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Hint: In the Marines this person is often responsible for leading and training in various roles.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
I’m sorry to admit that I recognized the words, but had LOTS of trouble with correct spelling! And to think I used to teach spelling decades ago! Lol
I figured out the words but had a hard time spelling Lieutenants and sergeant. Time terrible and used more letter hints than I should have. TGIF
Pretty easy once I figured out all the top scrambles were Officer grades. Glad to see an enlisted grade was recognized for getting the job done.
Hmm- didn’t expect this list of jumbles today. The game beat me badly, even after I figured out it was officers!
I spelled the last answer correctly three times and it kept telling me I was wrong. I finally clicked give the the answer button and the spelling was just like I had it.
My spelling, terrible.
Hey-hey! AMAC cleaned up the jumble and made it grammatically sound.
Well I’ll be! 1:47 with no hints or mistakes
The final examination in NAVY OCS had a problem that was absolutely impossible to accomplish under the conditions. The correct response is, “Tell the Chief Petty Officer to do it.”
1:10. Would’ve gotten it quicker if the jumble maker had not made two mistakes in the first five words of the final item. Instead of “Marine’s”, should have been Marines; instead of “roll”, should have been role. I expect this from AARP, not AMAC.
Some solace in seeing others admit to difficulty in spelling,,,,,I just outright suck.
53 seconds! I’m surprised I spelled them all right the first try.
1:03. Sometimes these things are TOUGH!
703 3 words and 3 reveals, terrible
3:45 no hints – – I didn’t see anything at 1st, then realized they were all ranks, I did have some problems when it didn’t want to accept the letters.