Daylight Savings Time
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3:31 no help
got that quick 1.39 well quick for me lol
Interesting choices for the word search- I’ll say it again, I do not like daylight savings time!
2:50 This one was way too easy…at least for me anyway.
I just got adjusted to falling back!!
1:28 no misses. YAY! It must be the sunshine and warmer temperatures in NYC. Thanks for today’s puzzle. Much fun and keeps my eyes and mind focused.
clocks -misspelled
Would someone please explain to me a logical reason why we still have daylight savings time?
2:42 remember the year we had it year round?
2:46, no helpers…not too shabby
2:39 one of my best
FYI: We will be going to Daylight Saving Time, NOT Daylight SavingS time. Savings is something we collect. We are simply saving daylight for later in the day. Although we aren’t really saving daylight, we’re just shifting it. I’m reminded of Paul Harvey’s story of a lady in some state that had added Daylight Saving Time after not having it. She was asked how she liked it and answered, “It’s okay, I guess, but the extra sunlight is burning up my garden.”
Enjoyed the Puzzle. Not so much the time change. Thank you.
As usual, the morons in Washington think they know what’s best for everyone!
I can’t wait until November 7 when we go back to REAL time. I’ll save an AMAC puzzle from the previous week and start it at 1:59 am. If I take five minutes to complete it i’ll be done at 1:04 am. A NEGATIVE 55 minutes.
DST is absurd. Right now (where I live) it is light out when children go to school but next week it will be dark out when they go.
I did lousy but it was fun..
Enjoyed the word search, but dislike DST, and even more now after reading Tad’s reply to Hoser – opened my eyes as to the medical reasons, which I had not thought about before. We should all write to our congressmen, expressing our negative opinion of DST.
3:10 not my best, not my worst, no misses. I think daylight savings time, is wrong.
It messes with your internal bio clock. We need to stick with one time!
3:16 It was a little tougher than many.
We are so pleased with AMAC! I signed up for AARP initially about 10 years ago. Then after learning about about their lobbyists and what policys and party they primarily supported, I knew I no longer wanted to be affiliated with them. So AMAC is the absolute, best alternative, if you will. The benefits are fantastic and I love playing your games! I tell my family it helps with my brain function. Thank you for all you do for We the People.
I must have gotten the easier puzzle today. :53 no reveals just words jumping out clearly.
Thanks AMAC for your fantastic, informative articles! Fun games, too.
Thank you for all the puzzles!
2:39 In Hawaii there’s no need to change clocks as they’re close to the equator so the seasons don’t change the daylight hours enough to matter. Arizona doesn’t change theirs, either. I wish my state didn’t change twice a year. I’ve had some “Twilight Zone” experiences being in the right place at the wrong time in my life!
4:11, good for me. it was fun
No big deal much either way … but I get the feeling that Daylight Savings Time is not that useful in enhancing the USA life activity. Maybe a century so back it had a significant effect … but now … not so much.
very good reminder for daylight saving time .I just wish they would set it and LEAVE it alone. this back and forth is bad on sleeping habits it messes me up big time. Having to get rewound each time. Love all the puzzles word search and quizzes etc. keeps my brain working. Thank you!
1:46 with no reveals! I think that’s the first time I was under the 2 minute mark.
1:30, and thank you for the reminder of the upcoming time change, which I hate! Go on DST all of the time!!
Wow!! 8:21 with no assists. Energy was my last discovery.
3:06, no reveals. I had the hardest time finding ENERGY.
Just got back into this…….3:07 . Not great but will do better as time goes on.
2:28, no reveals
1:28 best time ever 🙂
2:28, no reveals. Pleased.
You finished the puzzle in 3:04 .
So proud, and relieved, to be about average.
3:29…ok for me…..
3.31 Oh, well
2:57, no reveals.
5:17 slow, but no reveals.
6:01. I prefer to have more daylight in the morning. Not sure a lot of people actually take advantage of it in the evening.
1:46 no reveals. One of my best times.
When I was a kid growing up in South Texas, DST let us stay outside until almost 10PM with enough daylight to still be out there having a good time. Nowadays, I myself am not taking advantage of all the opportunities the time changes were meant to provide, but I wish for those that can, ‘Get it Done’!
3:17, no assistance. Not bad for me.
4:13, no reveals.
2:00 flat. DST is not good for pets/animals, the elderly, those on strict medication schedules, and for those of us who have a difficult adjusting to the changes. Why is it the public cannot vote to abolish it once and for all and leave the times to exactly where they’ve been? Here in Michigan, we’ve been on Eastern standard time for as long as I can remember. My gosh, LEAVE IT ALONE!!!
1:52 no reveals
2:38, no reveals