United States Presidents
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2:52…. I’m happy! I like the Presidents AMAC chose to include in the puzzle!
2:20 Thank you for using President Trump! Our country tries so hard to erase him…..
1:56. I’m glad PINO, the Stumbling Bumbling Idiot was not in the puzzle.
1:34 with only one cup of coffee. The 5 best presidents, and one of the worst. I love liberty, and the freedom that God gave us. Jefferson wrote the greatest breakup letter of all time. I went to TJ HS and did a mess of reading about him, his life and his presidency. He was the first Secretary of State, the second vice-president, and the third president. Kept on getting promoted. He also happened to pass away on the Fourth of July. His last words were, “My fourth, my fourth, my glorious fourth.” I’m reasonably sure he got another promotion on that day as well. John Addams died a few hours later, his last words were, “Here I am dying and that Jefferson lives on.” Wrong again Addams!
Great Presidents. !:48
3:57 this AM. A bit slow due to a restless start to the night with an upset stomach. Must have been about 2:00 AM when I finally dropped off to sleep.
2:27 no help. Not bad for me.
1:48 Easy one
Had to play the word search twice. My first time was 0 seconds to find the words. My second time was 1:30. Of course, the search puzzle did change between the 2. Just being honest.
U. S. A.
2:32 I enjoyed this one!
2:01, Good one today.
3:48 – no assists, no misses – found all but 2 quick, doubled my time at least looking for those 2 . . . .up until 0200 due to an old back injury, but my eyes just wouldn’t cooperate. And now it won’t let me post . . . .Try again…
2:36 This was a good one!
4:21 No reveals but I too had a bad night… ha ha up at 2 with headache..
.55. Nice selection.
Tried again and was still over 3 minutes. 3:03 to be exact. For some reason, REAGAN was the tough one, both times.
As usual, I have a problem with Trump. He was hiding in plain sight.