressured social media sites to censor information it didn’t approve of. FBI officials undermined Trump’s first term by pushing the false narrative that he colluded with Russia.

Trump’s selections won’t be perfect, but at least they understand this reality.

This is why the establishment’s “Chicken Little” routine rings so hollow. The sky—or in this case, the institutions—have already fallen, destroyed by the very elites who now scaremonger about the damage outsiders will cause.

Victor Joecks is a columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Victor Joecks

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

Just one sentence — GO TRUMP GO, DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!

3 months ago

Many of the so-called “experts” are only considered experts, because they have been part of the entrenched administrative state their entire adult lives. Whether it be in academia, chiefly at Harvard, Yale and Columbia, or in Washington, D.C. as part of the vast Democrat controlled bureaucratic machine that has been manipulating things for several decades. Their skillsets are not in competence, but rather in perpetuating the progressive status quo by whatever means necessary to accomplish their objectives. Constantly working to increase the size and scope of the federal government into all aspects of the private sector and society, that actually pays for this bureaucratic behemoth.

Actual real-world results don’t lie, as much as the administrative state keeps rejiggering the data sets trying to convince the public otherwise. Every time the federal government expands into a new facet of the private sector economy, via regulations and bureaucratic bloat, costs increase, and real-world results decrease. Just look at education, healthcare and energy as three examples. In each instance, the federal government either took over outright or layered massive regulatory burdens on the sector and costs exploded, while quality declined sharply. The winner in each sector is not the students, patients, consumers or the overall economy and society, but rather the federal bureaucracy that becomes richer and more powerful.

The largest beneficiary of jobs in the last 4 years has been the federal government. If you strip out the direct government jobs added and industry specific government consulting jobs added from all the monthly employment reports, the number of net new jobs created in the last 4 years has essentially been zero. There is a reason that the counties surrounding Washington, D.C. are the most prosperous counties in the country. The federal government is literally leeching financial resources from the rest of the country to fund its continued expansion and power.

3 months ago

Who cares what the “elites” like or don’t like. The “elites” have run this country for years and look at the mess it is in. Hopefully people from outside the Washington D.C. cesspool will bring in some common sense and fresh ideas to turn things around.

3 months ago

The “experts” have managed to screw this nation into the ground. Covid being the most obvious example but it extends far beyond that. Time to get people with common sense rather than no-nothing “experts” that will only continue to have us circling the drain…followed by down the sewer.

3 months ago

How shocked have we been the past 4 years living with a demented president and an inept VP. With a cabinet of yes men and women who had no ideas how to improve the country. Janet Jellen, Pete Buttigieg, Austin, Rachel at HHS, and don’t forget Blinken who had panic in his eyes the first time he met with the Russians, how inept were they. And nothing has been accomplished with these people because they were just figure heads. O and P and S made the policy. That is why they now can’t phantom that Trump makes good on his campaign promises. We supporters of Trump knew he would. They thought they had nullified him and dang he won by a landslide and on top of that he follows his promises by deeds. Trump is a businessman not a politician. Not beholden to anyone. They tried to make him out as dangerous. The only danger Trump was, was to the dem leadership they were afraid to lose their power. They tried to make him out a criminal, while they were the criminal, they tried to intimidate him. Assassinate him. Threaten to arrest his family. Make him into a Hitler and yet he won the election. Gets a cabinet together outside the beltway. They can’t stand it. They pretend to be shocked. In meantime they are busy undermining Trump’s policies and stonewalling everything. Only they won’t succeed. The people won’t take their lies any longer. They want America back. The land of the free and the home of the brave

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
3 months ago

The more the lefties scream, the more I know Trump is on target.

3 months ago

Their demonic corrupt Luciferian Nazi democrat opinion doesn’t matter anymore! President Trump will get the cabinet he wants and the elites will be destroyed!

