The White House
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2:47…could NOT find leader til the very last. Huh. Kinda like now, as we have no leader, either…
1:54…I think they took it a bit easy on us today on account of the holiday 🙂
3:49 Had a tough time finding ‘district’ for some reason. Probably spent at least one minute searching for it. LOL
2:48 Glad to get an easy one!
2:38 good one today
if only our current president was a leader…
Not to bad 2:42 w/0 help!
3:43. I know it’s Tuesday but it sure feels like Monday!!
I did the puzzle twice. The first one took over 6 minutes, I closed that and re-opened it and the second time the words were in an easier placement and only took 2 1/2 minutes.
1:53 No reveals.
3.45 white house has the wrong person in its residence. Who agrees.
wow….5:13 ……slow day……
1:52…I found the word “leader”,but haven’t seen the person who is one in more than 2 years now !
4;37…With no help or reveals
1:18 No reveals.
2:44 pretty good this morning.
4:28 I had a hard time finding the word leader. I wonder why? Probably just a coincidence…right?
1.25 I agree with the other comments on the word leader
3:38 no reveals. Must be my lucky day today despite being slo mo.
1:34 NO reveals…………..yeah me!
As usual, started off pretty well, finding the first five rather quickly but got stuck on residence and leader. Finished in 5:27 with no assists or reveals.
Great puzzle. I improved my time in solving this type of word search puzzles. I found six words rather quickly but my time lagged finding the word ‘first’ and ‘leader.’ I am not here to the ‘Speedy Gonzales’ of word search puzzles. We all have different priorities in life. Thank you AMAC.
Thanks for the puzzle.
2:48 no revels.
Finished puzzle in 1:05 minutes, No reveals. I love doing these kinds of puzzles. I had slightly trouble finding residence and first.
3:01, longer than normal, last word always seems to elude my eyes.
3:28 with no reveals.
127 pretty good for me. The eyes aren’t what they use to be HA-HA I love all their games
2:20. w/no reveals. Had a hard time finding district.
4: 4
2″58 no reveals
Same words as the one earlier
I couldn’t find a LEADER in this White House.
2:13, Fun one today.
1:35 quick and easy
Did anyone else see the word ‘FOOL’ starting on the bottom left and going up? I loved it!????
2:20 No reveals!
2:21…for me that was pretty good because there is usually at least one word that trips me up.
Started out easy but took me 4 minutes. The hardest word to find was “leader” – wonder if there’s some significance to that??
4:54 gotta stop watching TV and doing these puzzles!!
2:31 fair
3:09 no help