Trick or Treat
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Hint: A game often played around Halloween and at Halloween parties sees people try and pull a piece of fruit from water using only their teeth. This is called bobbing for...
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Wow! 47 seconds a record for me, but this was really easy
I’m always having trouble with scrambles. Happy Halloween!!!
2:06 This is a fun time of the year, the last 3 months. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
1:17**This one was rather easy.
just might be the easiest one in ages but am also pretty tuned in to Halloween stuff 🙂
1:13 w/3 hints. I cannot believe how easy this was for me today!!
35 seconds!! My sweet tooth (teeth) moved me along.
:23 today – my best ever
1:15.This is among the best times I’ve had on any AMAC puzzle! Since this is Halloween week, the puzzle was incredibly easy! Happy Halloween all!!
Good Jumble. Thanks.
no hints or reveals 1:42
1:11 With no hints or reveals
1:55. Couldn’t for the life of me get “haunted”. Then spelled it wrong after I did. Funny.
1:12 not too shabby for a Friday
44 secs for me. fastest one ever. Happy Halloween All.
I’m embarrassed. As a chocoholic I had to use two reveals to get chocolate. I actually typed it initially as toolcache, knowing it made no sense. 3:28 to finish.
1:08….had to use 2 letter reveals.
1:52…took me forEVER to figure out HAUNTED. dUh =|
27 seconds! That’s the best I’ve ever done on one of these. And I didn’t even have the issue of my some of my keystrokes not being recognized, which happens nearly every single time.
All time record for me since I’m old. 1:06. Must have been easy!!
Darn! Haunted, not undeath!
21 seconds
35 sec, by far a new record for me. Even having to go slow since it takes so long for letters to appear after I type.