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Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Hint: What is the name of the desert which occupies a small part of the southwestern corner of Utah?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
That was weird. Two of the words weren’t even scrambled! No wonder it only took me 1:53! ?
You finished the puzzle in 0:53
:52 no mistakes!
0:49 – I didn’t think I knew my Utah info good enough to finish that fast!
0:39. I don’t know why. Just got lucky.
2:51Good time but the letters kept mixing up after I placed them. Weird.
After looking at some of the times recorded here I think I’ll go slam my head in the refrigerator door.
Wiped out on a wet corner on my bike and banged up my knee finished in 1:30 my best time ever. I hope being hurt is not the key.
0:34! Must be all the sunshine today!
1:03 Would have been much, much shorter, however, the ‘mountains’ letters kept moving around or not printing at all. Still, liked the puzzle. Thanks!
1:23. Easiest jumble ever!
hey//why can’t they set up a germ free area to wash the used gowns sterilize for germ free use again ???
1:23, good fro me
You finished the puzzle in 1:51
Hints Used on Letters: 0
Hints Used on Words: 0
Reveal Puzzle Used: No
Incorrect Letters after Check: 0
Incorrect Words after Check: 0
Check Attempts: 1
1:21 one of my best times.
I did the puzzle on my phone….much more challenging than on the laptop! My time sucked.
Although I got interrupted during the puzzle with a phone call, my time still would have been MUCH longer than everyone else’s. It was a good puzzle for me, though. I might try slamming my head on the refrigerator door if that really helps. hahaha
2:30 Trouble with placing the letters.
:55 with no errors. My best yet
1:11 with 1 hint. I’ll likely never do that well again. Must be a good day, but not on all puzzles.
I’m never good at this game, but today, I got them all right!! It took 3:19, but still no hints…..!
Possibly my best ever
.27 – This puzzle was unusually easy. Enjoy the puzzles tremendously! They help keep the mind sharp!
.48 no errors
.45 my best on the word jumbles
I finished in less than 3 minutes and got all the words right but the clock kept running. Ugh!
18 seconds
That was challenging. I only got 2 of them.