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Why You Should Vote EARLY – AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update

Posted on Friday, September 6, 2024
by AMAC Action

Why You Should Vote EARLY

Conservatives love to exercise their right to vote. There’s nothing like that patriotic feeling that sweeps over you as you leave the polling booth and cast your vote on election day. It is truly an American moment.

But you can still do your civic duty by voting early. Did you know that as of February of this year, 47 states and the District of Columbia permitted no excuse early voting in some form. The length of early voting periods ranges from 3 to 46 days by state, with the average being 20 days.

Here’s why it’s important to vote EARLY:

  • You’ll experience shorter lines and better poll worker performance
  • It allows election officials to correct registration errors and fix voting system glitches earlier.
  • Early voting provides flexibility to voters who can’t take time off during the week to vote.
  • You also avoid potentially bad weather on election day and some polling has shown that early voting enjoys popular support.

But here is perhaps the greatest reason to vote early…

Democrats have a history of turning out their vote early and banking sizable vote tallies for their candidates.

Case in point, in 2022 in Pennsylvania, U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman had 1 million votes banked before his opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz got out of bed on the morning of the election. In the end, it was too much for Dr. Oz to overcome and he lost the election.

You may rest assured that Democrats will be out in full force early in the General Election, which makes it imperative that we take advantage of early voting days in our states and bank as many votes for our candidates as possible.

VOTE EARLY! And spread the word!

To watch Senior Vice President Andy Mangione’s AMAC Action Spotlight: Early Voting, click here.

Volunteer as a Poll Worker

Poll workers are a crucial part of the democratic process and play a vital role in helping citizens cast their ballots. Amid continuing concerns about election integrity, poll workers are set to have an especially large impact this fall. Election law requires both Republicans and Democrats to work the polls in order to ensure an unbiased and bipartisan process and many jurisdictions continue to face shortfalls of poll workers.

Serving as a poll worker is an easy way to get involved in the community and help keep the wheels of democracy turning. Any eligible voter who is interested can sign up using the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s user-friendly Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool to find their local precinct and sign up!

“Bootcamp for Boomers” to Long Island on September 14, 2024

This crucial election-year gathering will empower Long Island patriots to help turn New York red. It will also mobilize AMAC members to help win critical Congressional seats on Long Island, which will be pivotal in deciding control of the U.S. House this fall.

Featured speakers will include former New York Representative and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, Just the News CEO John Solomon, AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber, former Trump trade policy advisor Peter Navarro, television commentator and columnist Tammy Bruce, Former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan, and other conservative leaders.

“AMAC’s Bootcamp for Boomers is a crucial opportunity to engage voters and equip them with the knowledge they need to have an impact in their communities,” said Tammy Bruce. “I look forward to being a part of this important event taking place in the heart of a battleground district and raising awareness about the most pressing issues facing our country.”

Purchase tickets for just $20 and see more details HERE.

Stop Ranked-Choice Voting in Alaska

Thanks to the unstoppable energy of tens of thousands of Alaskans who rallied together last year to sign a petition calling for the end of Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), we are now poised to be on the November ballot as Proposition 2!

Your enthusiasm and dedication were nothing short of remarkable, and the success of this signature drive has paved the way to take this critical issue to the ballot. But there is still more to be done. The “Yes on 2” campaign has launched – a bold and crucial effort to end RCV and restore a simpler, more transparent election process in Alaska!

Vote Yes on 2!

By voting “YES on 2,” we’ll return to a system where each vote is straightforward and easily understood, ensuring that our electoral process is transparent and fair.

Here’s how you can make a difference:

  1. Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of ending Ranked-Choice Voting. Share information on social media, help organize events, distribute materials, and mobilize voters.
  2. Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers to help with campaign activities. Whether it’s canvassing, phone banking, or distributing literature, your time and effort are invaluable.
  3. Visit: to learn more.


September 4 All-State Meeting: CA-35 Delegate Mike Rogel hosted the virtual California All-State Meeting. Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the Family Business Coalition, spoke about election integrity and the importance of the Trump tax cuts; Susan Tully, Special Projects & Law Enforcement Relations Manager for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), discussed how we can’t have Homeland Security without a homeland; Wade Brocks, Central Valley / Hollywood Senior Field Representative for Turning Point USA (TPUSA), gave an introduction to TPUSA; and AMAC Action Alaska-At Large Delegate Robert Coulter gave Californians an Alaskan legislative and current events update.

Action ☆ Academy 

The Constitution: Why a Republic?

Once the War of Independence was won the former colonies were faced with a daunting challenge—what sort of government should they choose for the new nation? Robert George, Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, discusses how the founders faced this challenge in The Constitution: Why a Republic? by PragerU, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes American values in short educational videos for people of all ages.

Electoral College

This is a presidential election year, and the Electoral College will again be a topic of conversation. Get educated on the truth regarding its purpose, its history, and why it is so important to preserve.

  • Learn more about the Electoral College from, a non-for-profit organization dedicated to encouraging students, and adults, to think critically!
  • Learn and understand about our constitutional election system by watching the award-winning documentary “Safeguard: An Electoral College Story.” Constitutional experts explain why we have the Electoral College, how it works, and what would happen if we got rid of it. Register on the site to watch it for free!

Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke

The foundations of Western Civilization are rooted in the civilizations of the ancient Hebrews and classical Greeks, and the West’s greatest accomplishments can be traced back to these beginnings. Discover the history and unique character of Western Civilization and learn how its essential elements culminated in the American Founding in Hillsdale College’s free online course Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke. The 11-session course includes lessons on the ancient Hebrews, classical Greece and Rome, early Christianity, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and much more.

Quote of the Week

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

― Harry S. Truman, Special Message to Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950

Fight to save the America we love! If you’d like to become a volunteer AMAC Action Delegate, please contact us at (855) 809-6976 or [email protected].

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1 month ago

VOTE EARLY AND VOTE SMART!! Do your own research before you mark your ballot. Remember to take your own marked ballot to the correct drop box to make sure your vote gets counted or straight to your correct party headquarters where they will take your ballot. Make sure when you deliver it, make sure it is given to the correct party. VOTE SO BIG THAT IT’S TOO BIG FOR DEMS TO RIG. They will do anything and everything to win to keep their Power. WE have to show them that WE won’t let them win. Get out and VOTE TRUMP to save our Beautiful Country. Your vote is depending on it.

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
1 month ago

I personally believe voting should all be done on one day. Absentee ballots should only be for those who in the military, sick in the hospital, or working out of town. This early voting is crap.

1 month ago

I will never, never, NEVER vote early. Then crooked, corrupt Democrats and RINOS will know just how many votes they need to “dig up” for the Dem to win.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
1 month ago

Hard disagree. EV only plays into a cheater’s deception plan.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
1 month ago

Hard disagree. Early voting not only violates the tenets of an ‘Election Day’, but it provides cheaters with a score card of how many votes they need to manufacture. Republicans revial early voting, yet now foster it. They are playing into the hands of Dems who are leading them into an electoral ambush.

1 month ago

My only concern voting early this time – will my vote be counted and kept, or “lost”?
I’ve voted early for years, and assumed my vote mattered. This year I wonder which is safer.

1 month ago

Jesus Christ is the cure to fear.

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