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Hint: This winged child draws his bow to inspire romance and love.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Fun Jumbles today- thanks for making our brains work- that’s what we need folks! If it’s obvious, we are firing our neurons and working our brains!
Great puzzle. Made me think. Had to reveal the first letter in 2 words. The reveal on one letter can focus my attention on having my brain to operate appropriately.
1:37 with 1 letter hint.
2:03 and 3 letter reveals
Boy, that was a bust. Knew the first and last words, rest I needed hints. Guess I’m not much of a romantic anymore.
1:18. No help. A first for me.
41 seconds
1:03 – So much better when I save this one for last!
1:07 no hints
Doggone lovebirds got me. I figured out “love” but the other part of the word deluded me. I had a friend who kept and bred love birds. They are tiny and adorable. Nice puzzle.
4t seconds
For a moment, I thought POEMS was MOPES…
1:30. Got stuck on #3, but got #5 after reading the first 3 words of the clue. Went back to #3 and spotted love, so I entered that and the rest of the word popped right out at me.
1:45 Valentine’s Day is the time for love!
1:07 No hints.
:41, though chocolates did not appear that it would fit.
:49…its frightening when I do that!
:51…. The best I’ve ever done! I’m usually terrible at this kind of puzzle! (: