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HR-1 Guts Free Speech, Fair Elections, States’ Rights

Posted on Thursday, February 11, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

H.R. 1The first piece of Democrat legislation – H.R. 1 – is ponderous, a stunning attempt to curtail Americans’ 1st Amendment rights, institutionalize potential election fraud, and clip states’ rights. Here is how.

Democrats want to redefine free speech and the electoral process, Constitution notwithstanding.  H.R. 1 would restrict, monitor, and intimidate political speech, including non-profits and conservative donors, while institutionalizing potential fraud by banning voter ID laws, forcing mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, same-day and online registration, and one-party FEC (Federal Election Commission) control.

The bill is a breathtaking gambit, and Democrats hope to pass it before America wakes up.  The goal is to lock-in one-party control while they have it.  Can you imagine anything more anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, or anti-American? Yet a thoughtful reading of HR 1 is all the proof anyone should need – that enormous mischief is afoot, with terrible downstream effects for election transparency, electoral integrity, America’s two-party system, and public trust in the franchise, that is, the sanctity of our vote.

Title by title, this bill is a legal abomination, an end-run around the US Constitution and two centuries of caselaw.  While Americans are admittedly exhausted, frustrated with politics, many sad, mad, under the weather, and plain pooped – this is not the time to falter.  Key rights are trampled under this bill.  Few Americans realize, even now, this is happening – which is why free speech needs to be used.

Ironically, tracking 2020 election practices, talking about ethics and voter participation, Democrats are angling to force passage through the Senate in 2021, having already pushed passage through the House in 2020.  The outcome would be a shocking and fundamental change in how Americans speak and vote.

For starters, the bill would seek to make permanent – using federal preemption – many practices used in 2020 contested states, including mass mail-in ballots (no reason required), ballot harvesting (third-party collection and deposit of ballots), same-day voter registration (permitting last minute registration in multiple venues, no check on duplication, longer lines, higher costs), automatic registration on school and DMV records (triggering ineligible registrations), mandatory early voting (preempting many state constitutions and cycle completion), online registration (again fraught with fraud potential), criminalizing state actions that inhibit online registration, making election day a federal holiday (again preempting state practice), authorize 16-year-olds to register (with amendments to allow 16-year-olds to vote), restrict removal of suspect names by states (barring it entirely for any reason six months before election), give voting rights to felons (violating many state norms), and create a “task force” to push voting in remote locations.

The bill would saddle American taxpayers with “public campaign financing” (details TBD), force political action committees to disclose names of donors (in an age of threats, intimidation, doxing, cancelling, firings, and social media removal), force one-party control on the FEC (to stop “gridlock”), expressly seeks to overturn Supreme Court precedent defending free political speech, and requires new financial disclosure for presidential and vice-presidential candidates, and restrictions on inaugural committees.

Ominously, the bill pushes new (undetermined) ethics rules on the Supreme Court, creates statehood for DC – possibly Puerto Rico by amendment, and federalizes drawing congressional districts, ending (largely Republican) state control, and mandating districts get set with “no dilution of minorities’ electoral influence,” special focus on “communities of interest” – whatever these terms mean.

The FEC is then reduced to five members, creating a one-party advantage, and further directed to focus on digital options (i.e., Democrat measures associated with possible fraud), revealing political contributors (conflicting with constitutional law), and targeted enforcement (which would obviously disfavor the outnumbered party).

Not surprisingly, a wide swath of anti-conservative organizations support the effort, while virtually every civic organization tied to States’ rights, individual liberty, defense of Bill of Rights, and two-party parity oppose it.

The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board, acutely focused on long term effects of partisanship, describe the bill as “designed to auto-enroll likely Democratic voters, enhance Democratic turnout, with no concern for ballot integrity.” Even the American Civil Liberties Union, a bastion of liberalism, argued it contains “provisions that unconstitutionally impinge on the free speech rights of American citizens and public interest organizations” including mandatory release of the names and addresses of donors to political organizations.

