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Hint: Key North African battle where Allied forces, led by Montgomery, halted Rommel's advance.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Got them all except the last one.
2:32 w/a few 1st letter hints. Never heard of the final answer; used a word reveal.
the names were easy…the battle I had no idea so had to get a couple of hints
1.23…I’d ‘almost’ be willing to bet no one in the USA under the age of 25 would know anything about any of this.
Whizzed right through the peoples names, but had to reveal the battle, as I never heard of it before, and even though I figured the first word would be “el”, I couldn’t make sense of the remaining letters. Is that the local name for Tobruk?
Where was Patton? El Alamein!
Got them all but told me I had misspelled El Alamein tried two other spellings all were wrong. The first spelling was right.
1:19, no misses or hints.
Revealed the final answer
1:30 with a hint on first letter. I got lucky. Spelled last one correctly the first time!
2:19 – Time would have been better, but my computer kept jumping around. Frustrating1
AMAC seems to have overlooked Truman and his critical role in bringing WWII to an end!
40 seconds. Heck, I taught history for 33 years.
2:31 Easy, but Marshall threw me and took up most of the time.