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AMAC Members Overwhelmingly Say “No” to Ranked Choice Voting in Wisconsin

Posted on Monday, December 18, 2023
by AMAC Action

AMAC Action, along with other members of the Election Integrity coalition testified last Tuesday at a hearing held by the Wisconsin State Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections, and Consumer Protection regarding SB 528, a proposed “final five” law that would use ranked choice voting (RCV) to determine the winner of Wisconsin’s elections for federal office holders.

The Wisconsin effort to pass RCV legislation was met with resistance from a coalition of election integrity groups. According to a story in The Federalist, these organizations wrote Republican leaders of the state legislature to warn them that, “Both ‘final five’ ‘jungle’ primaries and disastrous RCV (also known as ‘Instant-Runoff Voting’ and ‘preferential’ voting) are schemes that have made voting more difficult, reduced transparency, and put confidence and certainty at risk when implemented in public elections,” the organizations wrote. “The result is an epidemic of disenfranchised voters whose ballots no longer are counted fairly and equally.”

AMAC members have been actively engaged to defeat ranked-choice voting measures in states throughout the country for the past two years. This year alone, the AMAC membership helped to defeat RCV initiatives in Illinois, Idaho, North Dakota, and Montana.

Last week in the Badger State, AMAC members sent each committee member over 820 messages in opposition to RCV with most emails coming on the day of the hearing. In all, a total of over 4,100 messages were sent to the committee. This effort was joined with testimony from AMAC Action Senior Vice President Andy Mangione who spoke on behalf of the more than 48,000 AMAC members in Wisconsin (click button below to read his testimony).

Among the many who testified against SB 528 was Jordan Kittleson, Policy Director for the Center for Election Integrity, which is part of the America First Policy Institute, who commented, “Tens of thousands of Wisconsinites have made the following clear to their State Legislature after [last] Tuesday’s committee hearing: Final Five and Ranked Choice Voting systems muddy the waters of one person having their one voted counted one time. In a time when Americans are demanding and deserve timely and accurate election results now more than ever, to infuse such confusion into our tabulation processes is purely a solution in search of a problem.”

AMAC Action remains resolute in our commitment to keep America’s elections free and fair by advancing sensible election integrity legislation and stopping attempts by Democrats to employ tactics that would game the election system and disenfranchise voters.  

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9 months ago

Democrats could find a way to screw up a soup sandwich!

Jan C
Jan C
9 months ago

I came to Maine from the Midwest and had never seen such a practice in voting until I got here. It is senseless in a predominantly two-party system. Outside of that I still find it aggravating. We’re not picking a team, we’re choosing an individual to do the job.

9 months ago

Thank you Amac for making me aware that this was even being considered in my home state of Wisconsin. I’m currently wintering in Texas and had no idea this was happening back home. Hopefully this is the last time Ranked Choice is considered!

Patrick Switzer
Patrick Switzer
9 months ago

Good job

9 months ago

This idea of rank voting is the stupidest stuff I ever heard of; I thought people in Alaska were smarter than that.
This idea must have been the brain fart of the left, I t will only help elect Demonrats and RINO’s.
I know some people from Wisconsin, and they are smart people, but unless we keep a watchful eye, they will slip it in on enough states to screw up the election process and elect a Loony Liberal or RINO near you
God Protect our voting system!

9 months ago

This is nothing more that election thieves trying to steal another election.

9 months ago

voter ID required
same day voting only
all votes must be signature verified
late votes are disqualified

9 months ago

They’re trying to get this in Idaho. I hope we can stand up to this tyranny here too!

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

Thank you AMAC members in Wisconsin for STANDING UP.

9 months ago

Ranked Choice is another dimocrap ploy for election fraud. This should be rejected wherever they try to get it. It is wrong and if it is not illegal, it certainly should be.

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
9 months ago

This must be defeated.