As these two diverse defenders of the Constitution point out, this bill is an overt attempt to game the electoral process for one party, by creating a one-party FEC, preempting and federalizing traditional States’ rights, intimidating voters, political organizations, and politically active contributors, implicitly threatening them with doxing, cancelling, embarrassment, and – in this moment – likely violence.

It is also an attempt to upend constitutional law relating to free speech and election procedure, creating a partisan, anti-democratic power grab, trying to force provisions on states and voters that would never pass muster at the Supreme Court, in most State courts, and for any rule of law conservatives.

In short, this amalgam of partisan prejudice is a constitutional abomination – a push to make permanent one-party rule, with no legitimate defense, no matter how you dress it up as reform.  It should be soundly rejected – while free speech and state control of elections still exists.

Click here to send a letter to your Senators

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Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

I hope this legislation does not pass – I have notified my senators and representative to NOT VOTE for this legislation. ALL CITIZENS SHOULD DO THE SAME OR WE WILL NEVER HAVE A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Everyone was warned before the 2020 election what would happen if the Democratic Regime
was elected. Here it is and I don’t know if people are aware but there is a video circulating
re: the 2020 election with proof positive that the election was rigged and how it was done.
The Republicans have got to fight fire with fire and not sit around and let the Dems do anything
they want. I hate to say this but I think a civil ware is coming.

Betty Womble
Betty Womble
3 years ago

I have contacted my senators and representatives to vote against it. Now I will be praying for others to do likewise.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
3 years ago

This is so dangerous. I can’t believe that this is not the topic of the conversation among all elected officials, local and state. While we are being held down, the socialists are engaging in the complete takeover of our country without so much as a presentation or God forbid a discussion about the effect on our country and its citizen
It’s very clear to me that this is the end of America and the beginning of a Communist country if this is allowed to pass.
I am old but I am not stupid. If they are allowed to pull the wool over our eyes, then there is no going back.
I will continue to “fight”, oh wait, I can’t say that word, I might incite an insurrection!
If this time we are in wasn’t so scary, it might be laughable. Don’t laugh yet, we have to get the clowns out of our government and hopefully not send in more clowns. ????????????

Bob M.
Bob M.
3 years ago

Maybe it’s a good idea to invoke Thomas Paine?

3 years ago

Pandora’s box has been opened…now we “ALL” will suffer mightily.

Don W
Don W
3 years ago

I contact my Senators and Congressman every week, sometimes twice a day. This is the only peaceful path we have, but they don’t seem to represent us in the least. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they are on, they only represent their own interests. The form letters I get in return show that they do what they want to do regardless of their constituent’s opinions. I won’t stop trying, but it gets very frustrating.

JoAnn Estes
JoAnn Estes
3 years ago
3 years ago

This sounds like the beginning of the end of the United States as we have known it. I, too, will notify my representative to vote no.

3 years ago

I’ve seen in my mind something like this happening for many years now. My greatest surprise is that it came so quickly. The Republicans in Washington have either been blind, stupid or lazy for not seeing it themselves. Our country and are freedoms are at huge risk. WAKE UP REPUBLICANS AND FIGHT BACK.

Jane R. Benoit
Jane R. Benoit
3 years ago

What can this 85 year old woman who sees her country going down the drain DO??!!!

Kenneth Sinclair
Kenneth Sinclair
3 years ago

Politicians on Capitol Hill seem to think that voters will turn the other cheek when corruption and fraud is blanketed by worthless attempts such the IMPEACHMENT to simulate progress. Instead, we are watching the daily fiasco such as HR 1 with growing anger. Funding foreign interests, national school AND college programs , municipal thefts, and endowments without accountability will not be tolerated while the media floods us with NEWS about the impoverished in The United States. Send us more requests for campaign contributions? Threaten to destroy the Constitution? TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SEWERAGE!!

