Winter Birds
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Hint: Sharing a name with the St. Louis Baseball team, these birds are believed to be a spiritual representation of deceased loved ones watching over us.
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Check Attempts:
33 seconds.
“My little chickadee.” W. C. Fields. Why are some of these singular, and others are plural?
1:04 this turtle knows his birds!
Love the birds.
1:44 🙂
45 seconds and I don’t know much about birds except those in my yard. Luckily these are all in my yard!
1:24, missed one being plural… ????
:57 Love the birds!
1:06 I was expecting one of the strange bird names.
1:14… The best I’ve ever done on Word Jumble! Maybe it’s because I like birds?
44 sec my best yet! Gotta love those birds except those that like my grapes!!!!
Never considered a robin a winter bird, but I have seen some occasionally…freezing their butts off looking for worms in frozen ground…
Starlings? Yuck!!!
2:21. Not a bird person but recently I’ve noticed a large group of birds perched on a nearby roof. They fly off all together in formation. Synchronized flying. It’s beautiful to see.
1:19 w/2 letter hints. I can’t believe it was that easy for me!
:42, my fastest time ever. Even though to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never seen at least some of these birds I’m familiar with the names. The answers just popped.
45 seconds pretty good for a rainy Thursday afternoon.
1:45; no hints. This may be the fastest I have solved an AMAC Word Jumble puzzle!
1:03. I had a problem with “robin”. Used the first letter hint. Go figure. Rest I got immediately.
2:25 – no help. My usual slow and steady pace on these puzzles.
2:00..1 Hint.
37 seconds, which includes some lost time because my browser and apps kept switching. No reveals or hints
1:07 I’m having a record day for me on these games. Must be the good night’s sleep.
You finished the puzzle in 0:51
59 seconds. I probably would have had a record, if my fingers had cooperated with my brain. They all popped out to me immediately, but in my excitement, I missed or doubled up on letters.
1:51. Been a very long time that I did not use a reveal!
Must have been the treadmill walk finally…
Word Jumble is usually the hardest puzzle for me. It was super easy today and my best time ever at 47 seconds with no hints! Unbelievable!
1:18 Always slower than most, but I felt I did pretty good this time. I love birds!
:37 including fixing a typo
:51 seconds includes fixing a typo
1:26 not super good and no reveals