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3:41…REALLY bad time for me. ‘Appalachian’ misspelled, but hey…I found it. Finally found ‘Graceland’. I’ve been there, but overlooked it here waaaaaaay too many times. Not bad for a grouchy ol’ guy, though. =]
2:57 no help
1:22 no help. My fastest yet. they all seemed to jump right out at me!
2:35. Seemed pretty easy. My big fingers have trouble with the small screen! Have a good day
5:36 No reveals .Good time for me
1:24 – WOW! I can’t believe I did that well – and no reveals!! I’m usually much slower on this type of puzzle! Hope that means I’m going to have a great day today!
1:22 wow! This is a good one for me! Hope all are having a good week so far!
2.55 enjoy the game
3:03…I’m good with that
2:56 Love Tennessee…On a slightly different note, AMAC you keep asking us to sign petitions on issues but every time I do I get responses back from the Senators and Congressmen you send the petitions to telling me they are happy to hear from me but to contact my own Senator and Congressman. What made me think of this, is that I received a response today from Senator Ron Paul from the Great State of Tennessee stating just that.
Thank you, I’m finished venting. For those of you that will comment on this telling me it has nothing to do with the puzzle or that I should contact my own Senator and Congressman. I don’t care, and I do.
2:01 Not bad for an old man !!
1:08 with no reveals! I think it’s my best ever!
4:20 no misses, no reveals
2:36 no reveals.
2:43 for me, took me a minute just to find Appalachian, I like Tennessee a lot, almost moved there before I picked Branson.
2:16 without helps. It’s a beautiful day in the south.
1:23; no reveals. This was one of the easiest Word Search puzzles on AMAC I have ever seen.
2:32 with no reveals. I didn’t do very good considering my daughter lives in TN.
3:09 Not bad. Not familiar with Tennessee. Only been there while passing through on my way to somewhere else.
1:03! Probably my best ever.
2:13 no reveals
2:17 not bad
1:47 my best ever. I’m usually the slowest.
1:59 Very good for me.
2:29 with no misses. Oh how I miss being able to do the puzzles when I’m not home.
Glad they included Lynchburg; it was the highlight of a trip through TN. Jack Daniels is a great distillery to visit; take time to visit the gift shop as uniquely bottled JD products are offered for the fine southern gentleman (or ladies) who collect bourbons
1:14 Finally, as easy one!
love the puzzles, matching, searches, BUT I’m working with an older monitor that is about a 14-inch square and today (AGAIN!!!) the Live Chat box prevented me from highlighting the word APPALACHAIN because the highlight requires to click on the 1st letter, and drag the mouse all the way down to the end of the word! And I was a couple of letters short of being able to complete the highlight BECAUSE of the LiveChat box! grrrrrrrrr! If the chat box needs to be where it is, then put those long words on the OPPOSITE side of the puzzle! it’s more frustrating than fun to be unable to complete one of your challenges, not because I can’t do it but because your chat box keeps me from completing it!
5:31 a slow day
2.57 probably the best I’ve ever done!
2:47, no reveals.
2:39 I’m getting better
2:13good time.
1:25 no reveals
2:28, pretty easy puzzle but fun.
1:44 no reveals. I got stuck on Appalachian. But I finally found it.
2:26 no hints – a bit slow but I have trouble with the keys not catching the letters so I have to be careful and not go too fast. Oh, well……
1:49 flat ~ I love Tenn.
1:17 best ever so far
3:23 for me today….average I guess….hahahaha
1:11 This was an easy one, and had NO distractions.
A bit slow today, 4:06. Couldn’t spot Nashville due to too many “N’s.”
3:22 with no reveals. Also, with no brains. lol I enjoy these puzzles.
2;42 No reveals
3:11, not great but fun!!
2:35 good time for me.
1:14 Best ever.
3:29 Love the Word Search!