Fox Grimaldi
Fox Grimaldi
3 years ago

Wake up and realize: Natural Law discloses that Tyrants like Predators cannot be dissuaded with words! The only thing that stops Predators/Tyrants is an overwhelming Force that either cages them or kills them! In the Real World Pacifism is certain Suicide! As regards all the Unconstitutional Edicts, the Common Law „Doctrine of Competing Harms“ applies in full.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

There’s no other way to put it; if this fascist tyrannical assault on freedom is signed into law, it is a declaration of war on the conservative patriots of the United States of America. I can think of no other way of viewing it. What a pathetic mess this country is becoming in the few short weeks of this faux president’s administration. If you’re naive enough to believe that this president hasn’t attained the Oval Office fraudulently, watch a video on Rumble entitled, “Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?” Anti-1A youtube has already taken it down.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Our 1st mistake is(was?)believing our politicians actually care about what we think- once elected, they do what they want, and provide vague “lip-service” when asked any questions. Our 2nd mistake is thinking this will fix itself somehow. Our 3rd mistake is underestimating just how evil the Left is- they are out to DOMINATE the electorate(us) by “any means necessary”…Your 4th mistake is not being prepared for what may come about due to all of this…

3 years ago

This big push to take down our country now is occurring as the Communist people within our government such as the Clintons, Sanders as well as celebrities and George Soros are getting old and want to see their life work come to fruition before they die.

I hope more people will read the book “You Can Still Trust the Communists (to be Communists) by Fred C Schwarz and David A Noebel. This is the updated version from of the1965 version by Mr Schwarz that can be found, free online.

This book outlines the Communist takeover tactics by Lenin that are still be using today. Remove a country’s history (tearing down the statutes) create chaos (Antifa and protesters), the fact that Russia would only allow someone to visit their country that they felt they could use that person and then think of Bill Clinton wanting to visit Russia and being allowed to visit. Bernie Sanders also but Bernie doesn’t hide his Communism. Why don’t people question why Bill Clinton would want to visit Russia?

We are in for the fight of our lives for our country but many don’t seem to realize it. The only way to continue this fight in a non-violet way may be to look at the Convention of States. I don’t have any other suggestion as it seems both of our political parties are being paid off as Biden, Pelosi are, so greed is ruling the day in Congress and our White House. Any people that have children and grandchildren should take this very seriously. As we are old and will be gone soon, but children and grandkids will be living under this Communism.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

is making DC a state specifically in the bill (or inevitable if votes are so easy because standards are dropped?????) I don’t see how we avoid the passage of HR 1 with the (slim) advantage democrats have in both houses.

3 years ago

This is the One Party State’s attempt to eliminate all opposing views, destroy the constitutional republic once and for all, and cement a dictatorship a la National SOCIALIST Third Reich Germany, no God, no rights, no freedom, no choice, no dissenting – or else! If this goes through the Chinese have succeeded in destroying America.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

“HR-1 Guts Free Speech, Fair Elections, States’ Rights”

And for those who haven’t been paying attention, that is precisely the goal.

J. James
J. James
3 years ago

I’m mindboggled that AMAC is still posting about this House bill, which, according to my Congressman, PASSED without Republican support in March 2019, and is now awaiting consideration in the Senate. Instead of urging us to contact our Representatives, why is AMAC not up to date, and urging us to contact our Senators instead?

Laurie Vogt
Laurie Vogt
3 years ago

What the H e double hockey sticks Please encourage to dump all the politics and do the right thing for the people. The Federal Government as disgracing the American People. I Pray everyday.

Barbara W
Barbara W
3 years ago

At the end of the article: “Click here to send a letter to your Representative”. I already live in a one-party socialist state (California), and our elected (not by me) officials do not represent me and other California conservatives. They are strictly about doing what their radical left party wants. We might have a shot at recalling Emperor Gruesome Newsom, but I wish we could recall all of them and get people who would actually represent our best interests. Otherwise, sending letters and emails and calling these idiots is a waste of time.

I do agree that H.R. 1 is really bad, and I pray that it doesn’t pass. Please God, are you listening?