Miss Terry L Tappan
Miss Terry L Tappan
3 months ago

I think it’s hysterical they never stop lying it’s so pathetic. It’s obvious we do not believe the lies anymore we stopped watching 9 years. Because it’s just propaganda for the Left spewing the Lefts narrative lies. We hoped they’d see the truth we do not want them in the WH. They practically destroyed this Country we love they hate America and us. They do more for illegals than they do Americans did they really think we’re brainwashed sheep? Only their people are sheep not us we’re awake sorry suckers

3 months ago

There is SO MUCH that NEEDS total ‘dismantling’, it’s hard to know where to start!!! It would be BETTER to just ‘start from scratch’ all over again! Evidently no one in the ‘mainstream’ media or establishment has READ their credentials, or they wouldn’t be saying this about them! but MANY of US have! and WE applaud them all! And in case they haven’t noticed, WE are the CONSENSUS of ‘opinion’ in the U.S. So OUR voices ‘count’ MORE than theirs. Funny, I don’t remember any of them being concerned about ANY of Biden’s, Clinton’s, Carter’s, LBJ’s, or BO’s picks, or enraged, or shocked, or reeling, or scaremongering about the future when THEY took office… because they DIDN’T! And just LOOK BACK at some of THEIR BOZOS THEY PICKED! who all Failed!

3 months ago

thanksgiving grateful for nov. 5

3 months ago

My faith in these alphabet government agencies has been destroyed by these Democrat Communist experts. I am behind President Trump 100%.It can’t come soon enough.

3 months ago

Devine intervention saved Donald Trump so Donald Trump could save America. And he and his Dream Team will do it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Cant deal with Reality

3 months ago

Swamp has a lot of bad creatures. Not sad to see ’em go.

3 months ago

The fodder that flowed from the democrats during the first Trump term was forever imbedded with vitriol that was nothing but viscous verbiage from Nancy Pelosi, Speaker if the House, Adam Schiff, Liar of the House,Maxine Watters, the Mouth of the House and a myriad of “hanging on’ers for dear life for the PARTy,” democrats who will follow a raging woman in a fight for be on the “boys team!” and now they will employ from the billion dollar’s fund to support their warped ideology into the bottomless abyss.
They don’t just have “the man of his word” but the Legal American Citizens who love this land and the man we chose to engineer the upgraded to GREAT AGAIN! We are eager to see the BIG CHANGE!
Thank you ALMIGHTY GOD and your Servant, President Donald J Trump!

3 months ago

I retired from an engineering position as a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Wisconsin. Most of the “experts” I encountered were clueless. I do believe I did a professional job in spite of the experts.

3 months ago

There’s nothing wrong with President Trump’s decision to appoint Cabinet Secretaries and other high office holders, based on demonstrated abilities, experience, leadership skills, and judgement. None of the woke stuff like those bathroom controversies, or wearing one’s boxer shorts OVER their trousers in protest of politically incorrect breakfast condiments, or any other such nonsense should have any relevance in selecting the best leaders for these important posts.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I’m not that picky if they do a good job and don’t do anything to mess with my life like the last 4 years has been.

3 months ago
  1. In th in the words of Barack Obama, shut up we won you can come along for the ride but she have to sit in the back seat if they don’t like the pics that means he picked good ones
3 months ago

According to her resume Gabbard among other assignments served as a Military Police Platoon Leader; Military Police, and Military Intelligence belong to the same branch in the Army. She also worked as a Civil Affairs Officer; Civil Affairs, as well as PSYOPS, are part of U.S. Army Special Operations Command. I’d say that her work as an officer in those fields has has given her enough exposure to the intelligence community to be able to call B.S. when she sees it. However, I can also state that that is probably enough to cause panic in rogue alphabet soup agencies that recently have taken up working for themselves, and the DNC rather than the U.S. Constitution, and the American people. What worries me are her previous contacts with the WEF but hopefully President Trump will have an eye on her in that regard.

3 months ago

These are the same people that praised and voted for obama, who never had a single real job in his life, and was qualified at NOTHING.

