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Hint: The Yellowstone national park is home to what is referred to as a supervolcano. This is the known as the Yellowstone...
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
2:26. Caldera gave me trouble. I thought caldron and had to look at the letters again, only A and E remained. I had to figure out the order. Been to Yellowstone once. What an amazing place.
The last one, I had no clue, never been to Yellowstone and not all the letters were there so had to cheat to get the answer!
1:45 I too had problems with Caldera.
Where is the “L”?
Que es una Caldera? Dios mios!!!
AMAC needs to find somebody that knows how JUMBLE works. The idea is that the final solution is composed of the circled letters from the clues.
The last word, Caldera, was missing all but 3 letters at first. By the time I figured it out, it was still missing the L. Took me slightly over 4 minutes with 3 letter hints
I really struggle with this type of puzzle. They make me want to swear.
My Granny used to tell me that: “Profanity was a means by which ignorance could become audible. ” Smart old gal.
There was no L in the words to complete the solution. The puzzle answer had 7 letter boxes and only 6 letters to work with. Somebody messed up.
Caldera was easy. The others gave me some time. This game is slow on a tablet.
2:06. I needed a few first letter hints but I knew the last one before I did the others even with one letter missing.
Someone isn’t doing their job on this week’s jumble. ‘Nuff said!!!
I only had 2 answers, and one was wrong.
Never heard the word Caldera before
Btw, the last circle was in the jumble word itself
How do you get CALDERA out of ERDAAAL?
2:55 was not to bad for me but I had to get a couple of first letter hints!
Well yet another puzzle without enough letters to solve.
someone needs to proof these puzzles before publishing. its getting so regular to be frustrating.