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“Only Citizens Vote Week” September 16-20 Is Crucial Opportunity to Raise Awareness About Threat of Noncitizens Voting

Posted on Monday, September 9, 2024
by AMAC Action

In light of the unprecedented flood of illegal aliens across the southern border, National Only Citizens Vote Week, happening from September 16-20, is a crucial opportunity to address the threat of noncitizens voting and encourage action at every level of government to safeguard election integrity.

To help raise awareness about this important issue and empower citizens with knowledge and resources to ensure only eligible voters cast ballots in the upcoming election, the Only Citizens Vote coalition has released a citizen toolkit. This free online resource is specially designed to “inform and educate the American public about the dangers and problems surrounding noncitizen voting during National Only Citizens Vote Week.” It includes a unique theme for every day, instructions on how to host a successful “only citizens vote” sign rally, and resources for concerned citizens to utilize in social media posts.

The Only Citizens Vote coalition has also released toolkits for state leaders and congressional leaders which encourage urgently needed changes to election law to prevent noncitizens from accessing the ballot box.

Only Citizens Vote Week comes at a critical moment as states begin sending out mail-in ballots and open early voting locations. Polling suggests that control of the White House and both chambers of Congress will likely be decided by slim margins, and Americans deserve confidence that noncitizens cannot unlawfully influence the outcome.

Over the past four years, 10-20 million individuals have illegally crossed into the United States, creating a serious threat to election integrity. As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, “although federal law does prohibit non-citizens from voting in federal elections, there are few mechanisms in place for actually identifying and punishing individuals who violate those laws.”

As a fact sheet provided in the citizen toolkit notes, “in 2014, a nonpartisan study by statisticians determined that 6.4% of noncitizens voted in the 2008 elections. There are currently an estimated 23 million noncitizens in the U.S. If only that same 6.4% voted in 2024, that would result in over 1.5M unlawful votes – enough to swing election results in many states.”

There are now numerous avenues available to illegal aliens to illegally gain access to the ballot box. In 2021, President Biden signed an Executive Order which requires the U.S. Marshals to provide illegal aliens in their custody voter registration information. 14 states don’t require a photo ID to cast a ballot, while 28 states, including Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, allow voters to use a student ID to vote, which does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens. At least 19 other states and Washington, D.C., have also passed bills allowing non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses.

AMAC Action previously made its commitment to ensuring only citizens can vote clear by backing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which the House of Representatives passed in July. This legislation takes concrete steps to close loopholes in state and federal election laws by amending the National Voter Registration Act to require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity when registering an individual to vote in a federal election. It also would require states to establish a program to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls and empowers citizens to bring civil suits against election officials that fail to uphold proof of citizenship requirements for federal elections.

The Only Citizens Vote coalition’s citizen toolkit accordingly encourages voters to call on their elected representatives to immediately pass the SAVE Act.

Senate Democrats have refused so far to even consider the legislation. But with more illegal aliens continuing to surge across the border and mounting evidence pointing to growing numbers of noncitizens voting, the issue is emerging as a major story in the final weeks of campaign season.

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6 hours ago

Isn’t it sad that we even have to have this discussion in the United States of America? No other major, first world nation allows non-citizens to vote in their elections for obvious reasons. Yet here we are in 2024 with one of the two major political parties advocating for having illegal and unvetted non-citizens being not only granted asylum and an expedited path to citizenship, but the right to vote. We truly deserve to be the butt of jokes around the world for tolerating this.

James earl jones
James earl jones
5 hours ago

Magas are disgusting. Peace out earth lol

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