Winter Weather Wonders
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Hint: Delicate ice formations that appear on plant stems or surfaces when the temperature drops suddenly.
Hints Used on Letters:
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I just googled “frost flowers”. Like most of you I had never heard of frost flowers. The pictures I found are extraordinary! So once again I learned something!
1:02 Frost Flowers?
Never heard of the last clue, ever. I’m from the north and have lived in the northern states most of my life. That word was my downfall.
I got them all but frost flowers! Never heard that term before and lived in the north growing up. Must be a new term.
Never heard of Frost Flowers
.47 I guess I love winter!
I have only seen pictures of frost flowers but I would love to actually find one.
0:55 Not bad. Had not heard of the Hint Answer
Frost Flowers are something new to me! But, I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and very rarely see snow.
Gotta say those pics of frost flowers are weird looking. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one, but then I generally am not out looking when temps are cold enough for such to form.
5:38 eight letters
I grew up in Texas. Never heard of frost flowers LOL.
Frost Flowers? Really!? FROST FLOWERS?!
Results still blurry.
3:05 with 1 letter reveal on Glacier
1:43. Didn’t know what glacier had to do with winter weather. I used 2 letter hints on it. The rest were easy. I’ve never heard of frost flowers either.
.58 Glad to get an easy one!!
46 seconds
57 seconds.
2:15 with 4 letter hints.
42 sec
39 seconds. I had not heard of the final answer either.