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Hint: a prominent mountain range in the eastern United States that extends through Virginia as part of the larger Appalachian Mountains
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
26:57 – kept walking away from this but hey, its Virginia – anybody really care??!!
I find word jumbles the most difficult of the AMAC puzzles. I needed to reveal one or two letters of the first 4 words but all went smoothly. I did manage to get Blue Ridge without any letter reveals. Thank you AMAC for the challenge.
3:06 For me that was good. Knew the places (from history) but took time to unscranble their names.
1:31 but had to use a few letter hints – not familiar with VA that much.
2:15 Couldn’t remember Lynchburg at first.
253 6 letters
Got all but the first word in under a minute, then went brain dead for 2 minutes and finally gave up and revealed it. And isn’t that where Jack Daniels whiskey comes from, or is it Tennessee? Final result 2:57.
6:34 2 hints
The last item that has the hint only gave me two letters. It never gives me the right amount of letters anymore. Sometimes, I get no letters. Never used to have this problem, but the last I don’t know how many months, it just doesn’t show up correctly.
1:32 with 2 letter hints.
1:48…never been to Virginia but heard of some of the places here and there.
1:28 w/eight letter hints. The only one I didn’t need help with was Roanoke.
1:24 I lived in VA as a child in the 50’s. One of the best places I ever lived. Traveled through about 29 years ago – not so much any more.
Under 2 mins. Dad got a transfer to San Antonio, Texas (USN) so we moved when I was 4 years old. Have passed through numerous times to get to Taxxachusetts for visits. The bridge-tunnel is a magnificent engineering feat.
1:57 Never heard of Leesburg.
1:04. Two of the four were not the most common names I’d have thought of with respect to Virginia.
1:00 even.
wow…1:14 for me today!!!! with no help..hahahaha