Winter Wildlife
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Hint: A small weasel whose fur turns snowy white in winter, once prized for royal robes.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
0:51 Got the first 4 within 25 seconds. Brain “freeze” took the rest of it to come up with “ermine”
2:14 Ugh, used two hints. What the heck is an Ermine??
37 seconds. I cannot believe normal, rational folks pay $$$$ to go (on PURPOSE!) where it is cold and snowy just to BE where it is cold and snowy.
1:46….had to do reveal on last one….
Puzzle froze just like the weather outside.
26 seconds, may be a record for me.
34secs. would have been better but I had a TMA(mini-stroke) on Tues. and my left hand doesn’t work quite right.
I finally got all of them…and in a good time, but ermine stumped me for several seconds. 42 was my time. I’m happy!
23 seconds is a record for me… it seems this one was successful for many
No such thing as an ermine down here in south Texas. Might have figured out a chupacabra though.
37 sec
penguins are in the Antarctic not the arctic
44 seconds, no hints
28 seconds, knew them all at one glance
I cannot believe the amount of people that did not know what an ermine is!
It is similar to mink but more expensive. Look at pictures of kings of the past.
2:08 with a couple letter hints for penguin.
Ermine is the white fur with black specks that trim kings robes.
A best for me: 39 seconds.
2:15 WOW !! that’s the first time I got them all with no help
30 seconds
53 seconds. Ermine is white and I first learned of it after seeing a live Cinderella play. At the end, ermine trimmed her robe. Google images of it. You’ve probably seen it. 🙂
It is about 50 degrees to HOT for football. 20 below and waste deep snow is needed. Brisk crisp and invigorating in the fresh air.
I got all but the last one. I’ve never heard of an Ermine.
Didn’t know the HINT answer. Had not heard of it.
3:49- did good until the last animal…never heard of it before. Had to guess
:56 seconds. No hints. Had hard time figuring out second word.
.40 seconds
58 seconds. That’s OK by me.
40 seconds