3 years ago

Our freedoms through the constitution and bill of rights hav been chipped away at for decades. Since the GW Bush administration, the “chipping” more closely resembles a snowball rolling downhill. Yet, too many of our citizens (of both parties) have failed to realize how much da age has been done. Are our freedoms and rights a lost cause? Or do we stand up and take them back?

3 years ago

Biden is a crook//Was a crook/And will be a crook next week// He will destroy the loonies who voted for this corruption and dementia Joe does zip because he is on a leash//Sad pathetic old man and the Rinos called Republicans are worse// Fire them all and get real conservatives in office ASAP//

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

The DIMMs/Marxists/Communists cannot win anything when both sides are presented–thus, the bans on all conservative speech, tweets, etc. All of their positions are based on lies and even though they claim we don’t like science, their positions are NOT in line with real science. XY people pretending to be women, man-caused global warming that doesn’t factor in the sun, a unique baby human being who is “part of a woman’s body.”
Total donkey excrement!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

May all the Americans wake up and lgive their Congressperson the heave ho from office!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

They can stick this attack on civil liberty’s, the same warm dark place they heads are at !!!!!!
This is all part of hate America first, and do the biding of China and Russia, by the Demonrats !

gia ricottone
gia ricottone
3 years ago


pete kennedy
pete kennedy
3 years ago

Th Frankfurt School of political philosophers found a home at Columbia University in 1930’s and developed a nation wide program of changing the culture of the USA. The plan was to change the culture of the USA from within.

3 years ago

Please send this info to everyone you know and email your House members and Senators. Do it for America, get the word out before they can pass this BS.

Jack F Juraco
Jack F Juraco
3 years ago

I had previously read a brief summary of this bill, but your analysis here knocks me off my feet. I feel like I’ve been transported to a different time and place, where all we have learned about democracy, election integrity, states’ rights, and constitutional integrity never happened at all or is simply being cast aside as if we were in some autocratic, fascistic, or communist society. How can any group of people, regardless of party, agree to this? How could any such group be willing to discard all rules and lessons regarding these topics and attempt to declare that they are promoting democratic values? Thank you for your analysis. Now tell me how I can sleep comfortably from this point. First we lose control of the government to a hypocritical, left-leaning, power hungry, media-supported, “all but named” mob. Now we are facing further weakening of this great country’s culture and values should this bill pass.

3 years ago

Cannot be passed

Suzanne Harrington
Suzanne Harrington
3 years ago

Lib Dems…cheaters, liars and stealers.

3 years ago

Once the liberals get on this, freedom of speech will pertain to them and no others.

Big Kahuna
Big Kahuna
3 years ago

As much as I hate to acquiesce on this, as long as both sides continue to demonize the other side, the division in America continues to get broader. I believe that all American citizens, no matter where they stand are the victims of a complete breakdown of both Houses of Congress and this has been going on for years. We keep electing the same idiots and sending them back to represent us or in this case to fail to represent us. If you haven’t noticed, nothing that would benefit the majority of American citizens ever gets passed in Congress. Many of our laws are unfair and the one’s that mean something are no longer enforced. Congress seems to only focus on Impeachment and things that benefit non-citizens. We the people must demand that the Government institute congressional term limits so that we can effectively purge this “dead weight” in Congress. Additionally, we need to prevent them from passing biased legislation like HR-1 that only serves to tip the scales further to the left. For whatever its worth, this is my 2 cents..

3 years ago

Sadly, the radical left believes that American patriots will surrender their freedom without resistance because they, unlike the radical left seditionists, respect and obey the law. They may come to realize the hard way that American patriots will accept and obey just laws and may even tolerate absurd and foolish ones as long as basic freedoms and the Constitution are not threatened. Beyond that point they are treading on ground once occupied by King George and Parliament about 250 years ago.

Dr Scott
Dr Scott
3 years ago

Along with HR127. And other things they’re planning to do, our nation’s fundamental transformation Obama and his followers dreamed of will come to pass.
American Citizens who love their rights reserved and the Constitution as written need to speak up now.
Those who don’t vote, but are 1st to complain, why? You got what you want. Those who voted for the Democrat party, is this what you want?
Take a good read of the bills they’re going to pass. If you’re happy about it, I’m sorry for your loss. If you’re not happy with it, then speak up now. We don’t have much time.
Call your Representative and Senators. Or email them directly on their websites.

