Saint Valentine’s Day
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Hint: A person who completely understands you and is perfectly suited to be in a loving relationship with you
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
1:12 In the puzzle, February is misspelled. Enjoyed this scramble
How do YOU spell February???
that is not how February is spelled
February spelled wrong
Somebody can’t spell FEBRUARY
This puzzle is all messed up today!
Good Lord I miss the days when kids were taught reading, writing & rythmatic! Lord only knows what the young ones are being taught today …!
And soulmates is more than “a oerson”
Instead of admirer, I put married, which would have worked, as well.
Did anyone else guess married for admirer?
It’s to bad you don’t know how to spell February. And, locket? 3:54 with an excessive amount of helps. On Tuesday, I enjoy word search…can’t post results!!
2:43 “Febuary” and “Soulmates”. Can we get an editor here?
It is good to see that I’m not the only one who picked up on how February is SUPPOSED to be spelled. My time was 1:32.
2:56 You seriously need a proof reader for these puzzles. You’re not smarter than the 5th graders I use to teach. Lol.
wow..what a mess…I had married instead of admirer so I couldn’t figure out the last one…no wonder but they need to learn to spell!!!!
OSESAULTR does not spell soulmates. There are 2 Rs in February and a puzzle for older generations are more likely to come up with married over admirer. I think those who put this one together need to start regretting their public school indoctrination.
3:01 I had a tough time with this one.
Yikes! Who made this one??
what a mess. Missed February because it was spelled wrong – missed one R folks.
You must be kidding !!
No proof reader?
I had such a hard time trying to spell February, with the letters given. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me! I also used married instead of admirer, maybe that is just us “older” folks.
MARRIED and ADMIRER use the exact same letters – go figure
2:59 Had a hard time with wonky February word.
It’s the new English, just make up anything. Wonderful new schooling!
“Febuary”?? Misspelled
“Soulmates” ? The hint is for “a person”.,,singular, not plural
Get a new proofreader!
1:41, 1 hint.
Not my best subject…. 2:10 missed one completely….
4:07. Had to have a hint to get “admirer”.
1:21 with no assists nor misses.
Bogus! The item for which the anagram wanted “admirer” can also be unscrambled as MARRIED which my wife and I have been for 50 1/2 years.
Had a hard time with the weeds. Never have liked roses, because of the thorns.
1:15…..not bad for me
47 seconds. I guess that’s pretty good
1:38. I used 2 letter hints on admirer. (I had dreamer and realized I didn’t use the “i”.)
1:35 no help. Hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend.
1:13 Hope everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day (:-))
3:11. How embarrassing! And I thought Admirer was “married”. Same letters. LOL
Unable to get “soulmate” from the letters: OSEUALTR?!