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3:05…REGULATING. Waddaya gonna do? Took waaaay too long to see it.
1:23 no help. Think that was my fastest ever
Fastest ever
2;01 best time ever
2:16. My best yet. These are my favorite of the games.
2:22 yeah fast one for me.
3:46 – I got sidetracked watching Hummingbirds play.
3:57 – system hid from me for a long time…
1:51 my best time ever for word search. Every once in a while I get lucky !
2:10 Very nice
1.19 Thank you for the game
3:18**Had a hard time finding system.No reveals.
4:35. I got stuck on the word “STABILITY”. It’s sort of losing something that’s in plain sight.
i did it in 3:00 mins
1:30. Wow much easier on a real computer, not my phone.
1:59 My best time!
1:14 no reveals to make up for the disaster that was my time and misses on yesterday’s puzzle.
1″:23 no reveals. Thanks to a good night’s rest. God is in control!
2.45 Word Search has been reminding me how easily I can get distracted.
3:51 the turtle checking in
2:48 About normal for me. I guess I am the hare with a broken leg.
1:32 no reveals. I like the word search best of all.
2:57. Just okay.
Finally one with words going in diagonal and crossways directions that made it fun and stimulating.
3:07 A little better than usual
2:45 about average for me. Prayers for South Louisiana. I grew up there. Glad I’m not there anymore.
2:38….good for me.
You finished the puzzle in 2:10
Thank you, this is so nice to have these games to do. It’s a bright spot, in and amongst the World falling apart at warp speed. We do have something to look forward to if we have asked Jesus in our hearts & keep our hearts right with Him. Maranatha!
3:33 Slow but sure daily report.
1:36 no reveals.
2:38, no reveals. A little harder for me today.
2:22 no reveals
I know 28:41 sounds really bad but I had to stop to drive home then prepared my dinner and a couple of other small tasks, forgot to pause.
1:56 No hard ones to find today
2:45 Not too bad.
2:47 there’s always that one word that’s hard to find 🙂
1:48. My best time so far! I must be super alert today!
wow…3:24…slow this morning…..
1:28 Pretty good for me.
2:09 not too bad.
I guess I like it when I have money
1:51 OK time!
Best time yet!