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Hint: A common effect of winter upon animals, notably birds is...
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Incorrect Letters after Check:
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Nice puzzle. Enjoyed the challenge.
2:36 not too bad…. we live in the northeast so I guess we are familiar with these terms
2:37 Cathy you beat me by a second.
I live in the south so it took me a bit but i enjoyed it..just glad i don’t have to deal with most of those things!
41 seconds
wow. 1:35 with 4 hints.
2:53. 4 Hints. Not so easy. Maybe because I live in Vegas, not much winter here.
1:28 with 3 hints.
over 5 minutes using several reveals, don’t miss winters up north.
3:13. I forgot to look at the theme before starting so had to look to understand what the words represented. Dangerous was the hardest to decipher me. But, I used no reveals and had no misses.
2:46, I needed a hint for the third word – dangerous. I think it had too many vowels.
Whiteout (?), really, how many people in the U.S. experience this except if you actually live high in the mountains! And dangerous (????), why is Winter any more dangerous than summer? Could have used, Black Ice, Slippery, Snowman, Snow Blower, Snow Shovel, and so many more words.
2:31 no reveals
Former Midwesterner- experienced all of these. All scary, IMO, NWS whiteout warnings are to be heeded seriously! The worse whiteout conditions we experienced were interstate driving with 1 inch of snow, the high winds whipping across open fields had tractor trailers jack knifing- a 90 minute drive took 5 hours! Thankful to not experience here in TX; the cobblestone ice in 2012 was the worse! Driving on dry pavement and encountering ice on overpasses; the wind blew the snow sideways during rush hour, where snow was packed by cars and trucks. Took days for it to melt…
87 seconds
I’m from Minnesota
Over 9 mins ! For some reason dangerous kicked my butt. LOL
1:58, but had to use two letter reveals. Otherwise, finally one I could figure out pretty easily.
99 seconds, my best, would have been better but did not realize I had misspelled whiteout.