9 months ago

Just another way Democrats want to steal elections…let us count the other ways they want…NO ID, illegals to vote, drop boxes, extended voting days, unlimited mail in voting, counting votes without oversight…

9 months ago

Great AMAC. Just had read an article in the paper that Rank voting was on the rise. When they listed the states where it was gaining traction they were all de/blue states. Rank voting is nothing more than making the second place candidate a winner. Manipulating the numbers is so much easier to do with rank voting. Any thinking voter knows this. The article in the paper was even asserting that more voters would come out. Of course that is how they would like to present it. Because your vote means nothing with rank voting. It will be determined through an algebraic figure who the winner is not a majority. And more liberal voters will participate in rank voting because they vote blindly anyway. An informed voter would not accept rank voting as a legitimate system.

9 months ago

Common sense prevails!!!!!!!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

It’s here in Nevada so I’ll wait and see how it works for the February caucus. Just so long as the bottom two lower ranked candidates Cristy and Ramaswarmy are not added together with the third or second candidates Haley or DeSantis to eliminate the number 1: Trump. I will be watching!!!!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
9 months ago

Leave AMERICA alone,we were great under PRESIDENT TRUMP and even greater thirty years ago and before.Long before the woke IDIOTS screwed AMERICA into the dirt.

9 months ago

Why do some AMAC members here have a problem with early voting, as long as voter ID and signature verified votes are cast? Florida has early voting, and we have zero problems with it. Especially in a state like ours, where a large percentage of the population are seniors. Many cannot stand in line for hours waiting to vote. AMAC members, you are seniors. Do you want to be disenfranchised because you cannot vote early? I am all in favor of Voter ID requirements, Signature verification, and only American citizens, such as we have in Florida, but this senseless demand that no early voting be allowed just does not make sense to me.

9 months ago

Ranked Choice Voting (supposedly) passed in Alaska during the covid election 2020.
We do not think the majority of Alaska voters could have approved this and suspect manipulation of that vote. We have signed petition to ask the legislature to reconsider, but since they were elected by this method, we fear we will never be heard.
I am thankful that other states are heading RCV off.

Phil Coughagen
Phil Coughagen
9 months ago

Apparently, they are smarter than you.

Minnesota Resident
Minnesota Resident
9 months ago

Minnesota residents aren’t savvy enough to understand the folly of RCV.

9 months ago

This article doesn’t specify the result of the committee’s vote last Tuesday. Can I assume SB was turned down?

Rich A
Rich A
9 months ago

What happened to ONE person ONE VOTE! You don’t get to rank the choices and have the tally for the winner be a total of the ranked votes. You would end up with more votes than the population of the state has.

9 months ago

Please take a Nationwide Poll of AMAC Members on Rank Choice Voting! The Lefties will do anything to Flip the USA.

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
9 months ago

What is Final Five and Ranked Choice Voting? There is no explanation . . .

9 months ago

We have ranked choice voting in Maine for our state & local elections and it’s horrible. We need to go back to one person, one vote & whoever gets the most votes wins. I don’t know what people were thinking when they voted RCV in.

9 months ago

Guess I am not a member anymore so my vote doesn’t count but I can see a lot of promise in that method of voting. Naturally like everything it will need to be ironed out but it may just work. As it is my vote doesn’t count because I don’t like either of the 2 predominate parties platform.

Scott M
Scott M
9 months ago

Ranked choice would be better for our country. This opposition makes a poor case in my opinion. Think of it this way. If Rep chose Trump to run. Dems chose Biden to run. DeSantis decided he didn’t like his party anymore and ran independent. 31% vote Trump, 29% vote DeSantis, 40% vote Biden. Biden wins hands down. Done. So 60% of the country does not want Biden yet he wins. That is the reality of the current state of the country. We are stuck with a two party system and everyone is scared to vote for an independent because of what happened with Perot/Bush. Ranked Choice would eliminate this and make the winner in the above scenario Trump. We are shackled to a two party system and apparently AMAC likes it that way.

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