Tropical Vacation
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Hint: When you are on vacation you are considered a...
Hints Used on Letters:
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Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
There is no “r” in the last clue.
1:00. Beaches sound good about now
I could not get suitcase for love nor money!!!! Good grief.. Not thinking of a vacation I guess!!
5:13 Wow, a tough one for me. I just couldn’t see the words, except for ‘beaches’ and ‘tourist’ right off.
4:09 not too bad ?♀️
This was very challenging for me. My own imagination led me in the different direction due to the title of “Tropical Vacations.” Ha. Ha. Ha. Great puzzle. Thanks AMAC.
1:24 That was fun. It would be more fun if I could go on my vacation to Hawaii like I had planned earlier this year. Oh, well. I haven’t caught the virus, thankfully, though several of my adult children have who live in Washington and Hawaii, but they recovered quickly.
The last word did not have the correct letter to form the word tourist.
I did terrible. I was distracted. I guess I’m not thinking vacation. I enjoy these puzzles anyway. Thanks AMAC.
6:46. That’s probably my worst score ever on this type of puzzle. I usually work on these in the mornings; I tried unsuccessfully to access this puzzle this morning but (probably some glitch) it didn’t work.
I most always reveal the first letter to get done quickly. this time it was 1:55.
47 seconds, no hints. Yes, bragging. Don’t know how this happened.
1:46 Best time for the jumble for me. Love the games.
46 seconds