3 months ago

I think it’s a tremendous idea what President Trump is doing and his picks. Hale to the chief.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

And frankly, Progressives, we do not give a darn what you think! I was just thinking when I saw the photo of all Presidents Trump’s picks just how happy I am we no longer have to look at the weird and deviant people who Biden picked for his cabinet! No experience, not one qualification except that they were all DEI who, along with Joe and Kamala nearly ruined this country. Sanity is alive and well with Trump and his administration. Now this team needs to find a way to stop the Trump-deranged people in the DC from trying to harm everyone who is working to M.A.G.A!!!!

3 months ago

If the elites were happy, there would be a revolt ! Trump didnt win because Americans were happy with democrat policies and incompetent cabinet picks.

3 months ago

Who was it who once famously said, “Elections have consequences?”

Ron S
Ron S
3 months ago

When I started reading this article it sounded familiar and I`m lucky because I get to read Victors articles all the time as he writes for the Las Vegas Review Journal my adopted home town.

3 months ago

The elite need to get their heads out of the clouds and live and breathe in the common man and woman’s world. Get in the real world.
God’s gotta plan and so does Trump

3 months ago

Great points. I wonder if the absence self reflection is a prerequisite for government service. Hopefully Trump people who actually want the best for Americans can cha he that.

3 months ago

Kennedy remarked that for his appointments he was offered ‘the same old faces’. The Bushes had the same cabinet members as Reagan; they just passed around to different posts. Two of 43’s members resigned in short order because there was an obvious preference in meetings to CFR members over those who weren’t. The CFR/Bilderberg is driving the world to their own ends; we need someone who won’t play along. I think there are 57 central banks on the planet, and they own or control all but 2. GO TRUMP.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Democrats are the Party of Insurrection with the help of the Lame Stream Media. In turn they are the Sewage of Society since they will do anything for power and control as we have seen firsthand.

3 months ago

In my opinion President Trump’s first term was outstanding overall, but he did make one crucial mistake, that he is in the process of fixing for this term. He naively loaded his first cabinet with deep state traitors. So, I am thrilled to see picks this time and the speed in which he is making them. It tells me that he intends to hit the ground running on inaugaration day. The elites are so worried that some of them have already fled to Europe. I think for most Americans, myself included, the fact that they are up in arms over this means that he picked exactly the right people. They learned nothing from the election and have no understanding of what we are about and intend to do.
God bless President Trump. Im not overly religious, but I do pray every day that he is kept safe and healthy.

Calvin Grubbs
Calvin Grubbs
3 months ago

If the leftists hate something then I love it.
If they’re against something then I’m for it.

3 months ago

Spot on.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
3 months ago

Just a short note to you”deep sewer”entities,we voted and elected President Trump to rescue AMERICA from the grifters.He will do it without your help and the help of the millions that voted for TRUMP and for AMERICA.We WILL win,the real AMERICA will endure,bank on it. !!!!

3 months ago

Tough s**t. It is not their job to like Trump’s picks. But as biased as they are the Lame Stream media simply can’t help themselves. It just shows anyone paying attention how untrustworthy they are.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
3 months ago

Very well written article. I agree that the sky has fallen, poor chicken little didn’t make it out. Too bad, so sad. Not. Ready for a brand new day with the sun shine, thanks to President Trump and his non establishment choices who should all get Senate approval.

2 months ago

All one has to do is look at what has happened to the CIA and the FBI to know that these so called “experts” really don’t know what the hell they are doing!! As far as the Pentagon goes, if they had “experts” there, they could have passed their 7 audits, not lost military equipment, and depleted our once strong military with their woke crap.

3 months ago

Barabbus has been freed. Let the crucifixion of America begin. All will regret this vote.

3 months ago

Some of his choices are good and some are so bad I cannot understand his selection. Treasury selection is the worst ever. I voted for Trump, who had a choice given the opposition, but I am not going to support some of these picks. It’s as bad as throwing the coyote in the chicken coop.

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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