February 14th
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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: Which color rose stands for "love at first sight"?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
0:56 Another easy one.
1:58 seemed easy but slow on a phone
I finished in .40 sec. It must be love.
1:01..could have done better if I had any typing skills.
0:53 my best ever.
51 seconds!! My fastest ever!!
These puzzles are much easier to complete on a desktop computer–it automatically advances to the next square to type the letter. On my tablet, I have to individually click on the next square to type the letter.
0:48 Easy peasy.
Wow 34 secs
Reading comments, is it easy? Or, a topic I’m familiar with this week, lol!
35 seconds. Too easy.
29 seconds – that’ll never happen again
I don’t like these puzzles, but I tried this one. Because I am a romantic guy, I was able to solve it in under 1:30. The probability of me beating that time is exactly ZERO.
23 seconds. Really easy today.
35 seconds
41 seconds, but I type slowly
23 seconds…WOW! This is the easiest one yet.
0:29 – such an easy one!
53 Pretty easy this time!
:57 – This was one of the easier ones.
WOW! :53 2 assists on flowers
:34, no hints unless you count #4 which actually used the word roses for the clue. Probably my best time yet, not sure.
Well, this is a first. . ..43 seconds.
1:31 with 1 letter hint. Best time ever for me.
:18 My best time yet.
17 seconds
53 seconds! That’s a record for me. I hate scrambled words. I can’t ever figure them all out, but this one was easy!
:28 seconds, definitely a personal best.
You finished the puzzle in 0:51
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
0:46…thank you for an easy one.
Personal best
1:51 no hints/revels. I’m shocked. I was certain, knowing me, I would need 9 hints and 2 reveals to get through this one.
31 seconds. Fastest time ever. Would have been less time if I typed faster.
43 seconds for this one. It was pretty easy today!
I mis-spelled a word, but still came in at :55. Would have been much better. Drat!
45 seconds. How’d that happen?
You finished the puzzle in 0:39
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 5
Incorrect Words after Check: 1
Check Attempts: 2
35 My Best yet!