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ICYMI: AMAC Members Play Pivotal Role In Missouri Election Integrity Win

Posted on Monday, April 15, 2024
by AMAC Action
Flag of Missouri state. Waving colorful Missouri state flag

Washington, D.C. – AMAC Action Advocates helped deliver another crucial victory for election integrity in Missouri this week by successfully urging lawmakers in the Missouri State Senate to pass a resolution to ban ranked choice voting in the state and ensure only U.S. citizens can vote in elections. In response to AMAC Action’s call to action, members sent more than 400 messages directly to their state senators urging them to support the resolution, which would place a referendum on the ballot this November to amend the Missouri Constitution. AMAC Action now urges the Missouri House to pass the resolution.

As AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom stated: “AMAC’s nearly 51,000 members in Missouri have made it very clear that they treasure their right to vote. The Ranked-Choice Voting scheme has been proven to confuse voters and skew election results in other states. This scheme coupled with the Left’s attempt to further corrupt the election process by providing a pathway to vote for people who are in this country illegally are nothing more than shameful tactics to ensure their power in perpetuity.”

You can read the full report on the victory HERE and below:

The Missouri Senate recently passed a constitutional amendment that would prohibit the use of ranked choice voting and make sure that only citizens of the United States may vote in the state’s elections.

AMAC members in Missouri played a pivotal role in prompting the Senate to pass SJR 78. In response to an AMAC Action call-to-action, the membership in Missouri sent 460 messages directly to their Senators in support of this resolution.

This was a collaborative effort with AMAC Action working with the Election Transparency Initiative, the Liberty Alliance USA, and the Honest Elections Project.

SJR 78 places a referendum on the ballot that would allow voters in November to decide whether to amend the Missouri Constitution to include these important election integrity measures.

According to a press release from the Election Transparency Initiative, allowing only US citizens to vote in elections is “an overwhelmingly obvious and popular position with Missouri voters,” and this resolution ”further provides that voters shall have only a single vote and that under no circumstance shall he or she be permitted to cast a ballot in a manner that results in the ranking of candidates for a particular office.”

The dreadful ranked-choice voting method has been used in other states and is associated with what the Election Transparency Initiative describes as manufacturing “a majority winner by routinely ‘exhausting’—or throwing out—thousands of ballots so candidates need only win a majority of the remaining votes, not a majority of all votes cast.”

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom issued this statement following the big win in Missouri:

“AMAC’s nearly 51,000 members in Missouri have made it very clear that they treasure their right to vote. The Ranked-Choice Voting scheme has been proven to confuse voters and skew election results in other states. This scheme coupled with the Left’s attempt to further corrupt the election process by providing a pathway to vote for people who are in this country illegally are nothing more than shameful tactics to ensure their power in perpetuity.

Kudos to the Senate for passing SJR 78 and making the strong statement that only U.S. citizens may vote in Missouri’s elections and that Ranked-Choice Voting has no place in the state’s election process. Now, the House must follow suit and allow Missouri’s voters to speak their mind on election integrity.”

Attention now shifts to the Missouri House where that body will take up the resolution for consideration. AMAC Action will continue tracking this important resolution and will activate the grassroots again in Missouri, if necessary.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

A lonely voice from Missouri while the rest is quiet Not the cause to pop the cork

Lovell Frank
Lovell Frank
5 months ago

TY AMAC members.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
5 months ago

I wish you had kicked butt in Maine for the selfish naysayers and “lie to the public” politicians who passed it, absent the Governor’s [failure to sign, so it passed] cop-out and selfish weak knee dweebs, is what I hear (being polite).

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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