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The Final Countdown: Volunteer as a Poll Worker – AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update

Posted on Friday, October 4, 2024
by AMAC Action

AMAC Action Supports Sen. Paul’s Call to Investigate Biden-Harris Medicare Scheme

AMAC Action applauds Senator Rand Paul’s (KY) call for an investigation into the Biden-Harris administration’s use of billions of taxpayer dollars to offset the increase in Medicare Part D premiums caused by the Inflation Reduction Act. Senator Paul is concerned that the influx of money is a violation of the Hatch Act, which limits the political activities of employees who work with federally funded programs.

Paul contends that since the Inflation Reduction Act is a central theme in the Biden-Harris presidential campaign, a probe of this use of taxpayer funds is warranted.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom agrees with Senator Paul saying, “Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote to pass the deceptively named Inflation Reduction Act which redesigned the Medicare Part D benefit and caused the largest increase in premiums since the program’s inception. Now we see the Biden-Harris administration attempting to fool seniors by spending billions of taxpayer dollars to artificially lower the premium increases facilitated by their own bad law.”

Carlstrom continued, “The timing of this maneuver is also quite dubious. The Biden-Harris administration clearly does not want to shock seniors with higher premiums for their drug benefit as we enter Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period and certainly not before the general election in November.”

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period begins on October 15 and runs through December 7, 2024.

The Final Countdown: Volunteer as a Poll Worker

Time is running out before the November 5 election! We need you to stand up and serve as a poll observer or election worker! Your help is indispensable to ensure that our elections are conducted securely and fairly. We need as much conservative involvement as we can muster to counter the attempts by the Democrats to corrupt our elections.

Get involved this year by signing up to become a poll observer or election worker. A quick click on the link below will start the simple process.

Click here to use the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s user-friendly Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool to find your local precinct and sign up.

The work done at your local polling precinct during the election is usually divided between political parties and Democrats are more than happy to snap up these positions should not enough conservatives come forward.

Now more than ever, your country needs you. Won’t you stand up to the Democrats and their insatiable lust for power as they attempt to alter the outcome of this election?

Please join with your fellow AMAC members in standing up to protect our sacred right to vote and preserve the integrity of our elections by signing up to become a poll observer or election worker today.

Why You Should Vote EARLY

  • You’ll experience shorter lines and better poll worker performance
  • It allows election officials to correct registration errors and fix voting system glitches earlier.
  • Early voting provides flexibility to voters who can’t take time off during the week to vote.
  • You also avoid potentially bad weather on election day and some polling has shown that early voting enjoys popular support.

But here is perhaps the greatest reason to vote early…

Democrats have a history of turning out their vote early and banking sizable vote tallies for their candidates.

You may rest assured that Democrats will be out in full force early in the General Election, which makes it imperative that we take advantage of early voting days in our states and bank as many votes for our candidates as possible.

VOTE EARLY! And spread the word!

To watch Senior Vice President Andy Mangione’s AMAC Action Spotlight: Early Voting, click here.

Stop Ranked-Choice Voting in Alaska

Here’s how you can make a difference:

1. Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of ending Ranked-Choice Voting. Share information on social media, help organize events, distribute materials, and mobilize voters.

2. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers to help with campaign activities. Whether it’s canvassing, phone banking, or distributing literature, your time and effort are invaluable.

3. Visit: to learn more.


September 28 Candidate Forum: IN-07 Delegate Brad Smith hosted a candidate forum for AMAC members living in Indiana’s 7th Congressional district. All candidates were invited and attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and meet the candidates before and after the meeting.

September 30 Chapter Meeting: FL-11 Delegate Bob Johnson hosted the chapter meeting and

Dave Brat, Senior Vice President of Business Relations at Liberty University, spoke about current conditions, key trends, and the performance of the U.S. economy and how it effects U.S. consumers.

September 30 Chapter Meeting: MI-10 Delegate Barbara VanSyckel hosted the chapter meeting and Tony Forlini, Macomb County Clerk, discussed election integrity. Mr. Forlini gave an update on the safeguards implemented in Macomb County for the 2024 election and encouraged voters to vote during “early voting.” AMAC members also had the opportunity to ask questions and Mr. Forlini was able to clarify issues that arose during the August 2024 primary election.

October 2 All-State Meeting:  CA-35 Delegate Michael Rogel hosted the virtual California All-State Meeting. Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California, discussed what’s on the November ballot and details about California’s propositions; Ruth Weiss, Co-Founder and Vice President of Election Integrity Project California, spoke about election integrity in the state; Stephen Hohil, entrepreneur and candidate for the State Assembly District 51 seat, talked about the hurdles faced when running for political office; and Robert Coulter, AMAC Action Delegate for Alaska-At Large, provided an update on issues in Alaska.

Action ☆ Academy 

What is Critical Immigration Theory?

Learn how the left thinks and where immigration policy is heading in the 5-minute video, What Is Critical Immigration Theory? PragerU is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes American values in short educational videos for people of all ages.

Term of the Week: Federalism

A system of government in which power is divided between a national (federal) government and various regional governments. As defined by the United States CONSTITUTION, federalism is a fundamental aspect of American government, whereby the states are not merely regional representatives of the federal government, but are granted independent powers and responsibilities. With their own LEGISLATIVE BRANCH, EXECUTIVE BRANCH, and JUDICIAL BRANCH, states are empowered to pass, enforce, and interpret laws, provided they do not violate the Constitution. This arrangement not only allows state governments to respond directly to the interests of their local populations, but also serves to check the power of the federal government. While the federal government determines foreign policy, with exclusive power to make treaties, declare ware, and control imports and exports, the states have exclusive power to ratify and amend the Constitution. Most governmental responsibilities, however, are shared by state and federal governments; both levels are involved in such public policy issues as TAXATION, business regulation, environmental protection, and CIVIL RIGHTS. (Hirsch et al., The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy 328)

Class for September and October

Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke

The foundations of Western Civilization are rooted in the civilizations of the ancient Hebrews and classical Greeks, and the West’s greatest accomplishments can be traced back to these beginnings. Discover the history and unique character of Western Civilization and learn how its essential elements culminated in the American Founding in Hillsdale College’s free online course Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke. This 11-session course includes lessons on the ancient Hebrews, classical Greece and Rome, early Christianity, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and much more.

Quote of the Week

“The conflict today is not simply a normal policy argument between conservatives and progressives. It is over the future of the historic American nation, both its creed and its culture. Therefore, those who affirm the American nation—whether they are NatCons, FreeCons, or patriotic liberals—should be called Americanists. Those who find our inheritance deeply problematic and seek a revolutionary transformation of the American regime should, logically, be called Transformationists. Today’s polarization should be viewed as an existential struggle between Americanists and Transformationists.”

― John Fonte, senior fellow and director of the Center for American Common Culture at the Hudson Institute

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Delegate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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19 hours ago

This article should have been published about 6 months ago. In Colorado the poll workers have already been notified. I did it during the primary but couldn’t for this election due to other commitments.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
20 hours ago

I wanted to volunteer for our county elections board last year but was turned down. NOW I know why! As goes California, it is illegal to volunteer because the state(s) want every dime of tax money they can get! Oregon followed suit (where I live) and I’d bet so has Washington. This all started years ago with the National Ski Patrol. Folks used to be able to help the ski areas by being a member and getting a free lift ticket but California didn’t get any tax dollars from this arrangement.
I’m now a temp worker for the election board for the upcoming November vote!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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