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Hint: A token of remembrance from your trip.
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
Doesn’t anybody check these before they go public? Airplane only has 8 letters not 9.
That is stupid!
What the heck is wrong with the second word. it is impossible to solve.
Ok… at least we all missed the same word today!
cant solve due to airplane with too many spaces
The error with airplane is SO obvious it is beyond comment!!
ok folks, calm down. Afterall, this is a free puzzle! and despite the troublesome word ‘airplane_’, it was still fun!
I’m going to be kind- jumbles was a challenge today, but hey, the person creating them may be as old as me! LOL!
AMAC, there are way too many mistakes in your puzzles in the last few months. Perhaps you need a new person performing this task. Pride in ones work is missing.
I guess there aren’t enough letters in Airplane.
The airplane will not fly.
Hey, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it :p
Yes, they messed up with airplane. But it was still fun and we know we were right. So don’t beat yourself up.
Another puzzle glitch. Oh, well. Nothing new.
You might have noticed that I did not enter a time. AMAC GOOFED on the second word. The word was AIRPLANE. You put NINE spaces on an EIGHT-LETTER WORD!!! I scrolled down and noticed that everyone else said the same thing. I hope you will correct this for your afternoon puzzle. For what it’s worth, spelling happens to be my strongest suit.
Yup – kept trying AIRPLANE and it would not register.. Knew I had it right – what the heck is going on????
Airplane(space) didn’t work, Air(space)plane didn’t work. Oh well! At least I know it was the right word for the puzzle. Happy Thursday!
I had problems with “airplane” also. But that’s OK. It was fun getting the other words.
the airplane in the jumble puzzle..something is wrong!
another broken puzzle 🙁
wish I new how to spell souvenir.
The puzzle is now fixed. Thanks AMAC
40 sec. Nice to see “Airplane” got fixed.
40 seconds, but maybe because we just returned from a vacation voyage having taken an airplane to a cruise, came home with souvenirs, and arrived at our destination safely.
58 seconds. I tried solving this puzzle this morning. On the second word, AIRPLANE, which has 8 letters, AMAC put NINE SPACES for that word. I didn’t record my time this morning–i didn’t even check the time out. Thanks, AMAC, for correcting that mistake.
Thanks for the Puzzle! Have a wonderful weekend.
57 seconds, NOW can I have a vacation, to the ocean please…..
1:30, but I needed first letter hints on #1 and 2. Still fun, though.
Airplane was fixed when I did this in 1:23. Don’t think I would have handled it well otherwise, as I was already frustrated with the inability to post a comment on the word search. BTW, I’m available for proof reading.
32 seconds. Knew each one right off the bat.
1:29…had trouble with souvenir spelling.
the word airplane worked for me but “Destination” kicked my butt! Let’s forget about the time – LOL
Finally did the puzzle, finished in 1:58 with no reveals nor misses. Initially I thought I’d not solve it but the words suddenly clicked for me.
1:11 with one letter hint for voyage. Hmmm….