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3:11…took me forever to find RIDES. All in all, though…not too bad for a grouchy ol’ guy. =]
3:51 no help
3:02 no help
1.59 Was a fun one to do
2:02 this was fun.
2:36 with getting hung up at Disneyland and Coasters.
1:10 Confidence builder.
1:00. Not too shabby.
1:33 I hope everyone is having a beautiful day.
1:22 no reveals. YAY! Hope your day is filled with many blessings. Enjoy the good weather too!
6:17. It takes so much more time on my small phone screen. Touchscreen isn’t very responsive. But, still, it’s fun anyway. No helps, all on my own.
3:08 – took a while but no reveals
2:58 Think summer. Think fun. These places are actually opening. Yay!
Kennywood Park
1:43 Little better than usual
1:22 Easiest word search ever
Took me 7:48, but I have spent much longer time on others.
4:44 I think my contacts are making me slow as word find is about my favorite.
2:54, no reveals
3:06 no reveals.
2:58. I had a little bit of trouble finding the word “rides”.
3:50 I was slowed down by of all things, the word ride.
2:07 No reveals. It was one of my best times, with my poor vision.
enjoy the puzzles, kind of cleanses the palate after reading often disturbing news.
That was fun, Thank you!
2:42 okay
1:39, I have never done one of these so fast.
4:04 not my best time,
3:27….got hung up on swings….
2:09 with no reveals. It’s a great day out there – get out and enjoy it!
6:01 but I did it?? ha ha
5:05 with no assists. Relatively easy but fun.
3:54 can’t believe this old lady did it this so fast but still think I was slow as the words were so obvious…
4:53 I suck at this
4:02 I’m just not into it tonight. Think I will stop for tonite and do the last puzzle tomorrow! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
2:29 for me
2:07 so I did good.
2:13….Rides hung me up, dang it.
3:36 Pretty good for me!
You finished the puzzle in 3:59
Reveals Used: 0
A rather slow 4:41
Confused me for a second as so many were straight across. One of my best times at 2:02.
3:16 but it was till fun!!
I finished in1:32, not bad for me.