Either way HR1 & HR127 are the starting point for the complete transformation of the country. Should this pass into law, our Bill of Rights 1st, 2nd, etc Amendments are gone.
Speaking up now may not change it, but dang it, doing nothing surely won’t.

3 years ago

this is bullshit!!! and we as americans can do nothing to stop it, we not even allowed to have opinions any more, so what is the sense of having a government, that only wants to control u

John Radmacher
John Radmacher
3 years ago

In case you haven’t realized it yet; You, the people of the previous United States of America lost an election to corruption ! America the country is not being run by adherence to the previous constitution supporting Democracy, Freedom or Capitalism. America the country is being run by something else more closely related to Facism, Communism or Marksism. You Americans voted for and supported the loss of your freedom. BRAINWASHED by Hell !

3 years ago

Mr. Charles, seeing what is transpiring before our eyes, you still think a Revolution is unnecessary?!?!

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
3 years ago

I can only say that I am very disappointed in the Democratic Party. They seem to me to be on the wrong side of every important issue. From abortion, to open borders and now fake elections they seem to be taking America down a very corrupt and slimy road. When the rule of law is disregarded and outright fraud is perpetuated on the American people by Democrat’s, how will this country continue to exist? With the Biden Administration spewing endless executive orders destroying allot of what Trump did along with the Democratic Congress writing mindless laws, we now have the most corrupt and ignorant government ever conceived by mankind. Wake up America!!!

Barbara Schikore
Barbara Schikore
3 years ago
3 years ago

Why don’t Biden and the rest of the demoncrats try actually READING the constitution?

3 years ago

Is anyone surprised that the dem-o-rats would try to pass a bill like this? They are going to keep
trying till they push the country into a full blown civil war.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

“WE THE PEOPLE” need to demand our representatives actually REPRESENT US, if they fail to defend the constitution we have the right to recall, investigate, replace and punish them, take them down individually,we can try this process and hopefully we won’t need a civil war, we should demand the impeachment of chinajoe, we can expose the voter fraud and ALL WHO GOT ELECTED ILLEGALLY, we can put in the WHITE HOUSE THE ONE THAT ACTUALLY WON THE ELECTION and undo all the stupid things chinajoe has done.

3 years ago

I contacted my Representative using AMAC’s useful tool. In fact l have already received a reply. Thank you AMAC for keeping us informed in an easy to understand way about issues that are important, like this one.

Double L Ranch
Double L Ranch
3 years ago

The Democrat Party has become nothing more than American Communists. Right now between open borders and voter registration matters it is all about one thing: creating more Democrat voters in order to secure One Party Rule.
Democrats don’t care about babies! Do you really think they care about helping those from other countries? Babies cannot vote, but illegals will eventually be given the ability to vote if the Dems gave their way.

3 years ago

The Republicans should introduce multiple bills that would make it mandatory for anyone registered as a Democrat to have their American citizenship striped from them, subject them to deportation, take away all their rights as Americans. These bills should be disguised as “health care priorities” or “virus control” or “environmental protection” or “green energy initiative” or “civil rights clarifications” I’m sure the gifted wordsmiths in congress and the senate could concoct some clever bills. Time we start acting like Democrats and give them their own medicine.

3 years ago

So I’ll share my recent dialogue with a liberal democrat,biden voter when I specifically asked how could he support any president who welcomes a negligent,arrogant murderer Andrew cuomo to the white house.
Got a typical non thinking liberal response- can we just not talk about this, how about some civility, and understanding .
There you go ALL hypocrites, take NO responsibility, and ask for a pause, because these democrats are corrupt,anti american,self serving liars!
I would not want to defend them either!
Wish democrats would have read about this before they voted for it, just like pelosi and the obamacare disaster!

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