Valentine’s Day
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Hint: What is the most common symbol associated with Valentine's Day?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
28 sec. Sally
1:30 Fun and easy.
52 seconds with one help. Word jumble is not my better quiz.
26 seconds, no helps, no errors! I must be a romantic at heart?
1:29 good time for me.
1:02…. Still wish I had a Valentine… <3
1:59 got hung up on romantic but finally figured it out, no reveals
1:53. Those chocolates made me hungry! Have a great day.
1:29 – all chocolate looks good!
1:44 Got stumped on “romantic” (of all things!). But fun as always????
1:31 ????
“Cupid” was already spelled correctly on my screen! ☺
38 seconds, on my “A” game today!
I finished this one in 55 seconds, my best time ever. Love must be in the air. Wishing all a very happy Valentine’s Day.
1:10…no hints, no misses, but trouble keeping my fingers on the right keys or might have been a better time.
39 seconds. I don’t usually do well in word jumble, just a lucky day, I guess. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.
41 seconds…best ever for me! Maybe because I actually got candy and flowers today….?
can’t get the second word and it won’t “reveal” or even “hint”
Thanks all for the good wishes…some of us are very lonely on this day – it’s sad – so seek out those that are alone & help them feel better! or EVEN GREAT
1:52 Not a day I celebrate. The love of my life left this world nearly 30 years ago.
43 seconds
1:18 Definitely my best time.